To have visibility on the web, you must make your website attractive and competitive. And this, by adopting the good practices SEO practices and by publishing quality content
The implementation of these techniques revolves undoubtedly around the keywords which play a key role in the good referencing and optimization of your site
Especially since they correspond to the terms used by Internet users to find the products or services you offer.

In order to make it easier for you to find effective keywords, Google has set up a great tool called Google Trends. Believe me, this tool is worth exploring
In this article, I will show you seven effective ways to research keywords with Google Trends. But before I do that, I will briefly explain what Google Trends is and why you should use it.
Chapter 1: What is Google Trends and why use it?
In this chapter, I will explain what Google Trends is and why you should use it for a better keyword research
1.1. what is Google Trends?
According to Wikipedia:
“Google Trends is a tool from Google Labs that tracks how often a term has been typed into the Google search engine, with the ability to view this data by region and language.“
In other words, Google Trends shows you the search trends for a keyword in a region- or language-specific way. It acts as a sort of search frequency calculator.

Google Trends offers four (04) filters of keyword searches for a better optimization:
- Searches by category google Trends offers twenty-five (25) different categories of trend searches on various domains, various themes related to the searched keyword. You will just have to choose the category you want and launch the search. Here is an illustration on the capture.

- Geographical searches google Trends offers you the possibility to orient your search towards a given region or country. The comparison is even possible, all you have to do is to enter the region you want to search and the keyword and you are ready to go:

- Types of Google searches you can search in the various headings usually proposed by Google. Whether it is Images, Videos, News and more ;

- Searches by period you can search for a keyword by period on Google Trends. To do this, choose the desired period and off you go. Of course, the comparison is possible between two (02) periods:

1.2. Why use Google Trends for the research of keywords ?
There are thousand and one reasons to prefer and to use Google Trends. But here I will expose you the most important ones
Reason 1 : Google Trends favors the evaluation of the popularity of keywords
First of all, Google Trends allows you to evaluate the popularity of keywords according to the evolution of time. It gives you the trends of research of these words and thus allows you to know which keywords to prefer to give success and visibility to your site
You will know which keywords are more likely to give a better visibility to your site. Google Trends also proposes you keywords associated to the keyword you are looking for.
Here is an example of a search on Google Trends on the term “Web Design”:

This study runs from July 28, 2019 to June 28, 2020. We notice that in 2019 the keyword “Web design” was almost not searched
But over time and especially from the year 2020 the search frequency of this keyword has evolved considerably to the point of reaching the peak of 100 in June 2020
This means that Internet users are more and more interested in the field of “Web design”
You will therefore have to offer them content related to this keyword to help your website’s SEO.
Here is another example of a search on Google Trend with the keyword “Malaria”. A search that spans from July 28, 2019 to June 28, 2020

We can see that the keyword malaria was not searched much before March 2020. Period when the frequency reached the peak of 100 but just after, from April 2020 the search frequency dropped
It was during this period that the Covid 19 pandemic spread the most around the world. Maybe there is a correlation with the many searches on malaria
If you wanted to get your site up to speed, this was the perfect time to publish content about malaria.
Reason 2: Google Trends allows the targeting of a category of Internet users
Using Google Trends for keyword research allows you to target a category of Internet users.
Indeed, thanks to the possibility to search keywords by language and by region, you have the possibility to identify the mass of Internet users who direct their research towards a specific keyword. This will allow you to propose specific content for this category of Internet users
This is mainly the factor of geolocation, as shown in this example on the term “laptop”:
If I want to offer content about “laptops”, I know what kind of audience is likely to read my content
Reason 3: With Google Trends, possibility to find specific keywords
The third reason is that by using Google Trends for keyword research, you have the ability to find seasonally specific keywords and define the seasonality of certain keyword queries.

