20 best YouTube keyword tools (free and paid)

These days, keyword research for SEO has become extremely easy with a lot of tools.

If you’re here, it’s probably because you’re on the hunt for the best YouTube keyword tools.

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, with over a billion hours of video viewed per day.

Des meilleurs outils de mots cles sur YouTube

But we can ask ourselves: 

  • What are people looking for?
  • What should you base your videos on?

The only way to answer this dilemma effectively is through keyword research.

Luckily, there are some good YouTube keyword research tools that can help you avoid multiple guesses.

Some of these tools are totally free, while others are partly or just paid.

Below, I’ll explore in detail, 20 great YouTube keyword tools filled with valuable data that marketers and businesses can use.

But before we get started, let me explain the importance of keyword research on YouTube.

Chapter 1: The importance of Youtube keyword research tools and what viewers are looking for

1.1. Why do you need a keyword research tool for Youtube?

One thing is certain: If you don’t do effective keyword research, your video won’t be seen by the public.

O Views

Imagine: You make a great video on a subject you love. You design high-quality graphics, accompanied by perfect background music. 

It’s finally time for publication!

Without doing any keyword research, you decide to publish your video anyway. In the end, you are surprised to find that your production does not have enough views as you wish. 

There is a reason for this !

You created a video because you think it’s important. But you didn’t worry about the keywords people used to find your video.

By using the right YouTube keyword tool, you will have a perfect understanding of popular keywords in your domain.

When people search for these keywords, your videos will be more likely to be shown.

Recherche de mots cles

When you don’t do keyword research, several things can happen.

You risk targeting the wrong keywords and attracting the wrong audience, which means your video won’t get the views it deserves.

People will have a hard time finding your videos because you targeted poor keywords.

When you do YouTube keyword research, you will have some idea of ​​what your audience is looking for. This will then allow you to create content that corresponds to it.

Proper keyword targeting on YouTube will increase your video’s views. But it is not limited to this point.

It can also help you increase brand awareness and increase conversions.

Moreover, while researching keywords, you may also come across interesting new topics that you never thought of!

1.2. Keyword Research: What Viewers Are Looking For

Finding what audiences want is the most important part of YouTube marketing.

More important than your video!

Unfortunately, most people make cool videos without knowing what the audience wants. It’s the worst thing. 

However, finding suitable YouTube keywords for videos is more complicated than finding keywords for blogs because: 

  • YouTube does not have an official keyword tool, unlike Google which does have its keyword planner Keyword Planner (Google Keyword Planner): For this reason, it is still not easy to get YouTube keyword ideas and its search volume estimates;
  • There are very few good keyword research tools on YouTube, and even less information is available about them. Part of the reason is that the people creating the videos are smaller than the bloggers.

The smaller the number of Youtubers, the smaller the size of the YouTube keyword tools market will be.

This explains the relative lack of tools and information on these tools. This is what led me to create this guide. 

Chapter 2: The List of Top 20 Free and Paid YouTube Keyword Tools

You have an idea of ​​the steps you need to take to properly develop your SEO strategy. But you might not know where to start researching the best keywords for your YouTube videos. 

Here are the best tools to use:

2.1. Check YouTube AutoComplete Data YouTube

AutoComplete feature is a powerful source of information about the keywords users use to search YouTube.

La fonction de saisie semi automatique de YouTube

It’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to find keywords. With the help of the search engine’s auto-completion system, this result can be achieved. 

Like Google, YouTube tracks what people type in the search bar.

When you start typing a word in the search bar, it displays a full list of suggestions related to the terms you’re using.

This is a good place to start researching the phrases people use to search YouTube.

The YouTube terms suggested by the autocomplete function have two main advantages:

  • These suggested terms are very useful for a good understanding of trends on YouTube, because they are keywords that have already been used. In other words, it suggests them to you because people do a lot of research on those terms; 
  • Each of them represents LSI keywords and is easier to rank for.

Take this example: When I type “YouTube m”, it offers me a list of associated keywords. You can see in the third place ”YouTube Movies 2020”:

YouTube Movies 2020

The list makes me understand that people search for the keyword “YouTube movies 2020″ on YouTube. However, it is not as popular as the keywords: ”Youtube movies” and ”YouTube music”.

Typically, I check the autocomplete function for 4-6 keywords related to my topic to make sure people are actually looking for a video related to that topic.

You also have the option of using free keyword research tools that use autocomplete data from YouTube. 

We will see that together in the modules that follow. Most of them use YouTube’s autocomplete feature to collect keyword data, but use different mechanisms to rank and display different terms. 

