Today, we’ll look together at how to recruit the best digital marketing candidate…
What is a good profile in digital marketing?
Today, I’m sharing what I look for in a digital marketing profile for Twaino:
Find the presentation I was able to show you in the video:
CV = Mistrust !
Yes I know, CVs are still used a lot during the recruitment
process. Nevertheless, and to be completely transparent with you, I always tend to be suspicious of the CVs that are sent to me. Distrust is the least word, I would even say that I have the unfortunate tendency to read CVs transversally, if at all.Why so much hate towards CVs? Because sometimes there is a huge gap between what’s on the resume and what’s really there. On a resume as a whole, I often see a little bit of everything and anything. Of course, this is not recommended, but it is a common occurrence! That’s why it happens that when you go from the CV to the interview, there is such a huge difference, that I have come to wonder what the point of a CV is. So right now, I hardly read resumes anymore. In fact, I read resumes just to get the person’s phone number and email. And as soon as possible, try to contact them.
A pragmatic approach
An interview without blabla, we get down to business!
And in fact, the questions I ask are quite simple. It’s not a question, it’s that I don’t ask for hours of talk. I ask concretely that someone shows me what the person is capable of. So, what I do is that if I ever have the person in front of me, I take my computer, I go on my website, and I ask him concretely how do you think you can help me on my website.
How do you think you can help me?
For me, a good marketing person is able to get to the point very quickly. So, by asking direct questions, I can quickly determine if it is a person who knows his subject or not.
- How do you think you can increase my traffic?
- How do you think you can increase my sales?
I give the person my website, all the codes and the different tools he needs. The discussion is about his path, what is the intellectual process, to reach such result. This simple test allows us to see the elements of understanding and interweaving between different tools.
Now, show me what you can do…
Having a direct approach is the best way to see the candidate’s knowledge, as well as his real capacity to “do” and “deliver”. Why do I get into practice so quickly? I do this because most of the time in marketing, you can get people who are extremely good in theory and rhetoric, presenting themselves particularly well. The only problem is that there is a universe between “saying” and “doing”. Personally, what I’m looking for are people who are able to do things, or to be in the mindset of learning quickly, and then.
To have a pragmatic and practical approach!
For me, the best in marketing are able to learn, implement, and test. In short, to have a strong practical side. Therefore, it is essential to see if the person is comfortable or not with certain tools. To see if the person understands the causal links between the numbers that may appear on my site and the different tools that need to be put in place to improve those numbers.
In this part, I don’t ask the person to become an expert on my website in less than 30 seconds. It’s not that at all. The issue is simply to succeed in capturing if first, the person has good notions and he masters them correctly. And secondly, it will allow me to see if they understand the numbers they see. And then, to propose an action plan to act according to that. It’s a radically different approach, compared to someone who’s going to tell you generalities about marketing. Here, we’re talking about a concrete case, taking action, and measuring results.
Do you have a website?
When you do digital marketing without your own website, I tell you, for me it seems from the start, extremely compromised. Why? Because, we risk to meet people who will have a theoretical look on things. If you don’t have your own site, but you are responsible for another site, that you have managed, it seems relevant to me too. After all, it also depends on the size of the company, if you worked on a high volume website, there is very little chance that you had the chance to test a lot.

Did you test? Did you make any mistakes?
Online marketing is something that absolutely has to be tested. So that’s really the triptych I’m talking about:
- Learn
- Implement
- Test
If you’re able to incorporate the following process, I can assure you that you’re going to get really good at digital marketing.
The digital marketing unicorn
For me, the unicorn or gem in digital marketing holds the following two assets:
The best in digital marketing know how to implement!
Most of the profiles I come across are very good at “learning”. They have often done very good studies, and know how to fill their memory with a lot of information. However, they have a lot more difficulty “implementing” and “testing”. For me, the best digital marketers
know how to implement. After that, the idea is not to be an expert, but to have a minimum of knowledge required to implement the ideas you want to test. Often, this is a problematic point, because the teaching of marketing in university or business school completely ignores this practical part.That’s why, and even if it’s a shock to you, for me the best marketing profiles are former engineering students who are not afraid of code, and who have been trained in marketing as they go .
Indeed, I love this type of profile because they are able to go very fast in “learning, idea implementation, and test series”.The king of marketing is a great creative!
From my point of view, the most important element in digital marketing is the ability to find people who will be creative. Small problem, it is very difficult, if not impossible to test the real creativity of a person during an interview.
So we can all claim to be more or less creative. Nevertheless, I am convinced that there are people who stand out from the crowd in this respect. So if you can find someone who is really creative from a marketing point of view, you will see the difference right away. This person will be able to come up with new ideas, new tools, innovative approaches on a regular basis. In short, it is important to value truly alternative thinking – “outside of the box” – in order to approach topics with originality, a unique angle and a different perspective. A good digital marketing profile is not afraid to move the lines of the market, of its industry.
Marketing is the lifeblood of the business…
Sometimes decried and criticized, for me, marketing remains the sinews of war when starting a business. Indeed, the lack of knowledge in this field makes the success of your adventure much more complicated, but not impossible. For me, digital marketing is a unique tool to quickly develop your brand image, the visibility of your services. Therefore, this is an area that is absolutely priority in the construction of my agency SEO Twaino.
If you don’t know anything about marketing, I advise you to get some training. You can find blogs like mine, but also Youtube channels. Then, know how to surround yourself with talented profiles able to give visibility to your brand.
Personally, in digital marketing, I look for profiles that are able to learn very quickly, implement, and test. For me, the most important criterion is to find people who are creative enough to come up with new ideas to develop Twaino. See you soon