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Did you know that SEO generates 1000% more traffic than social networks? 

To go further, an SEO strategy is an integral part of running an online business.

But the reality is that there is no solid SEO strategy without an SEO tool.

And according to statistics, 14% of American small businesses spend around $5,000 per year on SEO services, a large portion of which is spent on SEO tool subscriptions.

Yet, there are extreme quality free SEO tools on the market, the combination of several of which can make your website an elite in the industry.

In this mini guide, we’ll cover the category of free SEO tools as a whole and demonstrate how they can benefit your online presence.

Chapter 1: What Are Free SEO Tools?

In this first chapter, we will try to develop the concept of free SEO tools and mention some advantages they offer.

1.1. What are free SEO tools?

We use the term ”free SEO tools” to refer to any online or installable software that allows you to develop an SEO strategy and analyze the effectiveness of your website on search engines without you knowing. have paid no fees. 

These tools are essential to create a search engine friendly website, improve it, fix its critical website deficiencies, increase traffic and get more conversions as a result.

The objective of natural referencing is to improve the visibility of a company’s website on search engine results pages (SERPs) by influencing its ranking.

When a page ranks well in a search engine, it will be visited more often by customers. Search engine optimization mainly influences organic or unpaid search results.

Optimization can target image searches, audio or video searches, local or industry-specific searches, depending on importance.

If you want to succeed in online marketing, you need to use SEO tools. However, to use these tools properly, one must have a good understanding of how indexes work and know the most important drivers.

For example, using explicit keywords on your website increases the chances of search engines picking it up and ranking it.

1.2. What are the benefits of free SEO tools?

Before we get into the benefits, it’s important to note that most free SEO tools have a lot of limitations.

In the same way, there are some in the market that offer high quality services than some of the most expensive paid tools in the market.

So, when you find the right free SEO tools, you will enjoy their benefits:

1.2.1. The Right Free SEO Tools Help Improve Conversion Rate Free SEO-

focused tools can allow website owners to target the interests of their potential customers more effectively. 

So when you optimize your website pages for specific keywords and phrases that these people search for on the internet, you can increase traffic and encourage visitors to spend more time on your site.

If a website responds well to user expectations, the user will be more likely to provide contact information or make a purchase.


With this in mind, SEO tools allow you to target relevant search terms to your target customers.

And since your content now includes the languages ​​of your audience, they will be more likely to make a purchase from you.

By having your pages rank high when these terms are searched for, you also ensure that potential customers can find you easily.

1.2.2. The most advanced free SEO tools ensure a long-term job 

In order to maintain a good position on the search results pages, there are free SEO tools that allow you to:

  • Update your content; 
  • Check the keywords you have chosen;
  • And confirm the optimization rate on a regular basis.

Of course, you don’t need to spend money to perform these tasks automatically and quickly.

1.2.3. The best free SEO tools fit perfectly into a marketing strategy  

Like some paid tools, there are also free tools that can help you develop several prefaces of your business. 

For example, with a short or long tail keyword generated by an SEO tool, you can produce various varieties of content such as a blog post, a tweet on Twitter, a post on Facebook, or a post on Instagram. 

In addition, you will be sure to have addressed in your content subjects that interest your consumers and prospects. Thus, you improve your conversion rate while generating more leads.

1.2.4. The Right Free SEO Tools Make Websites More Convenient  

Websites are meant to provide businesses and organizations with a permanent presence on the Internet.


But, thanks to the free SEO tools that exist, these sites are made visible in order to achieve their main objectives.

1.2.5. Best Free SEO Tools Improve Visibility  

Since the majority of people search for a product or service online, SEO has become a must for any business with an online presence. 

So, by using keywords that apply to your industry, you ensure that potential customers will see your business when they search for those terms.

https://www.twaino.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/50-of-visitors-are-more-inclined-to-click-on-a-site-if-the-brand-appears- multiple-times-in-search-results-800×800.png 

Free SEO tools can help you be found more easily by your customers, especially if you have a business or a craft profession. 