2.2. TubeBuddy

TubeBuddy is a plugin or extension for which I pay very particular attention. It makes it easy to increase the productivity of your YouTube channel and improve its SEO, while obtaining clear and precise statistics.

First of all, please note that Tube Buddy has been “YouTube Certified”, which means that Youtube fully endorses your YouTube account to use and embed this extension.

With this tool, it is possible to easily detect the keywords used in the top ranked videos on YouTube.

Before we get to the nitty-gritty, it’s important that you understand the importance of keyword research on a YouTube channel using tag research tools.

2.2.1. YouTube Keyword Research Using Tag Research Tools

Adding relevant tags to a video is one of the most effective ways to improve its ranking in YouTube search. Tags are very important to YouTube videos. 

YouTube uses tags to rank your videos in search results and displays them in the video suggestion section. Think of tags as a signal to YouTube about your video content. How can tags help with keyword research?

Remember that tags are keywords used to tell YouTube what your video is about.

Luckily, there are plenty of videos on YouTube for almost every topic. 

All you have to do is find the tags used for videos that have already been successful and related to your topic. 

You can include them in the title and description of your videos for their optimizations. How to detect tags used by any YouTube video?

Since 2012, YouTube has stopped publicly displaying tags on video playback pages. But since YouTube uses tags for the search and the video suggestions section, these are still included in the source code of the page.

It’s not impossible to find and analyze tags manually. Nevertheless, it is complicated and time-consuming. The tool I use to quickly find and use these tags without looking at code is Tube Buddy.

2.2.2. Using TubeBuddy to find YouTube video tags

TubeBuddy is a YouTube marketing tool that has many features that can help you promote and monetize your videos on YouTube. It is a very powerful tool in YouTube keyword research.

With the premium version, you can avail lots of features which will be useful for YouTube marketing. But, I’m going to dwell a lot on how to use the free keyword research feature.

First, make sure create a free account by signing up with your Google account. 


TubeBuddy 2
TubeBuddy 3

Then proceed to install the TubeBuddy Chrome extension which is also free.

After installation, go to YouTube, search using your keywords and click on the video that occupies the best position.

You will see displayed at the top right of the page, the TubeBuddy. Wait a few seconds for the tool to finish loading. 

After loading, you can see on the right side of the page the statistics of the video:

La page les statistiques de la video

You can see all the tags used for the video by scrolling down.

un clic sur le bouton bleu Show search ranking

Click on the blue button ”Show search ranking” at the bottom right of the image above. 

You will see how this video ranks for each tag or keyword in YouTube search. 

Lesclassement de video


This is very important: A high search ranking is usually associated with a large number of views.

Then, click on any keyword (tag) where the video ranks at least in the top 10. 

TubeBuddy will display in the “Tag Explorer” box further search information for the keyword.

La boite Tag Explorer

Among this information, you will see: 

  • Associated tags; 
  • Thetags suggested by TubeBuddy ;
  • Historical search trends; 
  • The countries that dominate for this research;
  • YouTube search results for this tag ;

You can also see for the keyword or tag, the “relative search volume” and the “competitive level”.

Using this information, you can decide whether the keyword to target in your video is the best one or not. Look for keywords that exhibit the characteristics below:

  • The search volume trend is stable or increasing;
  • Popular in the target country;
  • The video must have a very high number of views.

The last point is keyword search volume substitution. YouTube does not publish information about keyword search volume. 

Therefore, we need to find alternative or indirect measures to estimate this search volume. I will explain later how to do this.

Now add all the tags found using TubeBuddy to the list of keywords found using Kparser. At the end of this exercise, you should have a list of strong keywords related to your video topic.

Then, these keywords should be prioritized based on their relative search volume.

2.2.3. Rankingof keywords according to their relative popularity on YouTube

To estimate the relative search volume of the keywords on your list, typethe term of your choice in the YouTube search bar, then validate. You will see a page with videos in search results as shown below:

YouTube le terme de votre choix

Check the number of views of popular videos in search results. Average monthly views is the number you should be looking at. 

To get it, you need to divide the number of views by the number of months the video has been on YouTube.

An example: Suppose a video that currently has 24,000 views was posted 12 months ago. The average monthly number of views will be 2,000.

If many people use keywords to search on YouTube, videos that rank well there should get a lot of views. Low monthly views mean low interest and low search volume.

However, high monthly views do not necessarily mean that the keyword has great popularity. Videos can rank for other keywords and gain views from those searches.

