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Redirects Audit | Where Goes

Redirects Audit | Where Goes

Short description : Redirects Audit

Where Goes Mise en avant
Wheregoes allows you to see the full path of any URL. Useful for detecting intermediate affiliate links, 301 redirect chains…

Long Description : Redirects Audit

Description Wheregoes 

Sometimes before clicking on a redirect link, we ask ourselves questions about the final destination of the link. Wheregoes is an online URL redirect checker that lets you see the full path of any URL address.  This can be useful in several contexts such as breaking down 301 redirect chain networks, detecting intermediate affiliate links, unmasking URLs camouflaged behind a shortened link, etc. 

What is Wheregoes? 

Also called a URL tester or link tracker, Wheregoes is a URL redirect checker that you can use to track the path of any URL.  Initially, the tool was created to track affiliate links and 301 redirects. But very quickly, Wheregoes became popular with Internet users to the point of being used for other purposes in addition to the initial objectives set the creators of the tool.  Indeed, in addition to being used to detect intermediate affiliate links and to break down chain networks of 301 redirects, Wheregoes is also used to track ad fraud links, find broken links and chain redirects for backlinks . 

Wheregoes: How to use the tool to see the full path of a URL? 

Using the Wheregoes URL Redirect Checker is very easy to learn: 
  • To get started, go to the Wheregoes homepage 
  • Then, simply enter in the address bar located on the page, the address of the URL to follow then click on the button “Trace URL”. 
  The tool will then display a result in which you can see all the intermediate links to which you will be redirected if you had clicked on the starting link. These can be PHP, htaccess, NGINX, JavaScript, and many other redirects. 

Wheregoes: How can the redirect link checker help you? 

Wheregoes can be used in several contexts including: 

1. Fixing redirect problems 

Wheregoes is a link detector that can help you diagnose and solve URL redirect problems.  When you migrate your domain name or modify the URL of an existing page, it is important to set up redirections to automatically redirect all visitors who attempt to access the old address to the new valid address.  Wheregoes can be useful to test the redirect URL first before implementing it on your website. This will allow you to ensure that the redirect does not point to a404 error and thus maintain a better user experience for your visitors. 

2. See the links included in an SEO redirect chain 

The wish of any SEO is to succeed in improving the ranking of his website on the pages of search engines.  For this, one of the important factors to consider is how the links are managed on the site.  Indeed, for each link that points to your domain, the referring site also sends you a share of PageRank. However, the longer the redirection chain, the more the transmitted Pagerank is diluted, decreasing the influence of the link.  The ideal would therefore be to have redirections as direct as possible so as not to waste link juice.  With Wheregoes, you can see all URLs included in a redirect chain. Which can be useful to know which ones to drop for a shorter redirect chain.  In addition, apart from SEO issues, long redirect chains also present risks from a commercial point of view.  The more redirects there are on the way to a website, the more likely that chain is to break and lose all PageRank and traffic power. This constitutes potential loss of customers. 

3. Follow Affiliate Links 

In affiliate marketing, short or shortened URLs are often used to hide or reduce links shared to social media platforms and other websites.  However, if a redirect breaks, affiliate revenue is lost to the marketer on the URL in question.  With WhereGoes, you can easily check your affiliate links to make sure they’re directing traffic to the intended destination. 

4. Track Shortened Links and Eliminate Intermediate Affiliates

You can also use Wheregoes to unmask links hidden behind a shortened URL by discovering the exact URL’s full path.   This can be useful if you’re not sure where a link will take you, or if you want to see which affiliates are involved in a redirect chain. As an affiliate, it’s important to make sure your profit margins are as high as possible. And for that, you need to remove all the middle people. The Wheregoes redirect tracker allows you to discover all affiliates involved in a redirect chain. With the tool, you can see the full URL path and identify the final destination.  The link located just before corresponds to the real address of the affiliate program. Everything after that is owned by an affiliate and therefore generates affiliate revenue.  Wheregoes is a great way to make sure you’re signed up for the source program and not a sub-affiliate.  

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Where Goes was developed in 2008. Initially, the goal of this tool was to track affiliate links and 301 redirects. Over time, this goal changed to another. Thus, Where Goes allows you to find a solution to link problems and also promotes competitive intelligence. If you want to track ad fraud or do a search for broken links as well as chain redirects for backlinks you can use the tool. With a very simple interface, to use Where Goes, all you have to do is type in the URL of the web page you want to follow and in a few seconds the tool will generate the links for you. It is profitable for SEOs, SEO specialists but also for digital agencies.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.