People Rich Snippets Schema Generator | Internet Marketing Ninjas

People Rich Snippets Schema Generator | Internet Marketing Ninjas

Short description : People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

People Schema Generator is a handy tool for generating the markup needed to display your author profile type rich snippets in the SERPs.

Long Description : People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

Description People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

Launched in 2009 by Google, the Rich Snippets are a great way to stand out from the fierce competition in the SERPs today. Don’t allow your online competitors to rob you of your audience any longer with a visually more appealing search result. People Rich Snippets Schema Generator is a free and effective tool that can help you improve your appearance in the SERPs.  In fact, the main function of the People Rich Snippets Schema Generator is to generate the markup and structured data schema needed to customize your author profile in search results pages. Let’s discover in this description how this structured data generator works for the creation of people rich snippets.

What is People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

People Rich Snippets Schema Generator is a completely free web-based platform that makes it easy to format and display profiles of authors or more commonly known as “people rich snippets”.  As an actor or SEO enthusiast, you know that when it comes to rich snippets, it’s not so much about getting them as it is about creating them. Indeed, to display rich snippets in the SERPs, you must use microdata in the code of your website, called structured data. To do this, it is necessary to use precise properties that are understandable by search engines. This may seem very complex, and yet it is not. The key lies in using the right tools. This is where the People Rich Snippets Schema Generator comes in. When you use it, it becomes very easy to create the markup needed to make your “people rich snippets” appear in search results. This structured data markup represents a particular mode of coding that uses a specific type of vocabulary and syntax. That said, with this structured data builder, you don’t need to be a web programming expert to add rich snippets.  People Rich Snippets Schema Generator uses the main types of markup as well as the indicators available on This is the structured data protocol, which centralizes information related to structured data and the semantic web.  It is this common set of microdata vocabulary that is called In our particular case, it is the Person The People Rich Snippets Schema Generator is therefore a Person In addition to helping you generate the ideal structured data schema for displaying your author profile in the SERPs, this tool allows you to verify the tagging of author profiles already present on your web pages. You therefore have the choice between:
  • Testing the URL of the page where the microdata of your author profile are located;
  • Create the appropriate markup following the Person Schema for your people rich snippets;
  • Check the conformity of existing markup.

How to use People Rich Snippets Schema Generator?

All you have to do is access the People Rich Snippets Schema Generator platform and choose the option that suits you. You will then have to specify the desired information according to the operation you wish to perform.

How do I generate new structured data markup?

To get started, enter the appropriate information in each of the fields ranging from the author’s name to their phone number to their description.  Only the author name and description fields are required to generate markup. Depending on your objectives, you are free to complete other specific information of your choice from the list provided by the tool:
  • the job title;
  • email;
  • organization;
  • the author’s URL;
  • the birth date ;
  • the address;
  • the post office box;
  • the city ;
  • state or region;
  • Postal code ;
  • the country ;
  • and phone number.
Once you have entered all the data in the corresponding fields, click on “Creat Person Codes”. Person Schema-compliant data will be generated to help you format your search results to include your phone number, job title, address, and any other information you enter. All that remains is to integrate the generated code into the HTML content of the author’s page.

How do you check the markup and Person Schema of your structured data?

To do this, you have two options: 
  • Either you enter the URL of the author page whose structured data you want to test;
  • Either you directly paste the existing schema code to check;
You will then need to click “Get” to test the URL or “Fill in the Fields” to verify the existing code. Whichever option you choose, if the markup used in the code is correct, the additional information it is supposed to contain will display in the appropriate fields. If not, we recommend that you generate new code following the process described above to ensure the accuracy of the structured data required for your people rich snippets. 

People Rich Snippets Schema Generator: Pros and Cons 

As you would expect from any online tool, the People Rich Snippets Schema Generator also has its pros and cons.  Here are some of the benefits of implementing the structured data generated by People Rich Snippets Generator.
  • It’s a tool accessible to everyone: With this structured data generator, you don’t need any web programming skills to create the right code to display your rich snippets in the SERPs.
  • The tool uses an enforced structured markup standard: The microdata markup generated by People Rich Snippets Generator is preferred over others such as microformat and RDFa. The reason is that is a microdata vocabulary that is supported by many modern web browsers.
  • Better organic visibility:  Rich snippets of the author profile type have a more professional and polished character. They attract more attention of the Internet user thanks to the various additional information added with the People Rich Snippets Schema Generator.
  • Increased CTR: By generating information-rich snippets with this tool, users will be more likely to check out what’s on your profile. This will increase your click-through rate in searches.
  • The multiplication of conversions: The data present in your author profile will bring additional credit to your products/services. Internet users will thus be more inclined to use your services or products.
Apart from these advantages, People Rich Snippets Generator also has some shortcomings. The main disadvantages of this tool are as follows:
  • Integration of data generated by modifying the HTML code : You must add additional tags in your HTML. It is well known that adding new code to an existing HTML program increases the chances of bugs when running your website. 
  • A tool that does not contribute to the optimization of the ranking in the SERPs : Google has been clear: the use of structured data does not constitute a ranking signal.
People Rich Snippets Schema Generator is ultimately a fast, safe and efficient way to customize your author profile rich snippets. Generate and apply the appropriate Person Schema to improve your appearances in search results with this handy and accessible tool.

Videos : People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

Images : People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

Company : People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

Internet Marketing Ninjas is a company founded in 1999 by Jim Boykin, with more than 10 years of experience in the field of SEO. The company’s mission is to help their customers get better traffic to their websites through secure methods. Internet Marketing Ninjas specializes in optimizing pages and websites for search engines. Based in the United States in Clifton Park, the company is made up of 50 members who are all experts in their fields. Internet Marketing Ninjas offers the entire digital community complete digital marketing services, but also SEO services and tools. Among the 87+ tools developed by them, here are some free SEO tools they have developed:
  • Social Image Resizer Tool;
  • What’s My Browser Size Tool;
  • HTML Source Code Viewer Tool;
  • Meta Tag Analyzer;
  • Domain Age Checker;
  • Meta Tag Generator & Snippet Preview;
  • Search Engine Spider Simulator;
  • Keyword Combination Tool;
  • URL Inspection Tool…
These tools are aimed at SEO agencies as well as marketing professionals, not to mention companies. They will surely help to improve your various marketing strategies.

Contact : People Rich Snippets Schema Generator

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.