It’s important to understand where the views come from, since YouTube videos get more than half of the views when they appear as recommended videos.

The title of the video is the very first thing to watch.

Le titre de la video

Ranking a video should be done based on the keywords used in the title. If there is the presence of another keyword in the title of yourvideo, it means that the video will benefit from the views of this keyword.

Then the video description is the second thing you should look at.

For keywords used in the first sentence of the description, YouTube is more likely to promote their videos as recommended videos. 

If the keyword you searched for is in the first line of the description, the video may get many views from the same keyword.

Note the average monthly views of the top-ranked videos for each keyword on your list. After getting all the data for each keyword in your list, sort the list in descending order of average monthly views.

For example, when I used the keyword list created for the topic ‘technology’, most of the videos seemed to be watched by people interested in that term. This is therefore the first keyword to target.

2.2.4. The Main Advantages and Disadvantages of TubeBuddy along with Its Pricing

Tube Buddy is specially designed to help you in managing your YouTube channel and posted content that needs to be optimized.

Here are its main advantages:

  • It’s an extension, so you don’t need to download anything or visit a website to start searching;
  • It’s cheap, compared to those direct competitors;
  • It not only provides access to advanced analysis of your content, but also to a powerful keyword database.

As disadvantages, we can cite:

  • Its policy requires the association of a YouTube channel ;
  • The free version lacks features such as keyword position tracking.

There is a free version, although it is limited. The price of the professional version is 9 dollars per month, the price of Star is 19 dollars, and the price of Legend is 39 dollars per month.

In addition, the Pro version can be reduced by 50% for channels with less than 1000 subscribers.

2.3. vidIQ


vidIQ is another free that brings additional data to the YouTube user interface. However, you need to upgrade to the paid version to enjoy all its features.

2.3.1. How does vidIQ work?

Most of its functions are comparable to those of TubeBuddy. As features displayed in the search results, we have: 

  • Thesearch volume;
  • Competition;
  • The overall keyword score;
  • Associated queries; 
  • Keyword statistics;
  • The highest video tag.

For the “competition” score, vidIQ did not indicate the precise formula used. 

However, they said they focus on:

  • Totalnumber of engagements (on YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook);
  • The video viewing speed;
  • The number of views”.

In the video results, the stats shown are almost the same as those of TubeBuddy.

However, there is a small difference which is still useful. This tool allows you to export video tags in CSV format with a single click (no need to add them to the tag list first).

Des balises video au format CSV
Exportation en CSV

vidIQ also displays the channel tags after the video tags.

Les tags de la chaine

This helps to understand the main topics covered by the channel and if it is worthworth analyzing more videos for potential video ideas.

Like TubeBuddy, vidIQ also presents you with tags when you upload videos.

Des balises lors telechargement des videos

Source : Ahrefs

Overall, the majority of features of vidIQ and TubeBuddy are so similar that most of them come down to personal preference.

But one unique feature that must be mentioned is their trending video feature, for channels in particular.

In this way, you can re keeping the top videos from any competing channel at view speed (i.e. average number of views per hour).

To view it, go to the channel’s page and click on the “Trending” tab.

Bouton sur l onglet Tendance

This is valuable information because it’s within the first 48 hours of posting that YouTube videos tend to see the most popularity. This is especially achieved when YouTube promotes the video to subscribers.

After that, if the video performs well, it can be promoted to other viewers through the browse feature.

Its very important. So if you come across an old video with high watch speed, know that it deals with good topics or keywords that can be targeted on your own channel. 

The reason for this is that the subject or the main word treated clearly has a good longevity.

Take the example of this YouTube channel:

L exemple de chaine YouTube

You will find that the video titled ”EPIC Deaths of History” averages 175,000 views per month. It is far ahead of the other videos which are however put online in the same period as her. 

Note that the number of videos displayed by the free version of vidIQ is limited.

2.3.2. Pros and cons of vidIQ plus its pricing

VIDIQ provides many tools and it is a complete YouTube SEO suite. However, its distinguishing feature is its keyword research tool.

The advantages are:

  • You will see the average number of views and the number of subscribers of each selected video;
  • A version of the keyword is available. So finding and shining in a niche is easier than ever;
  • Has a keyword translation tool to help you optimize the same categories in other languages;
  • It lets you understand exactly how to optimize for successful and recommended videos. So you’ll know what you missed and where you played wrong.

Disadvantages: The only point that I retain as a disadvantage is that the keyword research tool is only available in its paid version.

The Basic plan is free and does not have keyword research tools. The paid versions offer a Pro plan for $7.50 payable per month and another Boost plan for $39 payable per month as well.