For example, if you are a hairdresser, plumber, butcher, florist or mechanic, SEO tools can be extremely useful.

1.2.6. Powerful Free SEO Tools Help Target Traffic Better

By using free SEO tools, you can be sure you’re targeting the right audience by employing an SEO-based editorial plan. 

Thus, your content will be coherent and will cover all aspects of your Internet business activity. As a result, you are considered an expert in the eyes of Internet users who read you.

1.2.7. The right free SEO tools are able to improve the user experience   

Customers appreciate browsing an SEO-optimized website because they are almost certain that the content will address their concern.

Google generally places on the first page of results the websites that best meet consumer expectations.


So when you use the free SEO tools to best optimize your website, readers will be more likely to read on and use your services.

Chapter 2: What Functions Can Free SEO Tools Perform?

Although we are talking about free SEO tools, there are some that are sometimes more efficient than some paid tools.

When you find the right free SEO tool, you can do the following SEO tasks:

2.1. Competitive Analysis

Today’s SEO world is filled with many dubious marketing practices and it can be tempting to embrace them. But with the ability to spy on your competitors with free SEO tools without breaking ethics, you no longer need to adopt bad practices to achieve SEO success.

You can study your competitors’ SEO strategy using many free SEO tools, such as Ahrefs or SimilarWeb.

In addition to having an overall view of the level of traffic and rankings of your competitors, you can identify the sources of their powerful backlinks as well as the types of content that work best for them according to each distribution platform.

2.1.1. Backlink Profile

Using free SEO tools to examine a competitor’s backlink profile is one of the most common ways to spy on them. Here you can see the high quality sites that link to their web pages, the domain authority of those sites, and other important information.

After identifying authority sites in your market, your next priority should be to generate links to your website from those domains. This process is much easier since you don’t have to waste time researching relevant domains to build links.

2.1.2. Keyword Opportunities

Sometimes it can be difficult to sort out good keywords from a long list to optimize a page for search.

There are free SEO tools that allow you to not only see which keywords your competitors are ranking for, but also discover related keywords and new target markets.

For example, with Google Keyword Tool or Answer the Public you won’t have to worry about running out of ideas for new blog posts or new web pages since they can generate thousands of keyword ideas in just a few seconds.

By way of illustration, here are 3 free competition analysis tools:

It’s a great starting point to learn more about your market sector. Google Trends lets you see interest in any topic over time and compare it to other terms.

This will allow you to see what customers want, in addition to understanding how they search.

SimilarWeb’s free service will tell you everything you need to know about a company’s digital presence so you know which competitors you want to focus on.

Just enter the address of any competing website and the tool will provide you with important information like traffic volume, website backlinks profile and top social channels.

This tool allows you to investigate your competitor’s website without asking any questions. With just one click, you can see the exact CMS they use, along with other details like their JavaScript library. 

This information is presented in a simplified format that makes it easy to understand and compare to your own website.

2.2. Website

Audits When it comes to identifying massive problems on a website, comprehensive SEO audits provide a wealth of information. Unfortunately, performing a full manual audit can be quite time consuming and expensive.

By using SEO tools, businesses can reduce both the cost and time of marketing while still achieving great results.

For example, the free audit tool Screaming Frog has very advanced advanced exploration capabilities. It not only finds all the pages on your website, but also crawls them in depth to provide an overview of the health and performance of your site’s content. 

There are other free tools that fully automate this process by pulling together a whole host of information into an easy-to-read report. You can generate these reports for yourself or your clients without having paid anything.

These reports serve as a means for you to determine what needs to be improved on your website, be it on-page SEO, content, links, or website loading speed. By working from an SEO audit report, you create a solid foundation for the future success of your site.

As an example, here are 3 free website audit tools:

Screaming Frog is excellent for acquiring detailed data on an entire site simultaneously. However, this is more of a crawl than an audit. This tool scans your entire website and provides SEO-related insights, giving you helpful insight into potential SEO issues on your site.

‘s SEO Report Card UpCity  is a useful audit tool for a quick analysis of your website after you’ve scanned it in seconds. The good news is that Up City is a well-known company that provides great services for small businesses. So if you are a small business, give it a try. They regularly have great deals available exclusively to agencies who purchase their services.

