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Website Grader | Hubspot

Website Grader | Hubspot

Short description : Website Grader

Website Grader Hubspot Mise en avant
Use HubSpot Website Grader to test your site’s performance, optimization, mobile responsiveness, and security.

Long Description : Website Grader

HubSpot Website Grader

Statistically speaking, 67.60% of all clicks go to the first 5 sites that appear on the first page of results. This means that the best optimized sites are likely to generate much more traffic than the others. For this, webmasters must test all aspects of their sites to ensure that they not only comply with search engine requirements, but also contain qualitative resources. HubSpot’s Website Grader is a great tool to help you with this process. This tool tests essential aspects of your site, including:
  • Performance;
  • Mobile optimization;
  • SEO;
  • And security.
Through this description, we learn about the Website Grader tool and how it tests the above parameters on your site.

What is HubSpot Website Grader?

HubSpot Website Grader is the website testing tool to rate your website against certain vital parameters. This tool measures the marketing effectiveness of a website and provides analysis that includes:
  • Site traffic;
  • SEO ;
  • The blogosphere;
  • Social media and other factors that improve the effectiveness of the site.
Hubspot Website Grader will help you keep your website easy for visitors to discover and understand. After providing the scan results, the tool gives you recommendations on what you can do to improve your website, drive more traffic, and increase your sales. Hubspot Website Grader studies your website against four parameters and assigns it a score based on the test. The higher your rating, the better your site is doing. Otherwise, you absolutely must implement what HubSpot recommends.

Hubspot Website Grader

Basic Parameters The basic parameters on which the tool grades your site relate to the vital aspects of your site.

Site Performance

The performance of your website is how quickly it loads its content for each user who visits it. Indeed, most of the many websites contain many elements that slow them down. Your website’s rating and overall performance is based on several factors, such as: Page size: The smaller a page, the faster it loads. Larger pages take longer to load, and by the time they load, the user lands on another website. Page requests : The more the page is requested, the longer it takes to load. In order to reduce the demand, you can combine the files. Browser caching : Saving frequently accessed content to local memory to speed up your site. Page redirects: The number of page redirects should be minimal because multiple redirects make your site slow. Image size : Naturally, image size increases page size and also impacts site speed. Remember to optimize your images to facilitate their loading. Javascript and CSS : Javascript and CSS codes take too long to load and you should minimize them for faster loading.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of improving the quantity and quality of traffic your web page generates from search engines. It’s about shaping your site in a way that it appears when a potential customer searches for a keyword related to your site’s content. Hubspot Website Grader helps you with this task by evaluating certain aspects of your site. Indexing : It checks if your pages are in the index of search engines, otherwise they will not appear in search results. Meta description : The tool ensures that your pages have the acceptable number of characters for Meta tags, including title and description. Anchor text : The tool surveys anchor texts to reveal links that carry vague descriptions like “click here”.

Mobile Optimization Mobile

optimization is one of the key metrics HubSpot Website Grader uses to evaluate your website. It consists of verifying that your site is accessible to your customers on their mobile devices. Font size: A small screen and small fonts don’t mix, as they strain the user’s eyes. Clickable elements: The size of clickable elements, such as links, call-to-action buttons, and other buttons should be large enough for the user to see them clearly. Also, two buttons should not be placed too close together, so that one is clicked instead of the other by mistake. Responsive: The tool assesses the mobile responsiveness of your site, including the ability of its design and the above elements to adapt to screen sizes.


Security is a very critical aspect to pay attention to when creating a website for your business. Indeed, customers will not visit your website if it is not well secured, because no one wants to deal with hackers. That’s why HubSpot Website Grader checks a number of things on your site like: SSL certificate : An SSL certificate keeps your site secure. The tool also checks if the external links you put on your website are secure. Otherwise, you will redirect your site traffic to an insecure URL. Furthermore, Google gives preference to websites that have an SSL certificate for ranking. Secure JavaScript Libraries : Outdated JavaScripts will compromise the security of your site. That said, Javascript libraries or any other libraries you use should be updated from time to time. At the end of the test, HubSpot tells you what to do next to improve your scores. The recommendations focus on the various aspects discussed above and look like this: In this description, we’ve learned how HubSpot’s Website Grader can help you identify areas for improvement on your website. By following HubSpot’s recommendations after analyzing your site, you will be able to adapt it to search engine guidelines in order to appear more on the SERPs and generate referral traffic.

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Images : Website Grader

Company : Website Grader

Website Grader is an SEO audit tool created by Hubspot. It makes it possible to make a complete analysis of your site in order to evaluate its degree of referencing. Website Grader then alerts you to the gaps that need to be filled, to enable better integration of your site with search traffic. Website Grader works on four aspects in general:
  • the performance of your site;
  • SEO optimization;
  • Security ;
  • mobility.
Besides, Website Grader offers some free features. This is a real asset for optimizing the content of your site in order to attract traffic. It is the daily companion of marketers and business leaders.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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