2.4. Morning Fame

Morning Fame

Consulter : Morning Fame

Morning Fame is an invite-only YouTube tool and focuses on keyword analysis and research.

Looking for an invite? Click here. If that doesn’t work, use Google’s “Morning Fame Invitation Code”. Thanks to this invitation code, you will get a free month of trial. 

First, you will be taken to the following page after clicking on ”Sign Up”:

Bouton sur Sign Up

Then, click on ”Join” and proceed to registration.

Bouton sur Join

After this step, you will log in to your YouTube channel and authorize Morning Fame to access your Gmail account.

Autorisation Morning Fame

Then validate your email address in your inbox and access your Morning Fame account.

Compte Morning Fame

Now let’s get to how this tool works.

2.4.1. How does this tool work?

Unlike TubeBuddy and vidIQ, keyword research with Morning Fame is done in four steps. The idea is to review each time you want to create a new video. The first thing to do is to start with the choice of the subject.

This is done in two ways. First, you can enter a search term that relates to your topic:

Un terme de recherche

If you don’t have enough ideas, please paste the URL of the video that inspired you.

L URL de la video

From there, the tool extracts a list of keyword ideas from similar and related videos and then splits into two lists. Both of these lists include good keywords for high-end channels and for smaller channels.

Les chaines haute de gamme

Select a keyword to go to the next step. You will then see a “ranking opportunity score” based on the search volume of the selected keyword.

With the tool, the higher the search volume the better, although it’s worth noting that this is a fairly simple metric and doesn’t take into account any other variables.

Also, it does not show the actual search volume, but a score between 0 and 100. This can roughly indicate whether the search volume is high or low.

Le volume de recherche

Based on the current statistics of your four channels (subscribers, views, likes, comments and relevance), it further estimates the ranking opportunities:

Les opportunites de classement

The fourth and final step guides you to write the title, description and add a relevant tag to the video.

2.4.2. The advantages and disadvantages of Morning Fame as well as its pricing policy

It is compact, easy to use, inexpensive and powerful. If you just made a video and want to know more about its progress, this could be the perfect choice.

As advantages, I can mention:

  • The analysis is in real time. By filtering scans throughout the day, it can provide users with comprehensive data;
  • The price is very affordable;
  • He compares your channel to those of your competitors and displays a set of areas you need to improve for it.

As for the disadvantages, there are:

  • The free version does not exist (you just get one month of free use from the day of your access);
  • The only way to get unlimited keyword research is to pay for the Plus version.

There are two types of subscriptions that are available: 

  • The basic plan which costs $4.90 monthly and $46.80 annually;
  • Then a Plus plan for $12.90 monthly and $118.80 annually.

2.5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is a marketing toolkit that works especially well with two of the most comprehensive keyword research tools on the market. These are of course: Ahrefs Keywords Explorer and Ahrefs Content Explorer.

2.5.1. Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

Keyword Explorer

Consulter : Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Keyword Explorer is based on data from over 640 million YouTube keywords.

Whatever keyword you search for, you will see statistics based on clickstream data. 

Some of these stats include local and global search volume (for almost all countries/regions), clicks, click-through percentage, and more.

Maybe you don’t understand what it actually means!

Indeed, you can see the number of people who search for a term on YouTube each month. 

Likewise, the number of searches that convert into clicks on the search results.

Convertissement en des clics sur les resultats de recherche

Source : Ahrefs

Instead of focusing on volume alone, you can learn more if you look at clicks and search volume together.

Using ahrefs as an example, the search volume for “ramen recipe” is about 20% higher than the search volume for “palak paneer recipe”. As you can see in the image below, the latter has more clicks than the former.

Le volume de recherche pour recette de palak paneer

Source : Ahrefs

So best for you would be to show people how to make palak paneer instead of ramen.

Keyword Explorer also gives you the ability to check SEO metrics for up to 10,000 keywords at a time. Just paste them or upload the file.

La possibilite de verifier les metriques SEO

Source : Ahrefs

Or, if you’re missing some keyword ideas, just search for a seed keyword and check out one of the five Keyword Ideas Reports below.

Un mot cle de départ

Source : Ahrefs

Here is a list of the five reports available to you:

  • Exact Phrase: Keywords that contain the exact seed word or phrase;
  • Which have the same terms: Keywords that contain all the words of the original query, but not necessarily in the order entered. For example, if your search is based on the keyword “Salmon recipe”, then “Easy salmon recipe” and “Recipe with salmon” will be a good idea.
  • Recently Discovered: Keywords recently added to the database;
  • Questions: Keywords developed in question form;
  • Overall Keyword Ideas: The keywords from all the above reports are combined into one.
Phrase match

Source : Ahrefs

All of the above reports contain filters. Which allows you to quickly and easily refine hundreds or thousands of ideas.

