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Paraphrase online| Prepostseo

Paraphrase online| Prepostseo

Short description : Paraphrase online

Find out how to rephrase your sentences for free to rewrite your web content with the Paraphrasing Tool.

Long Description : Paraphrase online

Description Paraphrasing Tool – Prepostseo  

In the world of SEO, to successfully rewrite content effectively, special attention must be paid to the structure of the content in question. More specifically, things like:
  • word choice of rewritten content;
  • the organization of the different sentences;
  • the structure of your keywords…
All this is quite time-consuming, thus making the rewriting process complicated. However, you can go quickly by using rewriting tools like the Paraphrasing Tool from the Prepostseo brand. If you want to know more details about this tool, you can continue reading. At the end, you will have an idea of ​​who can use Paraphrasing Tool and how to use it. You will also know its different features which may be the ones you have been looking for for a long time.

Paraphrasing Tool – Prepostseo

Paraphrasing Tool is a sentence reformulator. More precisely, it is a free reformulation platform that allows its users to make important changes to their content. These changes that the tool makes are made sentence by sentence as well as word by word. No matter the type of content, Paraphrasing Tool usually takes the authentic text and creates a new one without plagiarism and this in seconds. This tool therefore makes it easy to avoid duplicate content by paraphrasing almost all the sentences. This allows for authentic paragraphs. Thus, if you are a web editor, the use of this tool will allow you to quickly finalize your content. In fact, Paraphrasing Tool relies on state-of-the-art techniques to render quality article rephrases. He makes slight changes to the synonyms and phrases of the content so that the final rendering is unique. In summary, Paraphrasing Tool by Prepostseo allows you to:
  • completely rewrite essays;
  • faithfully reproduce text in order to have original content;
  • proceed toremixage articles for blogs, web pages or research works;
  • reformulate text and obtain excellent synonyms for a large number of words;
  • eliminate the risks of duplicate content in the reformulated text.
Although the interface of the tool is basic, it remains nevertheless effective. This tool was created for:
  • researchers;
  •  students;
  • writers;
  • bloggers.
But it is also aimed at SEO and marketing professionals. If you are wondering how you can use it, I suggest you find out.

Using Paraphrasing Tool by Prepostseo

Using Paraphrasing Tool is not complex at all. It is done in just a few steps. To get started, head to its system interface using this link: This will systematically redirect you to the tool’s page as in the following case. The next step is to paste the text into the input box dedicated to the original content. This is the first rectangular white space. If you decide not to directly paste the content to paraphrase, you can choose to upload the content file from your local drive. Just select the downloaded option just at the bottom of the input box. If you usually use Google Doc, you can also import the content file by clicking on the Google Drive logo. Besides, Paraphrasing Tool lets you exclude words you don’t want to paraphrase. To do this, write in the dedicated area the words to exclude, but you must absolutely separate them with a comma. The area in question is the rectangular space to the right of the Google Drive option. To start the paraphrasing process, choose the language in which you want to paraphrase the content. You have the choice between several languages. Next, it is important to choose the rephrasing mode you want Paraphrasing Tool to perform. These include the following 4 Paraphrase modes.
  • Simple ;
  • Advanced ;
  • Ease and
  • Creative.
You will find these 4 modes above the rectangular space in which you pasted the content to be paraphrased. Finally, check the box “I am not a robot” before pressing the green button “Paraphrase” which allows to launch the operation. After launching the “Paraphrase”, you have to wait a few seconds to see the reformulation of the text. This is displayed in the second rectangular white space. That’s it, now you know how Paraphrasing Tool works. What about its characteristics?

Main features of Paraphrasing Tool

The main features of Paraphrasing Tool are various. They concern the different modes of Paraphrase, plagiarism and download options. Here they are :

Simple Mode

This is the first mode and it allows to substitute the synonyms of the text to be paraphrased. This is a mode that functions as a reformulation tool. With this mode, you can paraphrase words without any limits.

Advanced Mode

This second mode works like a word changer. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the automatically substituted synonyms, you have the option of adding your own words. There is no word limit for this mode of paraphrase.

AI Fashion

This mode offersandparaphrasing tool at the cutting edge of Artificial Intelligence technology. Besides changing words, it rewrites complex sentences by breaking them down. It has two sub modes which are “Fluency mode” and “Creative”. The “Fluency mode” allows you to paraphrase your content by intelligently modifying the words with their synonyms. It is a mode that also allows you to make slight changes to all the sentences of the content to be paraphrased. Like its name, this is a mode that fluidly edits your content to look like a professional job. As for the second sub-mode called “Creative”, you should know that it is the most sophisticated mode available in this tool. It allows you to rework your content with the greatest intelligence and this without departing from the original context. Thus, it makes your content unique. However, it is only available for premium plan users. It is a significant asset for web editors who wish to create original content.

Plagiarism Changer

This feature removes duplicate content from paraphrased content. So you get authentic content that can be checked through their Plagiarism Checker tool.

Multiple Uploading option 

This feature allows files to be uploaded in different formats to facilitate the paraphrasing process. In the case that concerns us here, these are the formats:
  • Doc ;
  • Docx;
  • lTXT and
  • PDF…
This same feature offers the copy-paste option to do your paraphrase operation.

SEO Optimized content 

This feature allows the tool to safely participate in optimizing the content of your web pages for search engines. Indeed, Paraphrasing Tool promotes the rewriting of your SEO content without affecting the layout of your keywords. It also allows you to check the density of your keywords. Ultimately, if you are looking to create original content or simply rewrite existing content, you can use Prespostseo’s Paraphrasing Tool which is totally free. It can be used for several types of content.

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Company : Paraphrase online

Prepostseo is an agency founded by Ahmad Sattar, a web developer and his AR AS assistant to help web editors, webmasters and SEO experts in creating high-performing articles.  Its main objective is to improve the content and referencing of websites. For this, it offers free tools to its users so that they can upload content without plagiarism and above all of quality.  We can cite as tools the DA Checker, the Paraphrasing Tool, the Plagiarism Checker, the Summarizer, etc. Thanks to these tools, Prepostseo provides its users with the best SEO solutions.  Thus, they can easily check: 
  • The plagiarism rate of an article;
  • The SEO score of a content;
  • Spelling and grammatical errors in an article;
  • Backlinks (return links);
  • Keyword density;
  • Domain authority, i.e. the quality of a website;
  • And much more. 
With these tools, the Prepostseo also helps to reformulate and summarize articles. All this to facilitate the writing of content optimized for the web. 

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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