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A/B Testing | SplitSignal – SemRush

A/B Testing | SplitSignal – SemRush

Short description : A/B Testing

SplitSignal Mise en avant
SplitSignal is an SEO split testing tool that allows you to test and evaluate the impact of a change before implementing it site-wide.

Long Description : A/B Testing

Description SplitSignal

Google’s ranking algorithm is constantly changing. There is therefore no single and guaranteed method to increase the visibility and traffic of a website on the pages of the search engine.  This is why experimentation is an essential task in SEO. By testing before making a change to your entire website, you can avoid any potential drop in traffic and clicks.   However, without an effective way to streamline the SEO experimentation process, you can end up wasting a lot of time and resources.  SplitSignal is an online tool that allows you to simplify testing on your site, reduce the risk of major changes, and uncover opportunities that can be exploited to improve your visibility and organic traffic.

What is SplitSignal?

SplitSignal is a platform created by OrangeValley and powered by Semrush to help users perform SEO A/B testing easily online.  The tool makes it possible to modify the HTML code of websites and to evaluate the influence of the modifications on the organic traffic before implementing them at the scale of the site.  Concretely, the tool offers statistical and automated models on which you can base yourself to easily create and carry out SEO split tests.  It helps you to accurately assess the impact of the tests carried out and in addition offers the possibility of easily implementing the successful tests throughout your site.  Source: SEOhub The tool remains an excellent choice for websites that have a high volume of organic traffic.  It uses historical data to divide pages into control and variation groups for more efficient SEO test execution.  Moreover, since everything is done with SplitSignal from the client side, the tool allows SEOs to easily run their SEO tests without necessarily depending on developer teams.  In just a few minutes, SplitSignal allows you to generate and download the Javascript code fully ready to be tested.  The tool is also able to interpret the data for you to limit the risk of confusion that can arise when comparing endless threads of data.  For your tests, SplitSignal compares the results between the two groups and will tell you explicitly if it is a positive or negative test.  The test will compare the results between the two groups and indicate whether it is a good or a bad result.

SplitSignal: Is it possible to preview the result of a test before applying it online? 

Yes, SplitSignal offers a preview feature to help you check how the change will look before running it.  It’s a way to ensure that the changes you make to your website will not only be picked up by Googlebot, but also visible to human users.  Source: Semrush  The tool pays special attention to Googlebot, but while making sure not to affect the user experience of your website. 

SplitSignal: What types of data can you test on the tool? 

With SplitSignal, you can run several types of tests, including: 
  • Testing Title tags 
  • Testing Meta Description tags 
  • Testing Hn (e.g. Swap H2 title H1
  • Change location for certain elements on your pages (Remove, for example, the <h1> before the <img> or move an entire content)
  • Delete elements (Remove, for example, an <img> or any other content element)
  • Complete elements (Add, for example, a new paragraph to existing content)
The tool is continually exploring new options to allow you to run multiple types of tests. 

SplitSignal: Is it possible to perform several tests at the same time? 

With SplitSignal, you can perform an unlimited number of tests on your website, as long as each test generates the minimum traffic and pageviews required. However, it is important to be careful not to select a page for more than one test at a time. Since the same page is already running in a first test, requesting it again for further tests could skew the results.  Source: Sameog You must therefore wait for the first test to pass or be completed before using the page again.  You cannot return to this page until the first test is completed or stopped. For best results, it is recommended that you re-run your tests on tested pages after a 7-10 day “cool down period”. 

SplitSignal: What types of data or information does the tool access? 

To improve its execution capacity, SplitSignal analyzes access logs by scanning them through its JS code.  The data stored in these logs is kept for 45 days, after which it is deleted and SplitSignal no longer has access to it. Specifically: 
  • Neither SplitSignal nor Semrush share your SEO split testing related data with other tools 
  • No cookies are stored on the user’s browser by SplitSignal
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console data is only used by SplitSignal to split pages before an SEO split test
Additionally, users can remove SplitSignal’s access and login to their GA and GSC accounts at any time.  Users can log out of GA/GSC at any time. Click here to learn more about SEMrush’s privacy policy. 

What is A/B Testing in SEO? 

There are a number of ranking elements to consider when optimizing a website for search engines.  Some of these elements relate directly to the site while others are off-site signals such as backlinks, security, or brand online reputation. To decide the ranking that goes to each indexed web page, search engine robots take into account a number of optimization factors, including: 
  • The insertion of keywords in strategic places on your pages such as tags title and meta description
  • The use of header tags to structure your content 
  • The presence of keywords for relevant anchor texts 
  • Schema markup of pages
  • And many more
By performing SEO split tests on each of these elements, you can get results much faster than waiting for search algorithms to do their job.  An SEO split test basically takes place in 3 simple steps:
  • Step 1: Create two groups for a modeled page type. It can be a blog post, product page or category page. The first group is “Control” (which remains unchanged). The second group is the “Variant” (On which the changes you want to test will be implemented).
  • Step 2: Apply the changes to the modifications on the “Variant” group. 
  • Step 3: Then observe the difference in organic traffic between the two groups. 
If you don’t test your website for SEO, you may be missing out on a valuable boost in traffic, whether your site is small or large. A/B testing is a way to control your SEO strategy by testing small changes. The results of these tests will allow you to assess the impact of the changes made.  If it is a positive test, then you can implement it on the whole site if not, the A/B test will allow you to avoid the negative impact of the modification.

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Company : A/B Testing

Semrush is a Saas platform for online visibility management and content marketing created in 2008. In the beginning, Semrush was a small group of SEO and IT specialists. Its aim was to make online competition fair and transparent, with equal opportunities for all. Today, Semrush is a powerful platform that helps marketers around the world increase their online visibility. Indeed, Semrush helps companies of all sizes and in all sectors to optimize their visibility on key channels. It also allows them to create engaging content for their users.  Semrush is also recognized as one of the best SEO software and has been rewarded several times through numerous international awards.  It now has 13 years of experience in the field of SEO with nearly 10 million users across 143 countries. In addition, Semrush, thanks to its notoriety, enjoys the trust of major global brands such as: AMAZON, TESLA, IBM, SAMSUNG, QUORA and many more.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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