2.5.2. Ahrefs Content Explorer

Content Explorer is a searchable database of over a billion web pages.

You’re going to ask yourself: What’s the connection with keyword research on YouTube?

Well, I’ll explain it to you.

Since there are currently over 60 million videos from YouTube in the database, you can see which of these videos are getting the most traffic from Google search. 

Like this:

La recherche Google

Source : Ahrefs

By creating videos on these topics, you can “double” your video traffic from Google and YouTube.

Does it really work? Yes of course. For example,here is the traffic that ahrefs generates from Google to its YouTube videos:

Le trafic que genere ahrefs

Source : Ahrefs

Now, here’s how it goes.

Simply search for the following in Content Explorer, then filter only pages with organic traffic:

website: youtube.com inurl: look at title: “subject”

Takingahrefs as an example, here is one of the results from a search for protein powder:

L un des resultats d une recherche sur la poudre de proteines

Source : Ahrefs

This is a homemade protein powder recipe that gets around 2000 Google hits per month. This happens because it ranks for keywords like these:

keyword position

Source : Ahrefs

So Google shows videos in search results:

Google videos

Source : Ahrefs

2.6. Using Keywordtool.io to research keywords

Keyword tool

Check out the tool: KeywordTool

Keywordtool.io is a keyword research tool whose main function is based on autocompletion. The latter includes data from YouTube, Google, Bing, Amazon, eBay and App Store.

Select the YouTube tab at the top. Next, enter your keyword in the search box, select the country and language, and click the search button. 

A list of keywords will be displayed:

Une liste de mots cles

Source : Ahrefs

This tool uses autocomplete data from YouTube to find long-tail keywords for topics you enter in the search box.

Next, the terms are divided into four different tabs:

  • Keyword Suggestions: All auto-suggested words (excluding keywords formatted as questions);
  • Questions: Formulates keywordsas questions;
  • Prepositions: Automatic keyword suggestions containing propositions (from, for, after, etc.). Note that they also show up in the “Keyword Suggestions” tab;
  • Hashtags (subject tags): Auto-suggest keywords with topic tags. (From what I’ve seen, this is generally a very useless tab).

This way the tool can generate a long list of expressions. Therefore, if you use YouTube search suggestions manually, the search will take a long time.

This tool is able to generate over 750 long-tail keywords related to your main term.

In order to filter queries containing specific phrases, Keyword Tool allows you to add ”negative keywords” for each search.

Negative Keyword

With just one click, keywords can also be exported to Excel or CSV.

Bouton sur Excel ou CSV

It will also provide questions related to your keyword. This is a feature that will be very useful to you, since the good majority of questions are long-tail keywords. 

You can use these questions to decide what information to include in your video:

KeyWord Tool

When you select your country and language in the tool’s search bar, you’ll get localized keyword suggestions.

The downside is that free users face usage limits. If you want more, you have to upgrade to the paid version.

For each keyword in the list, the paid version of KeyWordTool.io displays estimated search volume, competition, and cost-per-click data. 

But there is one main difficulty: The number of search volumes is not exclusive to YouTube. For this, the tool estimates it based on Google’s search volume data.

If you want to monetize videos by allowing YouTube to serve ads to viewers, CPC and competition data will be very useful. 

Higher competition and cost per click indicate the keyword has higher earning potential.

2.7. Using Kparser to Research Keyword 

Kparser is another tool that also uses YouTube’s keyword suggestion feature. It is very similar to KeywordTool, but has additional features that are very useful.

Des fonctionnalites supplementaires

Consult the tool: Kparser

Enter your keyword, select YouTube, your country/region and your language from the drop-down list, then click the Start button. 

You’ll see a list of keywords that match the seed keywords you entered. The paid version also displays search volume and cost-per-click data.

Les donnees de cout par clic

Source : Trainedge

Additionally, it also displays a list of each word and its frequency that appears in the keyword or phrase (left table). 

Take the example of the image above: YouTube is the most commonly used word. 

In the main table, we see it appear in 58 key phrases. This information helps detect more common terms related to your keywords.

Kparser also assigns each expression a rank. Ranking is determined based on the number of words in the phrase. 

Terms that contain popular words in the left table will be ranked higher by the Kparser tool. 

