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Web Page SEO Analysis Tool | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Web Page SEO Analysis Tool | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Short description : Web Page SEO Analysis Tool

Web Page SEO Analysis Tool Marketing Ninjas Outil SEO 2
Web Page SEO Analysis Tool is a free online SEO audit tool that allows you to obtain a summary SEO analysis of your web pages.

Long Description : Web Page SEO Analysis Tool

Description Web Page SEO Analysis Tool

Internet Marketing Ninjas is one of the reliable sources specializing in SEO.  The platform provides its users with free SEO tools with interesting features that allow you to perform most of the tasks to optimize a website for the first page of search engines.  Web Page SEO Analysis Tool is part of this collection of tools from Internet Marketing Ninjas and specifically allows to summarily analyze the web pages of any website.  This can be useful to perform a mini SEO audit of your website, but also that of your competitors in order to make a comparison and discover optimization opportunities that can help you be more competitive on the SERPs

What is Web Page SEO Analysis Tool? 

Web Page SEO Analysis Tool is a free SEO audit tool developed by Internet Marketing Ninjas.  This is a tool that you can use directly from your web browser and perform a mini SEO audit on the pages and content of your website.  In just a few clicks, Web Page SEO Analysis Tool explores your web page and its content and presents an audit report with interesting information.  This report will allow you to identify all SEO issues that affect the page’s ranking on search engines.  You will also discover there all the aspects of the page which need to be improved to obtain better results as well as the points which have already been correctly optimized.  Among the factors taken into account when analyzing Web Page SEO Analysis Tool, we have important SEO elements such as: 
  • Title 
  • tags Meta description 
  • Keywords 
  • And page title tags 
 The tool takes also takes into account the links contained on the page, the nofollow strategy, the loading time as well as the compliance of the page with the most recent SEO trends.  Web Page SEO Analysis Tool also checks how the site’s social media profiles have been linked on the page.

Web Page SEO Analysis Tool: How to use the tool? 

The use is Web Page SEO Analysis Tool is very simple and can be easily handled by everyone including beginners.  After a few seconds of processing, Web Page SEO Analysis Tool will show you an analysis report.  In the first part of the report, you have a table where the tool displays the Title, Metadescription, Meta Robots tags and Hn header tags identified on the page.  The table also presents the number of words used on page as well as the keyword density In the second part of the Web Page SEO Analysis Tool analysis report, you have the rest of the factors analyzed by the tool followed each time by a suggestion for improvement marked by: 
  • The icon in red to signify that the corresponding section contains issues that need to be addressed.
  • The icon in yellow to mean that the section has some elements that can be further optimized to obtain better results 
  • The icon in green to mean that the section has been correctly optimized. 
With these color indicators, you can quickly identify the sections of your page that need your intervention. 

Web Page SEO Analysis Tool: Pricing 

Tool available for free 

Additional Resources 

What is SEO Analysis?

An SEO analysis is a process of examining a website to assess how it can be improved in search engine results. The goal of an SEO analysis is not only to improve the site’s rankings on the SERPs, but also to increase its traffic from these search results.  Since one of the main metrics marketers use to gauge their SEO efforts is organic traffic.

Why do an SEO analysis of your website? 

Regularly checking your website is a great way to make sure it’s optimized for mobile devices, loads quickly, and lets users perform the right actions on your site.  Not only does this help plan the next step in your website’s SEO activity, regular SEO audits are essential for the success of your website.  Here is a list of just a few reasons why you need to scan your website regularly:

1. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms 

By constantly evolving and updating their algorithms, search engines like Google provide a better user experience.  To make sure these permanent changes don’t affect your website, you should perform SEO audits on a fairly regular basis. 

2. Detect error pages 

An SEO audit can be used to identify problems with your website. You’ll be able to tell if you have broken links, redirects, or pages that aren’t discoverable as well as any other issues that are reducing your site traffic. It’s usually pretty simple to identify and fix. With a thorough SEO audit, this can be quickly determined and addressed.

3. Optimize the loading time and the mobile version of your website 

Did you know that, since July 1, 2019, Google now uses mobile-first indexing for all websites? This means that when ranking your website, Google will primarily look at how your site performs on mobile devices rather than desktops. With an SEO analysis, you will be able to detect problems and get recommendations to improve the mobile version of your website. 

4. Keeping an eye on the competition 

SEO analytics can provide you with information about your competitors’ websites, from their strengths to their weaknesses. You can then learn more about their SEO rankings, what keywords they use, and whether or not you can use the same keywords in your SEO campaign.

5. Monitoring your keyword rankings and progress on the SERPs 

One of the effective ways to determine if your SEO strategy is working is to track and monitor your keywords. A thorough SEO analysis will give you an overview of your website’s overall performance, the keywords you want to rank for, and your current position for those terms.

How to perform an SEO analysis? 

There are several tools in the SEO industry dedicated to SEO analysis. Among these tools, you have Web Page SEO Analysis Tool which is an effective and freely available solution that you can use to briefly analyze your site.  All you have to do is enter the URL of the page to be analyzed and the tool will take care of generating an analysis report on essential SEO factors such as title tags, meta description, tags Hn header, canonical tags, sitemaps, robots.txt file, etc.

Videos : Web Page SEO Analysis Tool

Images : Web Page SEO Analysis Tool

Company : Web Page SEO Analysis Tool

Internet Marketing Ninjas is a company founded in 1999 by Jim Boykin, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of SEO. The mission that the company has given itself is to support their customers to have better traffic to their websites through secure methods. Internet Marketing Ninjas specializes in optimizing pages and websites for search engines. Based in the United States in Clifton Park, the company is made up of 50 members who are all experts in their fields. Internet Marketing Ninjas offers the entire digital community complete digital marketing services, but also SEO services and tools. Among the 87+ tools developed by them, here are some free SEO tools they have developed:
  • Social Image Resizer Tool;
  • What’s My Browser Size Tool;
  • HTML Source Code Viewer Tool;
  • Meta Tag Analyzer;
  • Domain Age Checker;
  • Meta Tag Generator & Snippet Preview;
  • Search Engine Spider Simulator;
  • Keyword Combination Tool;
  • URL Inspection Tool…
These tools are aimed at SEO agencies as well as marketing professionals, not to mention companies. They will surely help to improve your various marketing strategies.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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