Definition Google Webmaster Guidelines

Google Webmaster Guidelines is a set of recommendations from the search engine that help sites get indexed and ranked in the SERPs. The main guidelines that Google insists on are

Google PageSpeed Insights

Google Page Speed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a tool that measures and reports on the performance of a web page on desktop computers as well as mobile devices using a combination of


Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is an automated audit tool initiated by Google and available for free to test the performance, accessibility and SEO of a website. The tool is able to quickly

Google Knowledge Graph

Google Knowledge Graph

The Knowledge Graph is a knowledge base that Google uses to compile its results which group together semantic information drawn from various sources. It includes a network of interconnected entities

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool provided by Google that helps advertisers and online content creators research keywords and gain valuable insights into what their audience is searching for.

Google bowling

Google bowling

Google bowling is a technique that consists in artificially building a massive number of backlinks to a website in order to make it go down in the search engine rankings.

Google bomb

Google bomb

Google bomb or Google bombing is an underground SEO practice that aims to improve the ranking of a web page for a specific keyword. It consists of increasing the number

Google Alerts

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free notification service from Google that alerts users by email when new results appear in the search engine for a given keyword. It takes into account

Google +

Google +

Created by Google, Google+ is a multi-functional social networking platform that had made an impactful entry into the social networking arena. It disrupted the web with a rewarding journey before


Google Ads

Formerly called Google AdWords, Google Ads is a subsidiary of Google that sells advertising space to advertisers. The word “AdWords” comes from “Ad” or “Advertising” which means advertising and “Word”



Geotargeting, also known as geotargeting, is classified as a geomarketing and internet marketing technique. It consists of locating the visitor of a site in order to offer him specific content

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Google Cache

The Google Cache, can be defined as the memory of Google that temporarily records snapshots or copies of web pages during the passage of crawlers. The objective of the search


Google Maps

Google Maps is the name of the tool developed by Google to provide users with all the information they need about their location, as well as that of any specific



” Google “ is the most powerful and popular search engine in the world, but it is first and foremost the name of one of the biggest computer companies of


Google My Business

“Google My Business” still abbreviated GMB is a free online directory offered by Google to help local businesses improve their brand visibility on the Net, including in Google search results

Google Analytics

Sometimes abbreviated GA, “Google Analytics” is a tracking tool developed by Google, to collect and provide valuable information about websites. It is a powerful web analytics application that provides information

Grey Hat

Grey Hat SEO is a set of SEO strategies and techniques that allow web marketers to get their site ranked among the top search results. As some web marketers say,


Google Search Console

Translated into French as ” Google Search Console ” and often abbreviated to GSC, the ” Google Search Console ” is an online tracking service designed by Google, to inform


Google Trends

Google Trends is a feature of Google designed to search for trending topics. It helps determine the popularity of a specific term in Google Search, Google News, Google Images, Google


Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Google Mobile-Friendly Test is a tool designed by the number 1 search engine to help webmasters test the adaptability of their site to mobile devices. This tool is part of

Google Pirate (1)

Google Pirate

Google Pirate is an update to the number one search engine’s algorithm to punish or penalize websites that violate copyright law. This update specifically affects the ranking of piracy sites

Google Page Experience (1)

Google Page Experience

Google Page Experience is an update that calls for a complete user experience approach to website SEO, website design and development. Indeed, this update gathers signals that measure how people



Guestography is the practice of posting visual resources on external blogs in the hope of getting backlinks to a website. It can be an infographic that a given site offers

Google Fred 1

Google Fred

Google Fred is an adjustment to the main algorithm of the web giant, Google. This update is designed to penalize sites that are inundated with ads and driven by monetization,


Google Panda

Google Panda is one of the major filters of the Google search engine algorithm. The objective of this update is to improve the ranking of high quality pages and to


Google Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird is a complete overhaul of the main algorithm that the American firm uses to process search results. This major update uses conversational search to examine the intent behind

Google possum_2

Google Possum

Google Possum is the name given to one of the recent updates to the Google search algorithm. It was launched in September 2016 and mainly affects local search results. Its


Google Pigeon

Google pigeon is an update specifically designed to provide users with relevant query results close to home. Otherwise, this update ensured that local pages had the opportunity to rank higher

penalites mensuelles (2)

Google Penalty

A Google penalty is a sanction imposed on a website when it is suspected of adopting bad SEO practices. The penalty can come from an algorithm or from a human


Google News

A survey shows that 60% of people trust the information they read on Google News more than elsewhere. This is the main reason why millions of people visit the platform


Google Dance

Google combines more than 200 factors to display search results and regularly adjusts its system to make search more intuitive. In the past, the updates caused a lot of commotion