This ranking is still far from absolute. This is the relative ranking of the keywords or phrases found for the keyword you initially provided.

All three YouTube keyword research tools I’ve listed so far have powerful free versions. 

However, you need to upgrade to the paid version if you want to get more keyword suggestions than in the free version.

2.8. Ubersuggest

Suggestions de mots cles

Consult: Ubersuggest

It identifies relevant keywords using Google’s auto-suggest feature.

It may happen that your means are insufficient to invest in a tool capable of providing a specific search volume. However, you still want to clearly understand what your ideal customer is typing into the search bar. Ubersuggest is the perfect tool for you.

It will display hundreds of related suggestions which will show your customers’ needs if you insert keyword topics related to your business.

If you are just starting to create your first YouTube channel, Ubersuggest is a tool that can help you.

2.9. Google Trends

Google Trends

Check out: Google Trends

As part of your YouTube keyword research, I highly recommend you try Google Trendsbecause it’s powerful and accurate. The biggest advantage is that it is totally free! 

These options allow you to limit the results to YouTube searches only, which is very useful for a good understanding of your query. 

You also have the ability to limit your results to specific countries or regions, giving you a better understanding of what’s currently relevant to your target audience demographic.

As you can see from the graph below, Google Trends shows whether interest in a YouTube topic is increasing or decreasing over time:

Graphique Google Trends

For example, let’s search for the term “iPhone”. From the drop-down menu, select “Search YouTube”. Next, select France at the country level and finally set the scope to the last three years.

Le terme iPhone

From the graph, we see that Internet users on YouTube have a real interest in this term in the same time interval during these three years. 

There are undoubtedly semi-regular peaks of interest. If we analyze these periodic surges in more detail, we will find that they occurred from the moment of preparation to that of the end of the year celebrations.

Des pics d interet semi reguliers

The graph has changed more during this same time interval during the three years, because many YouTube users are much more interested in iPhone during this same time. So they will go to YouTube to find out all about it.

If you run a tech channel, try to post lots of video during this time.

Google Trends also gives you the ability to compare the relative popularity of two or more keywords.

2.10. Keyword Ked

Keyword Ked

Check out: Keyword Keg

Keyword Keg is arguably one of YouTube’s most powerful keyword research tools. 

It generates search phrases based on keywords and also provides lots of data about those words. 

Using Keyword Ked, you have the possibility to see displayed:

  • The search volume of the terms; 
  • Google AdWords cost per click;
  • The “overall keyword strength”. 

The latter is calculated using the formula below in the image:

Keyword power

What’s really cool about this tool is that it tells you which terms are the easiest to own and which terms are the most competitive.

Keyword finder

Let’s take the example of a landscaping or decorating company that wants to improve its SEO strategy on YouTube. 

She can type “landscape” into Keyword Ked’s search bar and find popular alternative search terms. These can include terms like: “landscape ideas” and “landscape service”. 

Let’s say the difficulty level for the term “landscape ideas” is 70, which means the competition is high for that term. On the other side, the difficulty level is 34, so easier to own. 

In this case, the company will only have to focus on “landscape service” because of its low level of competition.

As with most free YouTube keyword tools, the results provided by the free version of Keyword Ked are limited. 

If you want full keyword analysis, you need to upgrade to a monthly subscription. 

The cost of the plan ranges from US$40 to US$280 per month, but using the annual plan can save you up to 40% of the amount.

2.11. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere

Consult: Keywords Everywhere

The Keywords Everywhere tool is a very specific extension of Chrome and Firefox. Unlike most YouTube keyword tools, Keywords does not suggest new phrases or tags. 

2.11.1. How to use Keywords Everywhere with YouTube?

Keywords Everywhere adds three different important features to YouTube which I will introduce below. Search Volume 

Once you have installed the browser add-on and activated your API key, simply navigate to YouTube and enter a keyword phrase. 

You will see three very useful data points immediately below the search field: 

  • Volume;
  • CPC;
  • Competition details (number of advertisers advertising on Google AdWords for this reason). 

See screenshot below:

Youtube la capture d ecran

Note that the competition value is between 0 and 1. So the smaller this value, the fewer advertisers competing for a term. Search Insights Widget

Each time you perform a search, the tool checks the data in all the results displayed on the page and provides you with a YouTube data analysis widget.

Un widget d analyse des donnees YouTube

The following data will be provided to you by the widget:

  • The popular channel: The channel with the most videos for this search term;
  • Max Views: The highest number of views for any video displayed by this term;
  • Average Views: The average number of views of all videos displayed;
  • Keywords in the title: This means the total number of videos with exactly the search term in the title of the video;
  • New videos added in the last 7 days: This is the total number of new videos added in less than a week.

