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Check your Backlinks | Prepostseo

Check your Backlinks | Prepostseo

Short description : Check your Backlinks

Do you need to keep an eye on your website’s backlinks? Use the backlink checker tool. 

Long Description : Check your Backlinks

Description of the backlink verification tool 

The PREPOSTSEO platform offers a variety of SEO tools among which you have this backlink verification Very easy to use, this tool allows you to find in a few clicks the backlinks that are found on your website. Apart from this checker, you will find other verification tools such as: 
  • The domain authority (DA) checker; 
  • The domain age checker; 
  • The broken link checker; 
  • The Google Index Checker; 
  • or the DNS record checker.
Also known as the return link, backlinks are the links that you place on the pages of your website and which redirect to other web pages.  They are considered to be one of the most important factors in site rankings in the SERPs.  They are real sources of traffic and contribute greatly to improving the user experience. They also allow search engines to index content more easily.  So, as you can see, obtaining them seems necessary, but the follow-up is even more so.  This is why I invite you to discover in this article the backlink verification tool of PREPOSTSEO whose specialty is to help you have an overview of the backlinks on your website. 

Who is the PREPOSTSEO tool intended for backlink verification?

This backlink checker tool can be used by anyone who wants a simple and easy solution to track the various backlinks it has on their site. It is therefore aimed initially at all website owners but also at the various experts or professionals who deal with the optimization of the websites for which they are responsible. 

Why Use This Backlink Checker? 

Whatever the size of your website, the backlink checker offered by PREPOSTSEO is able to show you the entire list of your backlinks. It is also based on a simple and very user-friendly design that allows you to find yourself very easily in the results of your searches.

What are the features of the backlink checker tool?

 With the backlinks verification tool, you can check the presence of backlinks on around thirty URLs simultaneously. You further benefit from an email support team ready to assist you throughout your presence on the tool.

How much does it cost to use the backlink checker tool?

As you will see during your first experience on the PREPOSTSEO platform, use is free if you agree to see the advertisements or share the product with your social networks.  However, you have the option of not accepting advertisements or sharing.  In this case, you just need to switch to premium mode by subscribing to one of the platform’s monthly or annual plans. These are three different plans that vary between 10 and 45 for the monthly offer and 50 to 350 for the annual offer.

How to use the PREPOSTSEO backlinks verification tool?

As I have already announced, using this verification tool is very simple.  So, when you want to use it, you just have to perform these two actions: 
  • The first is to type in the first search bar the URL for which you want to obtain the list of backlinks; 
  • The second action will consist of typing or copy-pasting the URL addresses of the backlinks in question.
Once these two steps have been completed, all you have to do is press the “verify backlinks” button at the bottom of the URL address fields to launch the search.  All you have to do is wait a moment for the page to load for you to see your results appear. Now that you have all the useful and necessary information to take advantage of this tool, don’t hesitate to try it out to see if it meets your expectations. Goodbye !  

Videos : Check your Backlinks

Images : Check your Backlinks

Company : Check your Backlinks

Prepostseo is an agency founded by Ahmad Sattar, a web developer and his AR AS assistant to help web editors, webmasters and SEO experts in creating high-performing articles.  Its main objective is to improve the content and referencing of websites. For this, it offers free tools to its users so that they can upload content without plagiarism and above all of quality.  We can cite as tools the DA Checker, the Paraphrasing Tool, the Plagiarism Checker, the Summarizer, etc. Thanks to these tools, Prepostseo provides its users with the best SEO solutions.  Thus, they can easily check: 
  • The plagiarism rate of an article;
  • The SEO score of a content;
  • Spelling and grammatical errors in an article;
  • Backlinks (return links);
  • Keyword density;
  • Domain authority, i.e. the quality of a website;
  • And much more. 
With these tools, the Prepostseo also helps to reformulate and summarize articles. All this to facilitate the writing of content optimized for the web.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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