WooRank is a website audit tool that provides users with data to improve their site’s optimization. The free version offers enough valuable information for agencies and individuals. However, if you are a small business looking for an audit tool, this one will be perfect for you.

2.3. Keyword Research

Finding high converting keywords for content and content marketing is a difficult process. It is not enough to choose terms from the sector with high search traffic and low competition, rather it is necessary to consider several determining factors as well.

On the one hand, users search the Internet with more specific target attention than a web page should target.

Free SEO tools can provide you with a comprehensive list of keywords, various terms and questions that can be used in different types of content to target people’s specific searches.

There are several ways to find keywords that will be useful to your website. 

One way is to observe what your competitors are doing and another is to check the terms your site is already ranking for and see where you could make improvements for good optimization.

A keyword analysis or research report may include the following information:

  • Your site already ranks well, but further optimization could have a significant impact;
  • If you are ranking for certain related terms and not for your main keywords, you can remove them;
  • Keywords that you rank well for and that have variation can be targeted.

In a nutshell, the keyword analysis or research report will reveal whether the existing content needs improvement or whether new content is needed.

Also, it’s worth targeting keywords that have a clear purchase intent, as they tend to lead to a higher conversion rate.

Even if you don’t want to immediately sell a product or service, you can still use content to drive people to your website.

So, with free SEO tools, you can write blog posts using keywords that are likely to convert, and implement a dynamic content update strategy to further encourage readers to sign up.

Free SEO tools can also help you understand how your competitors approach their content marketing and the strategies they use to succeed.

This information can be invaluable in helping you create your own content marketing strategy.

Here are three free keyword tools:

The new tool, Keyword Surfer, is a Chrome extension. When you submit a search term, the top results instantly show up on the right side of the results page every time.

Data provided by Keyword Surfer can help you identify potential keyword ideas along with their estimated search volume, estimate cost per click, find pages that are currently ranking for the entered term.

The Google Search Console is a great tool for analyzing the average positions, impressions, and CTR of your current keywords on Google.

A comprehensive search term analysis is one approach that can uncover unforeseen SEO shortcuts. Google already considers your URL relevant enough for the keyword if it ranks on the top three SERPs. 

The URL could use some SEO help to move up the rankings and start bringing you a lot more visitors faster.

AnswerThePublic is a super quick and easy way to find the questions people have about your business. All you have to do is type in your main keyword and the site will return results combining your keyword with various questions like who, what, where, when, why.

2.4. Tracking SEO Progress and KPIs

The number of backlinks a website has is one of the most common metrics webmasters look at to determine their SEO success. However, there are many additional KPIs that should be evaluated, including organic traffic and conversions.

It can be difficult to accurately measure your SEO progress. 

The good news is that there are plenty of free SEO tools out there that make it easy to see if your SEO tactics are working as intended.

Depending on what you hope to achieve and how your business is organized, you can measure different key performance indicators like:

  • Keyword rankings;
  • The domain authority;
  • The number of backlinks;
  • Organic traffic;
  • Interactions with forms;
  • Clicks;
  • The sales ;
  • Comments on social networks;
  • Etc.

It’s important to track your progress across multiple metrics and platforms to make sure you’re not only getting more traffic, but that it’s turning into sales on your website.

The most useful aspect of the most advanced free SEO tools is that you can track your progress for individual keywords and backlinks. This way, you can not only see progress from period to period, but also compare your own progress against that of your competitors.

Here are three progress tracking tools:

You can use Google Analytics to not only track visits to your website, but also where they are coming from. 

For example, you can find out about traffic from search engines, social media platforms, and direct visits. 

Google Analytics provides users with several types of reports, each serving a different purpose. These include audience reports, advertising reports, acquisition reports, behavioral reports and conversion reports.

Google Data Studio is a reporting tool that allows you to acquire data and generate informative dashboards. Google Data Studio offers connections to over 300 partner integrations.

