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Alternative Google Analytics | Matomo

Alternative Google Analytics | Matomo

Short description : Alternative Google Analytics

Matomo Mise en avant
Formerly called Piwik, Matomo is an open source measurement tool that provides statistical data on the use of a web page, such as visits, page views, origin of visits… This tool is considered as the first alternative solution to the Google Analytics tool.

Long Description : Alternative Google Analytics

Description Matomo

A quick way to optimize the performance of your online business is to regularly analyze your website data. For this purpose, Matomo is a very powerful analytics tool that is used by a large number of website owners instead of Google Analytics. It is a very confidential tool in the sense that you can easily track your visits without transmitting your data to a third party service. We’ll cover a few of Matomo’s features in this description.

What is Matomo ?

software analytics used by over one million website owners worldwide today. Its ability to serve in over 54 different languages ​​may well explain its popularity. As an alternative to Google Analytics, many website owners prefer to use Matomo to track their website statistics. The truth is that Google and Matomo Analytics do not use the same principles to analyze a website or an application. Google’s capabilities lie in its product family, which allows it to extract valuable information from users very quickly. On the other hand, Matomo takes a slightly different approach that allows it to track data without cookies, although it may sometimes use cookies. Matomo is a great intranet analytics tool because it can be hosted within an organization, eliminating the need to send data to Google or any other third-party analytics platform. Keeping analytics data within a company protects intranet user data. The main reason why some website owners prefer using Matomo over Google analytics is privacy. Matomo is configured to comply with even the strictest privacy laws such as:
  • Data Protection Regulation and Online Privacy Directive;
  • The Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA); 
  • United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). 
Thus, most Matomo users are individuals or organizations who are wary of privacy issues and do not want to send data to a third-party service like Google Analytics.  For example, sensitive organizations such as universities, governments and financial institutions will certainly not want to share their data with Google analytics. When you host your own analytics platform, you have full control of your data within your own infrastructure.  Plus, Matomo’s cloud hosting services guarantee privacy, so even if you choose to host Matomo in the cloud, you can know exactly where your data is stored. This data is not used by anyone other than you. Here are some features of Matomo:

Real-time data

What makes Matomo a fairly accurate tool is first of all its ability to offer real-time analysis data. It is therefore able to identify a specific activity that occurs on a website at a specific time around the world. From a marketing perspective, Matomo is an ideal tool to identify not only the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, but also the ability of your website to convert contacts into loyal customers.

Visitor Profiles

Matomo collects all possible visitor information such as user ID, operating system, browser, summary of time spent and other activity details. This information helps you understand the status of each visitor to your website. You can understand visitors who are close to converting, but need more motivation. It’s also a good way to spot flaws in your conversion process in order to fix them.


This feature is very useful when performing a usability test of your site. Matomo’s heatmap feature is used to identify exactly how your customers are actually interacting with your landing pages. Heatmaps are schematic representations of the visitor’s journey through your website. The tool tracks every visitor’s movement on every page of your website from landing to returning. Instead of relying on certain other people’s philosophies when it comes to studying your users, heatmaps can be used to identify real patterns of behavior.  You can customize the size of your heat map depending on the type of device used to navigate. In addition, the tool also allows you to activate the recording of individual sessions to fully track the actions of each visitor on your site. 


When you set up a marketing campaign, in most cases, you define actions that the visitor must follow when they visit your page. With Matomo, you can better define every step, from clicking on a promotional advertisement to payments, for example. You are entirely free to set the number of steps you want visitors to follow for your marketing campaign.  In funnels, you can create markers for each stage, so it can be really easy to track behavior across a marketing campaign. This can, for example, make it possible to observe user behavior patterns within these funnels to be able to identify when a user might give up on the process and when they might be confused.

A/B test

is also a tool that guides web marketers’ decisions by comparing user behavior on two different pages. funnel.


ahow to handle forms.  If you want to have more specific information about your customers, one solution is to ask them to fill out a form. However, forms can introduce many usability barriers for users. Being able to track how people are using them can help provide the insights that can make or break a marketing campaign. Thanks to this feature of Matomo you can follow the progress of the user in a form. So you can identify how many people bounced off the site during the filling process, how many people actually filled out the form, and even how long it took to do so. This information can either be viewed granularly based on individual user level or even by user category. In general, Matomo is an alternative solution to Google Analytics and very effective in terms of privacy.

Videos : Alternative Google Analytics

Images : Alternative Google Analytics

Company : Alternative Google Analytics

Matomo is a data analysis platform created in 2005 by Matthieu Aubry. The platform was born out of a vague protest movement for the protection of personal data.  Thus, Matomo allows companies and web marketers to protect their data and that of their customers. Matomo is also a powerful web analytics platform.  Indeed, it allows through its full range of SEO features, to evaluate the entire user journey of visitors to a website.  Among these many analysis functions, we distinguish:
  • the optimization of conversions;
  • visitor profiling;
  • improved SEO;
  • beacon management;
  • the integration ;
  • etc
Matomo also enables cookieless tracking, personal data tracking, and intranet analytics.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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