This allows you to plan seasonal content to offer at the right time and thus boost your website’s SEO
Reason 4: With Google Trends, you can make effective comparisons
Finally, Google Trends allows you to evaluate the popularity of keywords and compare them thanks to the “Compare” function.

n addition to avoiding you the keywords which are not popular any more, Google Trend proposes you new trendy keywords thanks to the associated requests

It is apparently very useful this Google Trends, isn’t it? But it will be even more useful if you know how to use it to search for keywords.
Chapter 2: The 07 effective ways to search for keywords with Google Trends
In this chapter, I will explain in detail seven (07) effective ways to search for keywords with Google Trends
I will start with the identification of seasonal trends for the timely creation of content
Then I’ll show you how to properly check for popularity spikes that skew the data
After that, I’ll talk about researching relevant topics and also how to use related queries in researching new keywords.
After that, I’ll talk about using Google Trends data in scheduling your content and targeting the regions that need your products or services
Finally, I’ll show you how to improve your video SEO strategy with YouTube searches.
Way 1: Identifying seasonal trends and their targets for timely content creation
2.1.1. Seasonal trends
You may have noticed that search frequencies for certain types of keywords decrease and increase in certain seasons. This suggests that these keywords are related to various types of seasons.
As an illustration, here is the Google Trend data for the keyword “home games”. This search spans a period of ninety (90) days in France :
We notice that the search volume for this keyword is slightly regular, because we all know that there was confinement in France and we could only go out for emergencies (Because of Covid 19). So we had to find something to do at home
Similarly, here is another illustration based on Google Trends data for the keyword “Family outings”

It appears from this data that the keyword “family outings” has not been searched much in France during this period. Because of the Covid 19 pandemic which forced the confinement
The right attitude would be for a website to offer content, products or services related to home games and to promote them during this period. Covid 19 is one example that we all hope will be temporary
Let’s take another common example, winter. During winter searches for the keywords “fur coats”, “beanie”, “warm clothing” reach their peak frequency in France and in the countries concerned
As you can see on the picture, the searches for the term “fur coat” reach their peak during the period from November to December of each year.

This is an opportunity to propose content that will fall at the right time, by proposing and promoting products or services related to this field.
And since this season is predictable, you can prepare accordingly in advance by advertising and promoting your products. You will only benefit and increase your popularity rating.
If there is no seasonal content, you can focus on non-seasonal content. And if during this period you are less busy with work, you can prepare content for other seasons in advance
This will allow you to be better prepared and to offer quality contents at the right time.
2.1.2. Identifying the targets of seasonal content
It is very important to identify the targets of seasonal content, because you cannot offer people what they do not need. Once you know the seasonal trends, you look for the people who match those trends
You can’t offer winter clothes to people in warm countries, because that season doesn’t exist there. In this case, you will have to look for cold areas with the lowest temperatures.
For the term “bonnet”, here are the regions that are likely to be interested in your contents

Or in France, the following regions

Do the same for your different terms in order to be able to “tailor” your content to the right audience.
Method 2: Checking for popularity peaks that distort the data
Pay close attention to the results provided by keyword searches with keyword research tools. This is not to say that they are wrong, but they can be misinterpreted.
A keyword may have been popular at one time and may not be popular at all once you decide to use it to produce content. Your content will therefore not have the desired effect and it would be unnecessary work
If the keyword is down, there is no point in creating content on it since your objective is not only to produce content, but to produce useful content
Hence the importance of checking the popularity of keywords with Google Trends
Let’s take the example of the keyword “Christmas”, with the Surfer extension which is also part of the keyword research tools, I see that the monthly search volume is 165,000

Can I now create content for this term and get traffic?
The answer can be given by Google Trends

It becomes obvious that promoting content about Christmas in the month of July is a very bad choice
.Try using the same tactic for the next content you want to promote.
Way 3: Search for relevant and current topics
If you are looking for keywords, they must be current so that the contents you will have to propose can interest the Internet users
You can do your research among the search trends Google Trends
Indeed, you have in the menu of Google Trends the heading “Searches trends” which will show you the top of the most frequent searches of the moment:

This data can be very useful especially when you run a blog about celebrities. As you can see on the following image which shows data on physical persons, public figures :

This information allows you to be up to date, to know which people are being researched more than others :

