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AI Contents | Market Muse

AI Contents | Market Muse

Short description : AI Contents

MarketMuse Mise en avant
MarketMuse is an AI-powered content tool that helps marketers accelerate the process of creating, optimizing, and planning content. It is a tool that helps you optimize the content of your pages taking into account the competition of your target market.

Long Description : AI Contents

Description MarketMuse

With over 4 million pieces of content published on the internet every day, it’s pretty obvious that only the best can rank high on the SERPs. It is precisely to meet this increasingly recurrent need that MarketMuse was developed. It is a tool whose sole purpose is to help webmarketers produce or optimize their content in such a way that it appeals to search engines and users. It is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to content creation which we are going to talk about its features in this description.

What is MarketMuse ?

MarketMuse is an SEO tool with powerful artificial intelligence, which allows it to help web marketers research, develop and generate high-quality content. Marketers can use this software to create high-level content to outrank their potential competitors.  This software allows users to determine the success of different topics and analyze the competitive landscape based on their website and content.  Moreover, writers can use this software to come up with relevant content ideas to create informative and optimized content. software MarketMuse businesses to make smart, data-driven decisions and reduce the cost of paid search. software MarketMuse allows SEO experts to measure the authority and completeness of their topic and content at scale.  Website owners can use this software to improve the quality of their content with the aim of increasing audience engagement and conversion rate.  Indeed, the tool provides users with advice on the quality of pages to link to their content to gain traffic authority.  At the same time, the tool can also be used to find new content opportunities through high potential topics.

Finding Related Topics

To find the most consumed content topics in your market, you start by entering a main topic to get a list of suggestions. The idea is to introduce you to all the important and high-demand content topics in the market so that you can write a comprehensive and interesting article. Once the search is started, you will be shown a list of similar content topics that you can insert into your content as captions. Obviously, these topics can be used for preliminary purposes to write an optimized article, they can help you to :
  • Create a content plan;
  • Find what is missing in your existing content;
  • Find keywords used by your target market;
  • Etc.

Competing Content Gap Analysis

This MarketMuse feature allows you to analyze content gaps based on the top 20 search results for your targeted keyword. This gives you a clear idea of ​​what subtopics to include in your content and how to structure it to outrank competitors. To do this, you must first enter the search query for which you want to analyze the SERP results.  You are free to complete the URL of your website and putting it will allow you to obtain the information with great precision. If you enter a page URL with relevant content, you will have a comparison of your content with the top 19 that will show up at the top of the SERPs.   Even if you don’t add a page URL, the report will show you a comparison of the top 20 SERP content. Also, the content distribution heatmap is a great way to analyze the top pages against the content score. It helps you find out what some of that top content missed out on.

Optimizing existing content

You may have a lot of content on your website, but it will almost never appear on the first pages of results. It is simply because these contents are not of quality and  optimized to interest search engine robots. But if you submit your content to MarketMuse, it will tell you through its optimization feature what can be improved in your content to get it to rank. First, the tool will analyze hundreds and thousands of pages on the same topic as yours to give you a content score before providing you with suggestions to optimize your content. To use this feature, you must first enter the main keyword or topic your content is about. Besides the content score, what will interest us the most is the small table of suggestions. For example, for our article subject, the tool recommends inserting the keyword “Mobile marketing” 3 to 10 times in the content to optimize it for search. Then you can also search for content score for a better understanding of your existing content.

Question-Based Content Strategy

To write content that is quickly consumable or goes viral, it’s important to know the questions that your target audience often asks. This MarketMuse feature makes it easy to find the most relevant questions your readers are asking all over the web. For this, you need to go to the ”Question” tab in the left sidebar. Then you can simply type in your content topic to get ideas for questions that are often asked in your market. Indeed, questions are of great use, as they can help your content rank for several search terms on the internet.

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Company : AI Contents

MarketMuse is an AI-based SEO platform. It was created in 2013 by developer Aki Balogh. The platform aims to help companies and agencies improve their content on the Internet. To do this, MarketMuse accelerates the process of researching, creating and optimizing content, primarily using AI.  The AI ​​used collects and analyzes data from user content, with the aim of prioritizing the best opportunities. Plus, it helps create industry-leading SEO topic templates. MarketMuse also appears as an automated content inventory and auditing solution that measures the quality and authority of content in each domain.  MarketMuse’s AI-generated content summaries empower agencies with all the tools they need to deliver content at the cutting edge of their clients’ expectations. MarketMuse is made up of a dynamic team of SEO experts and engineers. It is also recognized and used by thousands of people around the world.  

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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