” I am still progressing thanks to you… thank you Alexandre MAROTEL “
This moving and very encouraging message is actually a comment that Céline Saez posted after she read my article on the technique of overbidding :

Such messages/comments, I have received several and I consider them as the best encouragement that make me want to continue with Twaino even more.

Other factors that also confirm the effectiveness of my efforts are the performance of my website.
I have had the opportunity to show you twice the results I have achieved with Twaino.com. This time, I will continue this series of articles that allow me to share my strategies and the results I get
The goal doesn’t change Show you that with a good SEO strategy, you can get traction on the web. This is not an impossible ambition to achieve since I started from scratch.

However, as I tend to say It’s simple, but it’s not easy ?
Chapter 1. The numbers with Twaino.com at 8 months of launch
I mentioned it in my previous article on how to go from 1,000 to 2,000 visitorsbut I’ll mention it again as a reminder
- I launched my website in April 2019 ;
- I do not buy links and I do not use any Black Hat SEO techniques
- I do not currently do SEA or paid advertising
- I am in a hyper-competitive sector that is SEO.
To be precise, I created my website on March 25, 2019 and took about a 1 month period to get the twaino.com website up and running. So, I am currently just under 9 months into my website creation
But technically, I consider that things really started a little less than 8 months ago now, as I spent almost a month creating the site and the branding for Twaino.
As usual, I’m currently proposing to show you the performance of my website through
1.1. what is my performance with Google Analytics after 8 months?
For this article, I find it interesting to show you the evolution of my traffic since I got my first 1,000 visitors. Don’t worry, it will be quite short ?
1.1.1. History of Twaino.com traffic evolution
I passed the 1,000 visitors mark on September 21, 2019, that is 5 months after the launch of my website

To be precise, I had 1,002 visitors coming to my website each month as of the date listed.
On October 21, 2019, exactly 1 month, I passed the 2,000 monthly visitor mark with 2,019 monthly visitors.

I find this number quite ironic for two reasons
- The period is exactly 1 month (9/21 to 10/21);
- The number of visitors corresponds exactly to the current year (2019).
This is anecdotal, but it’s only now that I realized the second point ?
Anyway, let’s continue!
This time, it took me a little less than a month to reach 3,000 monthly visitors
To be more precise, it was November 18, 2019 with a figure of 3,064 visitors :

This time, it took me much less time to get another 1,000 monthly visitors. On the past December 11, 2019, I had 4,024 visitors visiting my website monthly.

The first notice is that it took me much less time to get another thousand visitors
From 21 of the month, I went to 18 and now to 11, with finally a reduction of 10 days. This shows without a doubt that the growth of my website Twaino.com is accelerating.
However, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I could have passed the 4,000 mark before the 11th
You will notice that there was a small dip:

Indeed, my website is a little less visited on weekends than on weekdays:


This can be explained by the fact that I address to professionals who are likely to rest on weekends
But it must be admitted that this drop was a little more important than the others
That’s probably because the holiday season is just around the corner. The weekends are the ideal time to buy gifts and make the necessary purchases to bid farewell to the current year.
In short, a drop in traffic on weekends that I have had the opportunity to notice on many occasions for my site Twaino.com.
1.1.2. How do visitors arrive on my website?
Search engines are my main source of traffic

Over the period of one month, search engines generate 74.5% of all traffic to my website, which is very significant.
But the most interesting is the proportion of direct traffic which is now 16.7%
Whereas it was 12.2% when my website was going to 2,000 monthly visitors:

This means that more and more people know my website and do not hesitate to go directly to it without necessarily going through the search engines.
The two other types of traffic, social and referral, have also increased slightly
It should be noted that I am quite active on LinkedIn, which we will see in the next sections.
1.1.3. Where are the visitors of my website located?
My visitors come from all over the world

There has been some evolution compared to October:

Nevertheless, France remains the country that allows me to have the most traffic and the most surprising is the United States which occupies the second place

Without any pretension, it’s nice to know that more and more Internet users from different countries are interested in the contents I publish on my website.
1.1.4. What is the behavior of the visitors on my website?
My main objective, which is to create an audience, has not changed yet.
As I already had to mention, I have not yet put in place strategies for
- Reducing the bounce rate
- The implementation of a conversion strategy
Over a period of 3 months, you can see in the following image the slightly upward trend in
- The number of page views
- The number of unique views
And a stagnation
- Of the Bounce Rate
- Percentage of exits
- Average time spent on the page.

Indeed, you will notice that the bounce rate and the time spent on the pages vary considerably from one page to another:

There are clearly several aspects that I still need to work on.
In addition to the home pagethe word counter and the Blog are the most visited pages on my website.
Still for the last three months, you can see that the popular pages where users spend the most time are
- My article on the Semantic Cocoon : 6 minutes 06 seconds
- My article on the website mockup 5 minutes 54 seconds
- My article on the sales funnel : 5 minutes 33 seconds.
Let’s try to see which page holds the record in terms of time:

The article on google’s ranking criteria seems to have 24 minutes 23 seconds, which is the highest
But it would be biased to consider it since there is only one person who viewed the page
It would be reasonable to consider the page with the video on creating and synchronizing Google Search Console
It was viewed by 9 visitors with an average of 15 minutes 42 seconds for the last three months.
Also, note that Twaino now has traffic over a longer period. Twaino.com becomes active from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. :