You have the possibility to search by category and by country. All this helps to optimize your results
To find out if a keyword or term has reached its peak, first find out if this term is repeated periodically.
Then make comparisons between the search frequencies of two (02) or three (03) successive periods. The period in which the frequency is higher will then represent the peak of searches for this keyword. These analyses will allow you to know if the subject or keyword you are interested in will still be trending over a long period of time.
Method 4: Using related queries to find new keywords
Thanks to Google Trends, you can see the different queries made by Internet users when they search for terms similar to your keyword

As you can see on the picture, you can see the topics and related queries made by the users.
The associated topics are the queries as is made by the users
I searched for the term “Watch” and in associated topics I found “Samsung” which is normally a brand of cell phones.
But the Samsung brand also manufactures watches and not just any watches. Connected watches, the “Samsung active watch”
So, producing content about watches would be good, but producing content about Samsung Active watch would be even better
Orienting your research in this direction, therefore, allows you to expand the scope of your content, products and services. This will help you reach a very large number of Internet users
But above all, it allows you to get the best keywords.
Way 5: Using Google Trends data in the planning of your content calendar
You can take advantage of Google Trends data to plan the creation of your content.
As you can see on the screenshot, the search frequency for the term “New York Fashion Week” peaks almost at the same time in September every year.

And why is that? Because this event is organized during the month of September every year
So, if your website is specialized in the field of Fashion you can add this keyword in the planning of your content calendar and prepare content accordingly.
Let’s take as another example the Rio Carnival, we know roughly when it takes place, that is in February every year

According to Google Trends statistics, queries on the term “Rio carnival” actually peak in February. So you can include this in your content calendar planning to schedule content to offer for that time.
You can also offer costume ideas for Carnival, since Carnival in Rio means costumes and outfits.
Way 6: Targeting the regions that need your products or services
One of the features of Google Trends is that it allows you to search by cities and regions. It allows you to see where searches for those keywords are most popular and even where they are least popular
Google Trends is a very important tool, as you can target where your products are most searched for and focus your skills.
The best way to use this data is to advertise in the cities and regions where your customers live. There is no point in trying to cover a larger area or an entire state if your products are not of interest
That would be money down the drain. For example, if you are a Disc Jockey and you want to advertise, you need to target areas where there are enough bars and nightclubs, right?
You might want to search for the term “DJ”

To find the regions that have the most interest in your keyword, you need to go to the appropriate section

We can see that Tanzania and 4 other countries have the most interest in DJs. If you have the means or if your strategy allows you to target them, do not hesitate.
By clicking on the bottom arrows, you can scroll through the list of countries
Now, let’s say you’re in the United States and you want to see the trend for the term DJ. You can do the following search:

In this capture, you can see that the search frequency for the term “DJ” dropped around May 2020. This data is vague, in that it covers all countries, and it would not be relevant to base services solely on it
On the other hand, when you focus your search on a specific country or region, you will get more relevant data.
In the following screenshot, we can see that the frequency of searches for the term “DJ” in the US is relatively constant:

If you offer DJ services, it would be relevant to run your campaigns in the U.S. .
Hence the importance of targeting the regions that need your products for more effective keyword research.
Way 7: Improve your video SEO strategy with YouTube searches
Did you know that search results for the same term can vary from Google to YouTube? Yes, search frequencies on YouTube can sometimes be higher than on Google
Admittedly, such a difference is rare, but to be on the safe side, it’s best to consider the search frequencies on YouTube. Because, in my opinion, we understand better what we see directly rather than what is written
Here are the results proposed by Google Trends for the search of the term “Achat Botte” in the section “recherche YouTube”.

We can see that the search volume was almost non-existent until “July 2020”. During this period, the search volume reaches its peak. On the other hand, for the same query made this time on the web we have

We can see that, the search volume for this term has rather dropped in “July 2020” unlike the volume on YouTube. Do you see why it’s important to look at search data on both channels?
This allows you to know which content to prioritize when considering the different channels
So consider creating content on YouTube for better visibility and to increase your traffic.
There is no denying the obvious, Google Trends is a very effective tool for keyword research. It is super well equipped and has a wide range of skills
If it is well mastered, it represents a great asset for the detection of the most relevant and effective keywords and for the production of your quality content
You have now at your disposal everything you need to make your business succeed with Google Trends
Don’t hesitate, adopt it and you won’t be disappointed.