You can click on the ”Detailed Breakdown” link displayed below the search statistics to view the data of each of the videos in detail. Above all, this will allow you to check the various calculations performed by the tool. Tag Widget

Whenever you watch a video on YouTube, the tool displays a widget on the left that lists all the tags that have been added to the video.

Un widget

Source : Keywordseverywhere

As shown in the image above, in front of each Tag is displayed its monthly search volume, its cost per click and its competition data.

To finish with this tool, I can say that this type of research will be very useful to you when validating your keywords. 

For example, if you have a list of 10-15 search terms and you find one of the words to be complicated, you can choose to focus on other, more concise words from the list.

It’s not the strongest keyword research tool, but it’s still a great asset that you can add to your list of tools. 

Its installation is totally free.

Acheter des credits

Using this tool requires a very low cost for each keyword search.

2.12. Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator

Use the tool: Keyword Tool Dominator

With a long name and perhaps a bit complicated, its use is still very simple. This is a good place to start keyword research on YouTube if you’re a beginner.

2.12.1. How to use Keyword Tool Dominator?

Type a search term or keyword in the text box below. Then, click on the search button:

Utilisesation Keyword Tool Dominator

Keyword Tool Dominator will start entering search terms on YouTube using the keyword you provided. 

Matching keyword predictions are then listed in the “YouTube Keyword List” panel.

Liste des mots clés YouTube

I took the example of the word ”Dog” as a keyword in the image. Try entering a keyword that interests you. 

For example: album, video clips, movie trailers, or how to change my tires, etc.

Once you have a nice list of long tail keywords, you have the option of downloading the keywords to a ”.CSV” file. 

This download is done by clicking on the “Download selected keywords” button located at the bottom of the list.

Le bouton Telecharger les mots cles selectionnes

Using the list of keywords in the ”.CSV” file, you can easily import these keywords into other tools of your choice. 

You can also import keywords into “Keyword Planner” to get search volume and other data from Google Adwords.

Finally, use the keywords in your YouTube video listings.

2.12.2. Keyword Tool Dominator Pricing

The downside of this tool is that you are limited to three keyword searches per day with the free version. That might be enough to get you started if you’re a novice.

However, if you want to search a lot of terms as frequently as possible, you should upgrade to the paid version. Its one-time value is around $39.99.

2.13. SEMrush


Check out: Semrush

Like Ahrefs, SEMrush is an all-in-one marketing toolkit. You can use it to research keywords and watch:

  • Competitor rankings; 
  • Traffic sources;
  • Social media results. 

SEMRush can really help you develop a strategy, if you want to up your paid advertising game.

The Guru plan costs $199.95 per month and is designed for small businesses and growing marketing agencies. It includes historical competitor data and lets you track up to 100 social media profiles!

This tool can be a good investment, if you decide to increase your SEO as well as your paid advertisements to new heights.

2.14. Collect keywords from your competitors

Why not learn from the best and see what is already working for them? Finding their high traffic keywords, apart from being easy, can save you a lot of time and effort.

To do this, choose chains that match your size, as they are your closest competitors. Avoid the big chain stores, as it’s hard to queue up next to them.

Click on the ”Video” tab to view their content and sort by “Most Popular” to see which content has received the most views. 

Take a look at the titles and descriptions of these videos, and you’ll find plenty of validated keywords to start with.

L onglet Video

But it doesn’t stop there. In order to study the competitors as much as possible, we should also study more deeply the tags they use for the videos.

Unfortunately, they’re hidden on YouTube, but they’re easy to see using the page’s HTML code. Right-click on the page and select “View Source”.

La page et selectionnez Afficher la source

The HTML code of the page will then be displayed.

Le code HTML de la page

However, don’t worry about the large amount of HTML.

To search more easily, use the search function (press ctrl + f on Windows or press ⌘ + f on iOS) by simply entering “keywords” in the search box. 

La fonction de recherche The following terms are the tags usedytCockpit

Les termes

2.15. Cockpit YT

Les balises sur la page

Use tool: 2.15

YouTube, YT Cockpit is another beautiful YouTube keyword research 

tool This tool provides you with powerful keyword suggestions and can help you analyze your competitors 

, it pulls data from YouTube autocomplete, Google suggestions and Google Adwords. It also provides you with information about likes, subscribers and traffic trends

2.15.1 Start by researching the most popular keywords

YTCockpit helps you find keywords with search volume high price.

