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Keyword Density Analysis Tool | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Keyword Density Analysis Tool | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Short description : Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Keyword Density Analysis Tool Marketing Ninjas Mise en avant
To know the density of use of words of the content of the pages of your website in order to improve your SEO, use the Keyword Density Analysis Tool.

Long Description : Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Description Keyword Density Analysis Tool

The content of web pages is not only of interest to Internet visitors. It is also and above all of interest to the various search engine robots. It is also the latter who classify content for end users. To succeed in the ranking, these robots rely on several criteria such as the relevance and distribution of your keywords.  Thus, if your words are misused, that is to say if you do not know what type of words used, how to use them or where to use them, you risk penalties. Under these conditions, it is necessary to analyze and know the density of all the words used in the content of your web pages. To achieve this analysis, you can use the Keyword Density Analysis tool.  The latter is free and I suggest you discover it in the description. After reading, you will know what this tool really is, how to use it and the interest of use. Good reading !

Presentation Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Keyword Density Analysis Tool is a free referencing tool which intervenes both in the verification of the influence and in the value of your keywords on one of the pages of your site.  More simply, Keyword Density Analysis Tool allows you to perform a keyword density analysis of one or more existing pages on your website. But he doesn’t just do that. Indeed, just like one of the pages of your website, you are able to analyze the most effective competing web pages. Indeed, thedensity of keywords is in principle an index allowing SEO experts to know if the main keyword chosen was sufficiently present in the content of their Internet pages. It is therefore obvious that knowing the keyword density of a web page can positively impact your result in the SERP of search engines. With Keyword Density Analysis Tool, you can generate a Keyword Density Analysis report to improve your distribution ofchosen keywords for existing content. This report which is detailed generally indicates the following points:
  • the total of the words used on the page;
  • the set of linked words; 
  • the set of unrelated words;
  • all stop words used in unlinked text.
Thus, by indicating these elements in its report, Keyword Density Analysis Tool helps you avoid over-optimization which represents an SEO danger. This is why it is necessary to have an idea of ​​what the report generated by the tool involves, directly or indirectly.

About the report generated by Internet Marketing Ninjas

Keyword Density Analysis Tool Keyword Density Analysis Tool, generates a detailed SEO report that shows two tables regarding the use of keyword density. The first table generated by Keyword Density Analysis Tool provides information on the keywords used most often in the content of the page. These words are listed in descending order of expressions from one word to three words with a number of usage frequencies for each of these words. Regarding the second table of Keyword Density Analysis Tool, you should know that it is a subset of the first. This subset shows keyword density data relating exclusively to unlinked text on a page. Which, by the way, is important since the link text is translated by search engines as a description of the linked page. This makes distinguishing unrelated keyword text a critical aspect of page value in search. Anyway, in the two tables provided by the Keyword Density Analysis Tool report, the top 10 words or phrases in each column are visible. In case there are more than ten words, the tool allows you to display the remaining data through the Show/Hide link below the column.  But what text does Keyword Density Analysis Tool count when it generates its report? This is the question I will answer in the next section.

Keyword Density Analysis Tool: Counted Text 

Knowing the text the tool counts can be used to review your SEO strategy to make it better. So remember that the Keyword Density Analysis tool counts in the generation of its report, the following types of text:
  • Body text of the web page concerned;
  • Text used in tags;
  • Text used in header tags.
In this context, it is possible to make use of Keyword Density Analysis Tool in order to quickly detect frequent words and expressions on the web page. Said words and expressions can then be used in metadata like the header tag. These same words can be used to rework the alternative texts available on the page. Alternative texts are important in SEO since they improve your ranking. These are small texts that accompany or define an image or video. They are usually embedded inside a particular tag in the HTML code. We therefore retain that good use of the Keyword Density Analysis Tool contributes to improving the relevance of your keywords. How does it work?

How Keyword Density Analysis Tool Works

The Internet Marketing Ninjas Keyword Density Analysis Tool interface is pretty basic. This situation makes its operation less complex than other density analysis tools. So, to use Keyword Density Analysis Tool, just go to the interface of the tool through its link. You will be redirected to the following page: On the page, all you have to do is enter or paste the full URL of your web page in the area dedicated to this purpose. In my case, I chose the link of another Tool description, that of the SE Ranking tool: (text link of the tool). After pasting the link, I possessed to check by clicking on the ”Ninja Check” button. This is what it looks like: The previous image is the report generated by Keyword Density Analysis Tool. It gives all the information regarding the words used in the text on the page. In our case here, we see that it is a text of 1772 words. It is important to specify that Keyword Density Analysis Tool exclusively considers key phrases with at least three occurrences. The occurrence refers here to the number of appearances of the words in the different sentences of your content. Anyway, you can also see in the report generated by Keyword Density Analysis Tool, the following elements:
  • the total number of words on the page: 1722;
  • all related words: 91
  • all unrelated words: 1631;
  • total stop words used in unlinked text: 588.
That’s kind of how the Keyword Density Analysis tool works. To test it for free, you just have to start by clicking on the link that leads to its interface

Usefulness of Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Before presenting the usefulness of using Keyword Density Analysis Tool, it is essential to have an idea of ​​the meaning of the density of a keyword in natural referencing.

SEO Keyword Density: What Is It Really?

In natural referencing, keyword density simply represents the degree to which a keyword appears in the content of a web page. This concept made its advent in the world of SEO in 2000. Although it is a key index in natural referencing, it is no longer very much considered as in its infancy.  More concretely, it is an index that allows you to identify which words are the most important in the text of a web page. It is a statistical measure that reflects or translates the value of a keyword when it is used in the content of a web page. A priori, its calculation would make it possible to adjust the SEO optimization of the content of a web page for a specific request. In this, it is very useful to avoid penalties. This is understandable since SEO has greatly evolved. Now, what is the point of using the Keyword Density Analysis tool.

Interest in using the Keyword Density Analysis Tool

The Keyword Density Analysis tool allows you to identify the relevance of the words on a web page to a given query. It participates in the ranking of your website in the SERP through the report it generates. In addition, it allows you to efficiently modify your web page so that you are sure that the chosen keywords are used reasonably. In this way, it contributes to the refinement of your SEO approach. Keyword Density Analysis Tool also guides you through your SEO site reviews. Under these conditions, making clearer and fairer decisions about your SEO becomes easier. Ultimately, Internet Marketing Ninjas’ Keyword Density Analysis Tool helps you with all your SEO efforts especially when it comes to the value and importance of your keywords.

Videos : Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Images : Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Company : Keyword Density Analysis Tool

Internet Marketing Ninjas is a company founded in 1999 by Jim Boykin, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of SEO. The company’s mission is to help their customers get better traffic to their websites through secure methods. Internet Marketing Ninjas specializes in optimizing pages and websites for search engines. Based in the United States in Clifton Park, the company is made up of 50 members who are all experts in their fields  . Internet Marketing Ninjas offers the entire digital community complete digital marketing services, but also SEO services and tools. Among the 87+ tools developed by them, here are some free SEO tools they have developed:
  • Social Image Resizer Tool;
  • What’s My Browser Size Tool;
  • HTML Source Code Viewer Tool;
  • Meta Tag Analyzer;
  • Domain Age Checker;
  • Meta Tag Generator & Snippet Preview;
  • Search Engine Spider Simulator;
  • Keyword Combination Tool;
  • URL Inspection Tool…
These tools are aimed at SEO agencies as well as marketing professionals, not to mention companies. They will surely help to improve your various marketing strategies.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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