With Google Data Studio, you can create a wide range of data visualizations, including bar charts, basic dashboards, time series, and geo maps.

Microsoft Power BI is business intelligence and data visualization software that helps you understand important organizational metrics in an interactive way.

This software is easy to configure and supports connectivity with many different types of data sources. The main data sources it can connect to are Excel, Text/CSV, XML, JSON, and PDF files.

2.5. Visualizing and conceptualizing data

An unfortunate reality in the world of SEO is that not all website owners can interpret data.

But the good news is that there are plenty of free SEO tools out there that can help you interpret data more effectively through visualization.

Data visualization allows you to present data in an easy-to-digest format like graphs or tables. Rather than deciphering the data yourself, data visualization tools do the work for you by conceptualizing and analyzing that data in a way that makes sense.

This is an extremely useful feature for tracking and analyzing your SEO growth over time, as well as gathering user statistics.

Analyzes and interpretations of some complex data can be difficult when you’re not an expert, but many free SEO tools offer graphical reports that help clarify information.

As an example, let’s look at three data visualization tools:

Tableau is a state-of-the-art analytics platform that allows users to create beautiful and informative visualizations. 

It is a free software that allows you to create all kinds of diagrams, graphs, maps, etc.

Google Charts may not have the same creative depth as Tableau Public, but it offers a wide range of options that can all be integrated into your website by simply copying the necessary HTML and JavaScript. This means data consumers can access it from anywhere in the world.

Flourish is the best tool for people who want to tell stories with data. Rather than limiting users to traditional display methods such as charts, graphs, and dashboards, Flourish enables immersive storytelling experiences.

2.6. Getting Clear ROI

If you’re an SEO expert, you can use free SEO tools to easily present results to your clients.

Not only do your customers want to see increased traffic, but they also want to see increased sales. Some free SEO tools can help you get a very clear understanding of which strategies work and which don’t.

Some of these tools can even let you generate custom reports that showcase key performance indicators, showcase your work, and even provide a summary of what the data means. 

It’s a great way to show clients the value of your work and demonstrate to them that their investment is paying off.

If you can demonstrate the amount of leads or revenue you’re generating for a client through their investment in SEO, they’ll be more likely to partner with you in the long run.

When you add this proof to your website, it helps conversions and boosts sales, which drives your business higher.

Chapter 3: How to find the best free SEO tool?

There are several factors to consider when choosing the best free SEO tools for your website SEO.

Choosing the right free SEO tool can be tricky, as many have quite substantial limitations. However, here are three factors you should consider before making your choice:

3.1. Consider Detailed Reports

There are several ways to determine if a free SEO tool is right for you. For example, some tools may offer more detailed reporting on key metrics like keyword research, while others focus on competitive comparisons or performance insights.

Either way, reports are necessary to let you know what is working well and what is not, and what content is improving due to the SEO strategies you have implemented.

You should avoid SEO tools that do not offer a reporting system or provide poor quality reports. A good report will include simple graphs, charts, and color-coded segments that are easy to read.

3.2. Consider Balanced Metrics 

There are plenty of free SEO tools out there, but it can be difficult to find one that offers the perfect balance of analytics and metrics.

Often, free SEO tools don’t offer the right mix of metrics, which is a major flaw.

A great free SEO tool will keep you from feeling overwhelmed or discouraged by its many metrics presented to you, which is key to helping your business have a good experience.

Having too many metrics and reports can make the system more complex. This is why you should only use an SEO tool that displays key information. So you won’t get lost in data that doesn’t matter.

3.3. Consider the Keyword Solution A keyword 

planner or solution is the most practical method to improve your SEO strategy, although it is not a prerequisite.

If a search engine optimization tool doesn’t provide keyword assistance, it may not be right for you. Keyword research allows you to improve your content by finding relevant keywords that can help you rank higher on search engines.

In Summary

In general, free SEO tools are often overlooked for many limitations that most have. But you can appreciate free SEO tools better than some paid tools when you can find the best ones. That’s why in this guide, we’ve detailed for you the factors to consider when choosing a free SEO tool for the good of your website.