How to add a Video on Youtube

Video Transcript

Hi, this is Alex. Today I’m going to show you how to add a video to YouTube
a video on YouTube. So the best way to do it, it’s
pretty simple. Let’s say you go to YouTube and you need to
have an account. So you log on to YouTube.
Once that’s done, you’re going to be able to upload your video.
For that, you see here, there’s a little extra with a camera. You can click on it
on it and then there are two elements either to upload a video or to go live
go live. So for example, if you want to do a live
it will happen here. If you want to put a video online,
it will be here. You’ll click on the first one and then we’ll have this
have this window here. Depending on what you want to do
you want to do, you see here, there’s a button.
So you can either set it to public, unlisted, private or
scheduled. Me for example, what I do initially, if you have
your video that’s ready to be published right away, you can set it to
public. In my case, I set it to private
simply because in fact the video that I’m going to upload, so I’m going to add,
i’m going to have to rework the text transcripts in particular.
So I don’t want to make this video public immediately,
especially since there will also be some adjustments that I want to make
to make beforehand. So I wanted to add in private
what you’re going to do, you’re just going to take your video so for
example, for me it’s going to be this one. So the revenue streams business
model and I’m going to drop it here.
So you’ll see actually, it will load. In the meantime,
you can change the text below, you can put the
descriptions, tags. No, these are elements that I’m going to
i’m going to do afterwards, not immediately, and then actually, so now
there will be a processing part. So there you have it, about two minutes, it can
it can be more or less long depending on the size of your video.
The longer the video, the longer it will take to load
time to load. It will also be linked to the format of your video. There are
formats that are more or less heavy too
so there you go. Another element that is also important to specify is that
is that I was able to let you know before that there was a place where you could put
place where you could put private, public.
If you have uploaded your image or your video and you made a mistake, you can
you made a mistake, you can make the change directly from here, okay. And
you can actually so I’ll clarify. You can also plan in advance,
when your videos will be released. This tab here actually, you can
add a playlist. Sometimes, I’ll have the opportunity to make a video
to show you concretely how to add a playlist on
youtube. Indeed sometimes? it can be a good way to try to
good way to try to organize your content in the best way and to help the people
to help people who follow you or people who have been interested in a certain type of
interested in a certain type of information that you can create. Well
finally give them the opportunity to see other things that
can be a good point. So here we are, on our side, we are at 88%, there are
a few seconds left now,
and you’ll see that there will also be
miniatures that will be directly proposed. So in the video, youtube
will automatically take thumbnails of the video that has been created, ok.
Of course, I know that most of the time the thumbnails that are proposed are not suitable for me because
i know that most of the time the thumbnails that are proposed are not suitable for me because I want to have a video format
that is a little bit more, that calls for a little bit more clicking
let’s say. So I don’t take directly the thumbnails that are here
sometimes it can be interesting, I create specific images but
in any case, you should know that there will always be three thumbnails that will be
proposed by default by youtube. It’s up to you afterwards to create a document
with thumbnails that is a thumbnail that pushes a little more
the viewers to discover what you are doing.
So, indeed, afterwards, there are other tabs here, notably
for translations. If you ever want to have several
translations, put the content in several languages, why not?
why not? It can be an interesting element afterwards in the
advanced settings, you can either allow comments or accept them
comments or accept them. Well overall, if
you’re doing content that’s not that controversial or
controversial or that kind of thing, I would tend
to always advise you to add comments because in fact it’s part of
first of all it creates a real interaction with the audience.
And also, globally it’s part of the elements that YouTube will take
into account. And the more comments you get, the better. Then you have
have chances to get visibility with your video or with your future videos
your video or your future videos.
So there are also reviews, integration, well you can also
choose your category here. So actually according to the,
this is the category proposed by YouTube.
Obviously, in terms of granularity, we don’t have anything very precise
very precise. But let’s say it allows us to have a
a first overview for youtube. Of the type of content
that you will put ok.
So there you go, now that the processing is finished, click on ok.
That’s it and your video is now accessible at the following address.
And so, if I click on it, there is a new
tab that will be launched with my video which is here. So there, when you see well
obviously I don’t have any view knowing that it’s normal since
i just uploaded it. And moreover here you see, I indicated therefore with the small,
so there, the private one. So, we’re sure that it won’t be visible only by month
only ok. So there you go, that was the way
to upload a video on youtube. You see, it’s quite simple actually
youtube is really hyper user friendly. So it’s really easy to upload
videos on youtube. Be careful with the quality of your
videos to make sure you don’t upload something that is not really
very very bad quality. But the bottom line is that it’s
a process that is quite simple. I’ll have the opportunity to explain to you
what my process is for uploading videos and also I do,
i really have a process that is really established in order to
i have a process that is really established in order to create codes and videos that are of high quality. So I’ll have
the opportunity to explain you what are the steps that will follow this one.
See you soon!

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