Search for Backlinks| Prepostseo

Search for Backlinks| Prepostseo

Short description : Search for Backlinks

 Use the Prepostseo branded Blog Search Tool to efficiently search blogs to build powerful backlinks.

Long Description : Search for Backlinks

Description Blog Search Tool – Prepostseo

According to the sales website. hacking, 77 % people usually read blogs online. This percentage close to 100 testifies to the importance, the value of blogs on the Internet. Not only do they provide mostly qualitative information, they can be used to find and set powerful backlinks. However, there is one problem that remains with most users. Indeed, they still cannot find the best blogs to work deeply on their external networking strategy. Under these conditions, it is necessary to look for effective and free tools like Prepostseo’s Blog Search Tool that I invite you to discover now.

Blog Search Tool – Prepostseo 

Blog Search Tool is a free online platform that helps you quickly identify backlinks with specific characteristics. Including backlinks:
  • relevant;
  • of high authority;
  • of superior quality ;
  • free in do-follow.
With this tool based on Google queries, users have the option to search for blogs of sites having the domains as well. edu and. gov. This is a boon for said users, as they can now search for relevant information in the education and non-commercial organizations sectors. Apart from this practical aspect of the tool, users can also build quality links that bring them back to these blogs. The tool can therefore support them in their SEO strategies. But how does its interface look and who are these famous users?

Prepostseo Blog Search Tool interface and users

The user interface of the Blog Search tool is very simple and basic.However, these features that characterize the interface do not translate that the tool is ineffective. On the contrary, its handling is remarkably easy. It is powerful enough to be used by anyone looking for quality blogs as well as users looking to create powerful backlinks. In other words, it is aimed at:
  • referrers;
  • online marketing agencies;
  • teachers;
  • students…
Blog Search Tool brings some advantages to these. In this regard, here are some key points that demonstrate that its use is quitez beneficial.

Why use Blog Search Tool?

The great global Internet network has allowed a large number of people to create and develop their blogs. Often working alone and sometimes in a group, a blogger always shares useful resources and allows Internet users to leave comments. Thus, to have information on blogs related to a specific subject, you can use Blog Search Tool which offers you three valuable advantages.
  1. Blog search: You have the possibility to use this tool for research on popular platforms like WordPress, BlogSpot and others…
  2. 200+ fingerprints: The tool has at least 200 footprints. From sites to .edu and .gov domains, to forums to blogs.
  3. Key words: Prepostseo’s Blog Search Tool algorithm is advanced enough to find you links to lots of blogs. You just need to enter any keywords.
In addition, the Prepostseo brand Blog Search Tool does not only intervene in the search for blogs of related websites in a few seconds. In fact, you can also learn how Google’s search operator works when you use it. It is a completely free tool to find backlinks and build effective ones for your different needs, especially in terms of SEO. How is it used? This is the question I will answer right after.

Using Blog Search Tool

Using Blog Search Tool is not complicated at all. You do not need to have a very great knowledge in the field of computer programs before making use of it. It only takes a few clicks. First, you need to go to its user interface. To do this, left click on the following link:Link Search: Search Blogs, Forums, Blogspot links ( This will instantly redirect you to the following page: The next stage of use consists of entering or pasting a keyword in the field dedicated to this purpose. This is the featured rectangular field on which is written above the mention “Enter Keyword”. After that, choose the type of websites that suits you for the search. To do this, click on the first rectangular control just below that of the featured control. Above this area, it says “Website Type”. This is a drop-down list of options. So, if you are looking for blog sites, please select the “Blog Commenting” option from the list. This option allows you for sure to find the best blogs that give important information on the keyword chosen beforehand. Once the option of the type of site has been chosen, it is mandatory that you choose one of the web designers offered by the tool. As an example, choose from the following designers:
  • WordPress;
  • Drupal ;
  • Dotclear Blog…
All you have to do is left-click on the “Search Links” button. After a few seconds, you will be redirected to the Google SERP which will show you a specific type of result. This is actually all the blogs from the website builder you have chosen that are related to your entered keyword. That’s a bit! You know how to use Prepostseo’s Blog Search Tool. To find other quality backlinks, forums are sometimes essential.

Blog Search Tool: About Searching Related Forums

Constructed wisely, backlinks from forums perform very well. For example, a forum post with low Outbound Links can give your web pages a quality backlink. The Blog Search tool has a few forum search options that can help with your external networking strategy. These are the following options:
  • ExpressionEngine ;
  • MyBB Forum ;
  • Phpbb ;
  • SMF (Simple Machines Forum) ;
  • Vanilla Forum ;
  • vBulletin ;
  • YaBB.
Ultimately, Prepostseo’s Blog Search Tool is the right free tool if you want to find and build quality backlinks to blog resources.

Videos : Search for Backlinks

Images : Search for Backlinks

Company : Search for Backlinks

Prepostseo is an agency founded by Ahmad Sattar, a web developer and his AR AS assistant to help web editors, webmasters and SEO experts in creating high-performing articles.  Its main objective is to improve the content and referencing of websites. For this, it offers free tools to its users so that they can upload content without plagiarism and above all of quality.  We can cite as tools the DA Checker, the Paraphrasing Tool, the Plagiarism Checker, the Summarizer, etc. Thanks to these tools, Prepostseo provides its users with the best SEO solutions.  Thus, they can easily check: 
  • The plagiarism rate of an article;
  • The SEO score of a content;
  • Spelling and grammatical errors in an article;
  • Backlinks (return links);
  • Keyword density;
  • Domain authority, i.e. the quality of a website;
  • And much more. 
With these tools, the Prepostseo also helps to reformulate and summarize articles. All this to facilitate the writing of content optimized for the web. 

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.