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Search Engine Spider Simulator | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Search Engine Spider Simulator | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Short description : Search Engine Spider Simulator

Search Engine Spider Simulator Internet Marketing Ninjas Mise en avant
Discover how the Search Engine Spider Simulator tool works and preview the content of your web pages like a search engine robot.

Long Description : Search Engine Spider Simulator

Description Search Engine Spider Simulator

To improve your natural referencing for search engines, you must already understand how these search engines work. More concretely, how do the robots of these search engines work? In practice, the display of your sites in the SERPs depends largely on search engine robots. Without them, the SERP will remain empty. This is what proves that they are essential in the world of SEO. If websites are not well ranked, it is certainly because these sites do not respect all the technical SEO aspects that the robots consider.  Thus, it can be useful for you as a professional to have a preview of what they see before displaying the web pages. Search Engine Spider Simulator allows you this feat. Discover in this description, its presentation, its operation and some useful resources on search engine robots. Good reading !

Presentation of the Search Engine Spider Simulator tool Search Engine

Spider Simulator is a free natural referencing tool which belongs to the Internet Marketing Ninja brand. Developed by Jim Boykin, it lets you see what search bots actually see on a web page. In practice, the tool fakes or simulates the behavior of your search engine by previewing the content of a web page as the search engine crawler would faithfully do. In other words, Search Engine Spider Simulator shows you exactly how a search engine crawler would see your web page when crawling.  This means that the tool not only shows you the elements of the page in question, but it also shows you the inaccessible elements. It would therefore be relevant to say that Search Engine Spider Simulator supports you in your content marketing. As such, it is aimed at SEO professionals, but also at digital marketers. Moreover, it is important to remember that most poorly optimized websites are often faced with a problem of bugs due to certain factors such as:
  • the poor quality of the content of the pages of the websites;
  • poor management of the various beacons;
  • the wrong choice of the organization of the contents of the web pages.
These previous factors actually prevent indexing by search engines. It then follows a bad positioning, but it is the search robots that take care of the indexing. Seeing all this, you must understand that the tool participates more or less in the Link Building of your website. In this, it improves your SEO ranking. Link Building is indeed an SEO technique that allows you to integrate incoming and outgoing links on the pages of your website. Like most Internet Marketing Ninja tools, this SEO package has a simple interface. It is therefore easy to use. This is why if you are currently wondering how the tool is used, the rest of my description will be useful to you.

How to use Search Engine Spider Simulator?

Using Search Engine Spider Simulator is very very easy and I’m not exaggerating in saying that. To use it, just access its home page. Then, paste or type a URL in the dedicated rectangular space and launch the Spider.  In less than a minute, you will have all the information you are looking for on how robots see your web page. The tool also shows you:
  • the title of the page used for this URL; 
  • the meta description used; 
  • the keywords used and finally 
  • the spider content.
Right after the content Spider, the tool also shows you two types of links. These are the internal Spider links and the external Spider links, each with the number of indexed links.  You will be able to find that the tool even supports social media links. Here is an illustration of the use of the tool.

Illustration of the use of Search Engine Spider Simulator

To use this tool, I offer you this mini-guide which recalls all the stages of the operation of the Search Engine Spider Simulator tool.
  • First step

Go to its home page. To do this, in your browser’s search engine, paste the following text:, then press the ENTER key on the keyboard. This is the text of the URL that leads to the tool’s homepage as in the case of the following image.
  • Second step

At this step, all you have to do is paste the URL of your site or enter it manually. In my case, I opted for a manual entry of the URL of the site of twaino, a content writing agency based in Benin. So I entered this: You can see it in the image below.
  • Third step

After manually entering the URL, you must ”Spider” by clicking on the blue button. By clicking, you will see that the tool starts working automatically. It’s the Internet Marketing Ninjas logo swirling around itself shows this as in the case of the figure.
  • Step Four

the logo, you should notice above the rectangular space where you entered your URL this: swirlingInternal and external Spider links that Google robots detect.  But what the robots really see when they index your web page is the Spidered Content. This is text and language incomprehensible to humans, but understandable to robots. Here, it’s Google search engine robots since the browser used for the illustration is Chrome. Here below, the Spidered Content. Here, in practice, how to use the Search Engine Spider Simulator tool. About search engine robots, I offer you some useful resources to finish the description of the tool. 

Some Useful Resources About Search Engine Bots 

The resources I want to share with you deal with a few questions about search engine robots. Thus, in this last section, you will have a more precise idea of ​​how these contribute to your natural referencing strategy.

What is a search engine robot?

A search engine robot is a robot used by search engines and whose mission is to explore the web to index a large number of pages. It is also known as the indexing robot. In reality, all the pages that are presented in the SERPs of search engines have necessarily been detected by indexing robots. More precisely, they visited and analyzed the page before indexing it.

How does a search engine robot work?

The functioning of the search engine robot is not difficult to understand. It happens in three stages which are:
  • the crawl or exploration of your content;
  • indexing your content;
  • the classification or ranking of the pages of your content.
In fact, engine robots will crawl or browse the Internet by inspecting the different web pages and the URLs that are present there. The purpose of this exploration is to collect all possible data from these Internet pages. Said information generally concerns the following elements:
  • the source code of the page;
  • the URL;
  • images followed by their names;
  • internal and external links…
It is after having gathered all this information that the robots will move on to the stage of indexing the web page. Indexing means in SEO, the process by which robots identify, save and classify the pages of a website in order to achieve a single objective. That of displaying said pages as soon as an Internet user enters a request. Finally, the last step in the operation of the search engine robot is the ranking step. In other words, it is at this stage that the search engine robot will rank your website in the SERPs. To do this, the robots consider a few criteria that we can group into three large groups.
  • the state of traffic and the conduct of the audience vis-à-vis the website;
  • the relevance of the content of the pages of your websites;
  • proper metadata management.

What is the impact of the search engine robot in your SEO?

The impact of search engine robots is seen during the reading and analysis of the web page. Indeed, said robots consider all SEO techniques, that is to say the keywords, the links as well as the tree structure… to better index your web page in the SERPs. To this extent, you need a relevant natural referencing. Without it, you run the risk of not showing up in better positions in search engine SERPs. The key to imposing yourself is writing original content with good writing skills and a good choice of your keywords. All in all, Search Engine Spider Simulator is a tool that allows you to simulate what search engine robots explore before displaying your web pages in the SERPs.

Videos : Search Engine Spider Simulator

Images : Search Engine Spider Simulator

Company : Search Engine Spider Simulator

Internet Marketing Ninjas is a company founded in 1999 by Jim Boykin, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of SEO. The company’s mission is to help their customers get better traffic to their websites through secure methods. Internet Marketing Ninjas specializes in optimizing pages and websites for search engines. Based in the United States in Clifton Park, the company is made up of 50 members who are all experts in their fields. Internet Marketing Ninjas offers the entire digital community complete digital marketing services, but also SEO services and tools. Among the 87+ tools developed by them, here are some free SEO tools they have developed:
  • Social Image Resizer Tool;
  • What’s My Browser Size Tool;
  • HTML Source Code Viewer Tool;
  • Meta Tag Analyzer;
  • Domain Age Checker;
  • Meta Tag Generator & Snippet Preview;
  • Search Engine Spider Simulator;
  • Keyword Combination Tool;
  • URL Inspection Tool…
These tools are aimed at SEO agencies as well as marketing professionals, not to mention companies. They will surely help to improve your various marketing strategies.

Contact : Search Engine Spider Simulator

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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