It will also tell you how difficult (easy or hard) it is to rank for specific keywords based on your existing competitors.

You have the option to see the minimum and maximum number of views on the first page of search results.

You also have the possibility of planning the content according to the keywords searched.

2.15.2. Reliable and fast data

Ytcockpit can analyze hundreds of videos per minute.

It has gained in reliability and speed thanks to data collected from YouTube, Google Suggest and Google Adwords.

It lets you get competitive insights on every keyword that ranks in the top 20 on YouTube.

2.15.3. Perfect Keyword Suggestions

Based on your needs and market, you’ll get comprehensive data to help you segment and filter terms for any keyword search.

You will also get keyword ideas and discover new opportunities. If you can’t find a keyword that works for you, you can always search using the suggested keyword options.

With all these multiple advantages, it is still normal that ytcockpit is paying. But do not worry. You get a 30-day money-back guarantee.


2.16. YouTube Analytics

Your YouTube analytics tool is a potential keyword research gold mine. 

This is an often overlooked, yet powerful source with these top ranking YouTube keywords. Another advantage is that most keywords are not developed yet.

It will also help you better plan your content and analyze which ones perform best.

Sometimes less competitive keywords can be more useful. This means less placed videos and less direct competition. This can be your great opportunity to attract more users to your channel!

Indeed, this tool will show you the exact keywords that people use to find your videos in YouTube search.

Outil danalyse YouTube

You can get the analytics report by going to: YouTube Studio>”Analytics”>”Audience”.

Le rapport d analyse

In most cases, if your videos are already optimized, you will be able to identify the majority of keywords used for optimization. 

But once in a while, if you dig deeper, you will sometimes find some unusual keywords that your videos are ranking for.

Why is this important?

Well, YouTube has already ranked your video in search results for that term. So you don’t have to start all over again.

According to YouTube, if you add a “missing” keyword in the title and description, that term will rank much higher.                    

2.17. HyperSuggest


Use Tool: HyperSuggest

HyperSuggest is a unique keyword tool that works across 9 different search channels (including YouTube, Amazon and eBay). 

For YouTube, this tool is very easy to use.


Simply enter a search phrase and within seconds HyperSuggest will take care of extracting the main tags from YouTube videos related to that term. 

As a result, it will provide you with a list of qualified search terms to include in your video’s title, description, tag list, and subtitles.

La liste des balises et les sous titres de votre video

HyperSuggest also makes it easy for you to see which videos are currently ranking first for those terms. It also links each phrase to its corresponding YouTube SERP. 

HyperSuggest provides a basic list of results for free, but if you want to view the full list of results, you have to pay for the Pro plan. 

It costs around €11.35 per month, plus €3.74 for a plug-in to access the YouTube search tool.

2.18. Using Soovle to research keywords


Use the tool: Soovle

Soovle is a free keyword research tool that provides autocomplete keyword information on various websites including YouTube.

If you enter a main keyword or topic, Soovle will use autocomplete data from YouTube and other websites to display the keywords associated with it.

By using Soovle, you can get a list of keywords that people actually use on YouTube.

Soovle uses a voting mechanism to rank keywords. It usually collects data from popular sites. If a keyword appears in the list of keywords returned by a site, it will get a vote. 

Therefore, if a keyword appears in both Google and YouTube listings, it will get two votes.

Then, Soovle calculates the score and ranks the keywords according to the number of votes received. The order is represented by a set of letters, so when you enter a letter in the search box, it may show related keywords.

Since Soovle doesn’t exactly control the search volume of keywords, it uses keyword popularity on websites to create relative ratings.

If a keyword appears in YouTube’s auto-complete feature and listings on other websites, it will rank higher in the list displayed by Soovle.

La liste affichee par Soovle

It’s a great tool for researching YouTube keywords, but you’re not guaranteed to get the most popular ones.

Another limitation is that you cannot find long-tail YouTube keywords using Soovle. If you want to find long-tail expressions, you have to use another tool mentioned above.


Keyword research with the best tools is the cornerstone of any good content marketing strategy. 

This practice will help you better understand the behavior of Internet users, how they search for information and what language they use.

Using the right keywords will naturally increase your leads, your sales, and most importantly your company’s awareness. 

This is why having the right tools is essential. However, what is appropriate for you depends on your goals and your budget.

You can start with the free trial version to test these different tools until you find the perfect one for you. 

Do you have a preference for these tools? We would like to know! So don’t hesitate to let us know!

Goodbye !

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