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Monitoring Web Page Speed | Speed Monitor

Monitoring Web Page Speed | Speed Monitor

Short description : Monitoring Web Page Speed

Speed Monitor Mise en avant
Daily site speed monitoring. Track your website’s speed and performance data every day. uses Lighthouse data to check your website’s performance. We maintain a historical log to track changes over time. Get notified when your page speed score drops with email or Slack alerts.

Long Description : Monitoring Web Page Speed


Faced with competition from VSEs and SMEs in their sectors of activity, companies must find a way every day to distinguish themselves from the others. This naturally begins with the creation of their websites. Except that the creation is not everything since it is the performance of the company’s website that will make them stand out. It should be understood by this that the speed of a website constitutes a competitive advantage for companies. There is nothing better for a company than if the Internet user manages to easily open the different pages of the company’s website to quickly obtain a product or service.  Thus, controlling the speed of a website on a daily basis contributes to its performance as well as to the development of your activities. is one of the tools for evaluating the speed of a website. It allows daily monitoring of the speed of the pages of the site. 

What is is a tool that allows you to have an effective monitoring of the speed and performance of a website. It offers daily monitoring of the pages of your websites.  Thus, this software package helps website developers to track the historical trends of their pages over time. further promotes a comparison between the speed of your site and that of your competitors. When your site’s page speed score drops, the tool notifies you through alerts via Slack or email. To monitor the effectiveness of your site, uses data from Google Lighthouse. It is indeed an analysis tool that allows you to diagnose your different pages, and in doing so helps you to have an idea of ​​the general state of your site. The Lighthouse data that Google presents is detailed enough and well enough organized to be understandable. Thus, through Google Lighthouse generates audit reports that allow to assess certain metrics such as:
  • The accessibility of the site;
  • The effectiveness or performance of the site;
  • Good practices to use for the benefit of the site.
Also, in addition to Lighthouse audit reports, offers monitoring of real users of your site. More simply, it is a surveillance that could be described as a passive inspection of the users of the site. This inspection involves collecting data on Internet users who use your website as well as analyzing their interactions with the various pages of the site. Thus, with, you will have concrete information on how visitors view your site. You will also have performance data by:
  • site user;
  • the browser used by the Internet user;
  • the device used by the user… then allows you to have valuable real-time web performance data from Internet users who have opened your site. It records page speed as well as errors of actual visitors to your site.  Monitoring real users of highlights:
  • the general performance of your pages;
  • slow loading elements of pages;
  • accessibility, actions and problems of your pages;
  • the latest changes to the site’s code that affect the UX… is a paid tool, but offers a free trial on its platform. The different features they offer to its customers are very useful for the performance of their sites.

Features of is a tool whose interface is very simple and intuitive. It has great features as each other. Here they are.

Page Speed ​​Rating

This feature represents the core functionality of the SpeedMonitor.iotool. It helps him to follow the speed of your pages every day. The intention is to allow its customers to witness a historical trend of the speed of their site over time. In practice, every minute, search engines analyze several websites after a request by an Internet user.  That being said, if a website takes too long to load, the algorithm of these search engines abandons it, deeming it non-performing. Thus through this feature allows you to calculate the speed of your site in order to know what is slowing it down.

Site audit

This feature allows you to make a complete diagnosis of the performance of your site. These audits are done on demand. To this end, generates audit reports that provide information on the speed of your site at the exact moment of the request. The audit reports presented by relate to Google’s Lighthouse data.

Email Alerts sends you email alerts when your site’s speed drops below the norm. This is very beneficial as you don’t have to hover over the dashboard every time.  If your site speed is lacking, you will always receive the alert. In this regard, also allows you to receive alerts through Slack.

Competitive Speed ​​Analysis Speed

​​is everything in the user experience. According to Google, when a web page takes at least 3 seconds to load, 53% of users will leave it. This time shows how much page speed can affect your position in the Google SERPs. With this feature of, you have the possibility to evaluate the speed of your site compared to that of your competitors. Thus, participates in your content marketing strategy. In short, is a paid tool for monitoring and monitoring the speed and performance of websites on a daily basis. Through its various functionalities and its ergonomic platform, it optimizes the speed of company sites, thus guaranteeing their ranking in the SERPs.

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Company : Monitoring Web Page Speed

Speed ​​​​Monitor Speed ​​​​Monitor is ‘n webwerf-spoedmoniteringsinstrument wat deur ontwikkelaar Trey Copeland geskep is.  Dit maak dit moontlik om daagliks te volg hoe vinnig die bladsye van die webwerwe ontwikkel. Dit help webwerfbouers om bewus te wees van die historiese neigings van hul bladsye oor tyd.  Boonop help dit om die spoed van mededingende werwe met dié van gebruikers te vergelyk. Hulle kan ook waarskuwings ontvang wanneer hul werfspoed af is. Speed ​​​​Monitor het ook die op-aanvraag ouditfunksie, waarmee u die spoed van ‘n webwerf op ‘n spesifieke tydstip kan nagaan.  Baie platforms het hierdie instrument aangeneem om hul SEO-strategieë te vervolmaak.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.