1.1.4. What electronic media do my visitors use?
This statistic has not changed from one period to the next, and the computer remains the most used electronic medium for accessing Twaino:

Smartphones are also not outdone as 1 in 4 people use them to access my website.
Now let’s move on to the analysis of the numbers on Google Search Console.
1.2. my numbers with Google Search Console

Not surprisingly, Search Console and Google Analytics show almost the same trends regarding the statistics of my website twaino.com.
1.2.1. Overview of my performance on Google Search Console
We can clearly see an improvement if we compare the information over 3 months and over 6 months
- The total number of clicks which has doubled
- The total number of impressions which is not far from the double
- The CTR click rate which has increased by 0.3%;
- Average position which improved from 31.6 to 26.

“Twaino” remains the most used term in search engines to find my website:

Thus, most people who access my website via search engines use my website name directly.
From a branding point of view, this is an excellent sign that Twaino is becoming more and more known.
Furthermore, the pages that received the most clicks in the search engines are

The other parameters such as countries or devices are not much different from those of Google Analytics. So I will spare you the repetitions.
1.2.2. Technical performance of Twaino
There are no errors on my website regarding the Coverage :

That said, Google’s experimental page load speed feature tells me that there are 15 URLs on my website that are slow

I will be taking steps to address these issues that have been detected. I also have a problem with AMP to solve that I will take care of quickly.
Everything seems to be working fine in terms of site security and I have not received any manual action:

As far as external links are concerned, Search Console tells me that I have 719 backlinks and the destination pages are as follows

It should be noted that my site was subject to a NSEO attack that I described in my guide on negative SEO. You should know that a good part of the links were disavowed and it would be difficult to give an accurate figure on the number of real backlinks that my website holds.
1.3. my results with Google My Business
My performance in Google My Business is still shy since I have only 5 more reviews since the last time

For the moment, I have only 5 stars and I hope to continue on the same path:

The reviews are very encouraging as you can see.
1.4. How do I perform in the SERPs?
The playground of SEO is nothing else than the SERPs and it would be unwise not to show you the results I got there.
My article on creating a sales funnel was in the featured snippet until a few weeks ago

But I noticed that Google no longer shows featured snippet for this query:

That said, my content is now in the first position, which is already a good compromise in terms of performance
It is almost the only query for which I occupy the first position in the SERPs, as shown by Moz :

In total, my website ranks for 53 keywords according to Moz pro :

And here is their distribution:

In total, my website ranks in the top 10 positions for 10 different keywords.
Another interesting detail is that there is an improvement compared to the past performances:

I was ranking for 42 keywords and I was in the top 10 results for only 5 keywords
Moreover, you will notice that the authority of my home page has evolved, it is now 13 instead of 9.
Moreover, the domain authority has increased to 16, what a relief because I was afraid that the NSEO attack would have a strong impact on the authority of my site!
Chapter 2: What strategy did I use to go from 0 to 4,000 visitors?
2.1. My strategy remains the same
If you wanted to discover a new strategy I use to grow my site’s visibility, I’m sorry to disappoint you. My strategy has not changed since I went from 0 à 1 000from 1 000 à 2 000from 2000 to 3000, etc…
If you look at these two articles, you will know exactly what process I used to get these numbers. So nothing new under the sun.
My strategy is still based on the same three pillars
- The creation of authoritative content
- Publishing content on my linkedIn account
- The creation and publication of videos on my youTube channel
Until then, I don’t use advertising campaigns and I don’t have any conversion objectives in place. I’ll spare you the red tape on this level as well by inviting you to read or reread my article that explains why How to go from 1,000 to 2,000 visitors?
Nevertheless, you can see the statistics of Google Analytics :


There is absolutely no campaign or conversion goal for the moment ?
Before ending this article, I propose you to see some feedback on LinkedIn.
2.2. Fascinating feedback on LinkedIn
On LinkedIn, my publications have more and more visibility. The one that holds the record in terms of views is this one
As I write this article, the number of views is 62,034 with 186 comments and 896 reactions.
(I can’t see the number of views for this post) you’re going to have to do the capture at your level.
It is important to note that this post, as well as many others, have generated some very nice exchanges like this one with Geneviève Demarseille Capon :

This is just one of dozens of very interesting exchanges that encourage me to always continue my posts.
Here is another post that is much more about creating illustrations
This post already has over 10,000 views, 77 comments and 278 reactions, which is a small achievement in itself.
To finish this section, here is a selection of 10 very motivating comments that only increase my efforts to offer better content on all my channels
Conclusion. SEO a very important lever for web marketing

This quote from William A. Feather is the basis of all the actions I lead with my agency Twaino
Indeed, my goal is to help as many people as possible to succeed in a world where digital has become a must for any business
It is in this logic that I started this series of articles to present you my strategies and the results I get. I am convinced that if you put into practice all the elements that I give through my contents, you will get results too.
I have applied them personally in a rather competitive sector (where there are only search engine experts ?) and I manage to get results. So in my opinion, there is no reason why you should not perform well in your field as well.
If you have difficulties and if you wish to be accompanied, do not hesitate to contact me via the contact page of this site or on LinkedInwhere I follow you very regularly.
See you soon!