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DNS | Cloudflare

DNS | Cloudflare

Short description : DNS

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Would you like to have impenetrable computer systems online? Use cloudflare solutions cloudflare

Long Description : DNS

Tool description. 

Cloudflare is an American company created in 2009 by Matthew Prince, Lee Holloway and Michel Zatlyn. It offers its users an integrated set of network services aimed at securing websites and applications. Through these different services, Cloudflare hopes to help build a better internet. This undoubtedly justifies its presence in America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. 

Who is the Cloudflare tool for? 

The Cloudflare platform is global in scope. It is therefore aimed at companies, regardless of their size and the sectors in which they operate.  It offers them a range of network services to strengthen their security, while improving the performance and reliability of their essential Internet properties.

Why should you use the services of the Cloudflare platform? 

With these many features, it is clear that cloudflare is a platform that can help you both in improving the performance of your website and securing it.  In reality, by opting for this platform, you will not only benefit from a fairly intuitive and easy-to-use user interface, but also have access to a multitude of solutions for: 
  •  Securing your website; 
  • protect your users, employees, devices and business; 
  • Make your website more efficient; 
  • Obtain very interesting analysis data on the operation of your website; 
  • Etc.
Apart from that, cloudflare solutions may interest you because of their monthly prices and the possibility of having access to free features to give you an idea of ​​what this platform can bring you. 

What are the features of the Cloudflare platform? 

Cloudflare provides these users with a fairly large list of solutions to help them protect their website.   Among these solutions, you have: 
    • The SASE solution (Secure Access Service Edge): this solution is offered to you from the cloudflare one platform and allows you to improve the infrastructure model of your network with the possibility of use an on-premises network perimeter instead of centralized data centers; 
  • Solutions for applications: With the solutions offered under this category, cloudflare allows you to secure your applications and make them more efficient. Protection is ensured thanks to features such as: API Gateway, bot management, protection against DDoS attacks, page Shield and rate limiting functionalities, SSL/TLS encryption and application firewall web (WAF). Performance improvement is possible thanks to features like: website optimization services, Argo smart routing, Zaraz third-party tool manager, web gateways, DNS services and CDN networks, etc. 
  • Network Services: This group of features allows you to replace your array of expensive legacy devices and networks with a single global network powered by unbeatable intelligence and speed. The features offered in this sub-category are: Magic Wan, Magic transit, Magic firewall, network interconnect, 
  • cloudflare Zero trust serviceplatform service that helps you ensure visibility , reduce risk and prevent data loss for the benefit of users who use your website. In this category, you will find features such as Gateway, CASB, email security solution, browser isolation, etc. ;  
  • A platform for developers: The cloudflare developer platform provides you with a workspace allowing you to have the space and tools necessary to configure certain elements of your website. The functionalities you will find here range from the registration of your domain names to the development of websites, including the provision of certain server applications and SASE-oriented development tools; 
  • Consumer services: This service ensures the protection of users of your websites. It includes domain name registration, fast and secure browsing, e-mail routing; 
  • Analysis and statistics: Analysis and statistics solutions offer a range of tools guaranteeing you better monitoring of your website. 
  • Confidentiality and compliance: This solution brings together features that allow you to manage access to your sites or applications or to ensure their security. At this level, we find functionalities such as encryption, third-party tool managers, etc.

How much do cloudflare solutions cost? 

The cost of cloudflare services and products varies depending on the features you want to access. However, there are free options.  This concerns: 
  • Listing your website or application on Cloudflare; 
  • The protection of your team;
  • Deployment of serverless code; 
  • The creation and deployment of your various modern web projects. 
Paid features mainly concern solutions for: 
  • Applications and websites;
  • The use of the zero trust platform;  
  • Etc. 
The rates offered vary between a standard offer and an offer that can be personalized according to your needs. But, you may have the option to get a free usage offer. This may be provided as part of some solutions.  In addition, be aware that you have the option of subscribing to a monthly or annual subscription for each of the tariff plans made available to you.  That’s it, now that you have some idea of ​​cloudflare and the possibilities it offers you, don’t hesitate to take advantage of it.

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Company : DNS

Cloudflare, Inc is a company co-founded in 2009 by Matthew Prince and Michelle Zatlyn. The said company operates in the following sectors of activity: Technology, information and the Internet. It is a company specialized in the field of data processing, website hosting and related activities. It is headquartered in California in San Francisco. Cloudflare Inc aims to help build a better Internet. To achieve this, the company has put together a competent team and developed smart technology and various e-services. Their intention is to effectively solve the problems that the Internet often encounters. Cloudflare Inc’s smart technology and various services revolve around their Cloudflare software.  The latter works like the immune system and in this sense, it protects and defends corporate websites against the most invasive cyberattacks. In addition, the Cloudflare tool allows you to increase the various performances of your website. The tool is therefore aimed at all professionals who use the Internet on a daily basis. Including SMEs as well as multinationals, web developers, non-profit organizations, digital marketers and SEO agencies.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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