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Search Trends | Google Trends

Search Trends | Google Trends

Short description : Search Trends

Google Trends Mise en avant
With Google Trends, discover trends earlier to help you stay ahead of others.

Long Description : Search Trends

Description Google Trends

Google Trends is an online tool that helps users view and learn about people’s search trends in Google Search, Google News, Google Images, Google Shopping, and YouTube. Google has become part of people’s daily lives as almost everyone uses it to some extent.  It is the world’s leading and most popular search engine, with over 1.5 billion users worldwide. Additionally, Google processes an average of about 80,000 search queries per second. This is obviously a good place where web marketers also take advantage of trending research so they know what to offer each audience. Google Trends is a free data mining tool that allows them to quickly understand the search behavior of customers in order to direct their marketing campaigns.  Let’s find out what Google Trends is and its best features.

What is Google Trends ?

Google Trends is an analysis tool provided free of charge by Google that allows you to search and compare trends. Page Google Trends The tool allows you to build a very good marketing base by focusing on:
  • Market research;
  • Product research;
  • Keyword research for SEO;
  • Trend variations by location;
  • Finding the right season for certain terms;
  • Determining the stability of a search term;
  • Improving online marketing and advertising;
  • The discovery of niches for products;
  • Ideas for content marketing and social media marketing;
  • The comparison of brand competition
  • The interests of the brand;
  • The discovery of differences in research patterns from one locality to another;
  • Etc.
Also, Google Trends uses a score scale of 0 to 100, instead of search volumes.  A score of 1 means the search terms have the lowest point in relative popularity and 100 would mean the opposite, the highest point in relative popularity. 

What are the features of Google Trends?

Let’s discover in this section the most notable features of Google Trends:

Find new trending keywords 

The Google Trends tool is specially designed to help you find trending words with a fairly interesting popularity. Indeed, there are several ways to search for trending keywords in Google’s Trends tool. The first way is to go to the ”Current searches” page and then to the ” Daily search trends” tab. Tendance de recherche au quotidien Here you can find out the daily searches made by Google users in a given country. The feature displays the most trending topics that have received the most traffic over the past 24 hours so you can see what people are most interested in right now. This is a list that is updated hourly.  If you scroll down, you’ll find trending topics from previous days.  This page is useful if you are looking for new trending keywords related to popular culture or current affairs.  The second way to find current keywords is to always go to the ”Current searches” page and the ”Real-time search trend” tab. Tendance de recherche en temps reel Here you can see stories that have been trending on Google for the past 24 years and are updated in real time.  You can also see a graph for each topic that shows how the topic’s popularity has fluctuated over the past 24 hours, along with links to news.  The biggest difference between real-time search trends and daily search trends is that real-time search trends allow you to break down data into categories.  The default shows you trends across all categories, but you can choose to see topics specifically related to:
  • Business; 
  • To entertainment; 
  • To health ; 
  • To science or technology;
  • At the sports ;
  • Etc. 
This feature can be very useful for finding new trending keywords that are more closely related to the industry or sector of your business. 

Track search interest over time and seasonality using Trends

You can also track interest in a search term over time using Google Trends by setting a time frame. Terme de recherche au fil du temps This is an important feature because it can show you whether search engine searches for a term are growing or falling over time.   For example, for your campaign, youmay discover a winning term for your business.  In truth, it is a keyword with high search volume, low difficulty and high organic CTR.  So, you plan to write content centered around that keyword, but unfortunately, you go to Google Trends and find that its popularity has steadily declined over the past 5 years.  You will certainly not want to write about this keyword anymore with the intention that the traffic for this keyword will only go down. Another benefit of tracking search interests over time is that it helps you identify recurring patterns.  This will show if there is a particular season that the keyword you are looking for is really trending.

Compare the relative popularity of search terms 

Google Trends allows you to compare the relative popularity of five different search terms by simply entering a term and then clicking the compare button to add more terms.  Comparaison Google Trends Once you’ve entered all the terms you want to compare, you’ll find a graph that compares the terms’ relative popularity on a scale of 0-100 with a line that shows how each term’s popularity has changed over time.  Graphique de comparaison popularite relative des termes There is also a map that allows you to compare the popularity of search terms by region, area or city. This makes it very easy to see which places prefer one search term over another.  Carte de comparaison des termes recherche par region Google Trends Finally, you can also see related search queries for each of the search terms you have chosen. One way to take advantage of this comparison feature is to see how you stack up against your competitors.  By typing in your brand name and the brand name of a few of your competitors, you can easily see who performed best during specific time periods or in a particular city or state.  You can also compare the relative popularity of different keywords to help you in your keyword research process. 

Find Popularity in Local Areas by City and Country

Google Trends makes it super easy to view data by geographic region and understand how a search term’s popularity varies from location to location. graphique Google Trends This can be very useful to better understand where your company’s products or services are most in demand.  Start by simply typing the name of your product or service into the search bar. Next, scroll down to the map section of the page and decide if you want to see the breakdown of search term interests by region or area.  This information can help you better target your audience for PPC campaigns and can give you ideas for location-specific content you could create.  In general, Google Trends is a free tool from Google that gives you a good marketing foundation in terms ofanalysiskeyword

Videos : Search Trends

Images : Search Trends

Company : Search Trends

Google is an American company, founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. It specializes in the provision of technological services and has grown in Silicon Valley in California. Since 2015, Google has been a subsidiary of the Alphabet company with Sundar Pichai as CEO. The Google company created the Google search engine, which is one of the most widely used in the world. The latter is highly appreciated for its ability to offer many relevant results to the queries of its users. Apart from its search engine, the Google company has many other subsidiaries which are:
  • YouTube;
  • Speaktoit;
  • Kaggle;
  • Google Ad Mob;
  • looker;
  • etc
Each of these subsidiaries offers various and varied services. 

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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