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Mobile First Index Checker | Tools Zeo

Mobile First Index Checker | Tools Zeo

Short description : Mobile First Index Checker

Mobile First Index Checker Tools Zeo Mise en avant
Does your website meet the requirements of mobile First indexing? Check this with the mobile First Index set up by ZEO.

Long Description : Mobile First Index Checker

Description of the Mobile First indexing checker 

The Mobile First indexing checker is a tool developed by the Zeo platform which allows different users to check whether their site complies with the requirements of the Google algorithm with regard to the indexing of web pages.  Verificateur de l index mobile In reality, when evaluating the relevance of a web page in relation to the request of Internet users, the search engine algorithms essentially referred to the classic version of the content of this web page.  But since statistical trends have shown that the vast majority of internet users are now accessing Google search from their phones, the search engine has introduced new rules when it comes to indexing.  Now crawlers use the smartphone agent more to crawl and index website pages.  This new approach means that when results are displayed in the SERPs, a certain priority is given to content optimized for mobile.  Therefore, it seems obvious that to gain in efficiency and performance, websites are obliged to optimize the content of their web page for the mobile version.  But since adapting a website to the mobile version requires a whole process, various verification tools are put in place to allow professionals to follow their work. This is the case of the Mobile First Index checker tool developed by ZEO. 

Who is the mobile First Index checker for? 

As you can imagine, the mobile First Index checker is a tool aimed at both professional webmasters and individual website owners.  It first allows them to check whether their website or those of their individuals comply with the new guidelines of the Google search engine with regard to the optimization of their content for mobile display. Secondly, the First Index checker mobile tool will allow webmasters to check whether the adaptation of their site to the mobile version can be considered a success. 

Why use the Mobile First index Checker? 

Among the reasons that may lead you to use the mobile First index Checker of the ZEO platform, there is: 
  • The need to have an idea of ​​the different actions to be implemented to adapt your site to the requirements of mobile First indexing;
  • The need to determine if your website is optimized for mobile display or if this optimization has been well done. 
  • The possibility of verifying that all the recommended practices for optimizing the pages of your website have been implemented; 
  • The possibility of monitoring over time to ensure that the pages available on desktop devices are not different from those displayed on mobile devices. 

What are the features of the mobile indexing checker tool? 

As you will see, the mobile First indexing checker allows you to check from a checklist the compliance of your website with the new requirements of the Google search algorithm.  Liste de controle pour les IMF Checking this checklist not only allows you to get an idea of ​​whether your site is optimized for mobile viewing, but also to collect a set of data relating to the functioning of the pages of your website.  In fact, checking your site for compliance with the Google search algorithm requirements highlights the following: 
  • The number of internal links for mobile and desktop versions 
  • The number of images for mobile versions desktop and mobile 
  • The existence of the same types of structured data on both the desktop and mobile versions 
  • Ariadne’s thread data 
  • Metadata 
  • Whether or not there is a canonical URL on the AMP versions 
  • Implementation of similar HTML content on both types of devices 
  • The appearance of the desktop and mobile pages during screenshots 
  • The PageSpeed ​​score that the page presents at the level of the desktop or mobile version. 

How do I use ZEO’s First Index mobile tool? 

To use this Mobile First indexing verification tool with your website, just follow these steps: 
  • Open the verification tool; 
  • Copy/paste the URL address of the web page you want to check; 
  • Launch the check by pressing the check button; 
  • Wait for the new page to load and click through each component of the checklist to get set on optimizing your site’s elements for mobile search. 
Page optimisation des elements de site por la recherche Mebile This observation can be made when the field that contains the name of each checklist is preceded by the validation sign.  The opposite conclusion can be drawn when that is preceded by a cross. In such a situation, it seems necessary to proceed with the correction by carrying out the action concerned in order to optimize the content of the site for mobile First indexing.  As you know, the importance of optimizing websites for mobile search is well established. This tool will therefore be useful for you to comply with the new developments in the Google search algorithm. 

Videos : Mobile First Index Checker

Images : Mobile First Index Checker

Company : Mobile First Index Checker

ZEO is an English agency specializing in digital marketing. It was founded by digital communications expert, Rand Fiskin.  ZEO’s main mission is to help companies better develop and succeed in their digital communication. She puts her creativity and skills in the digital field to the benefit of these companies.  The services offered by ZEO concern among others SEO optimization, marketing and data analysis. Among its tools, the best known are:
  • Carbon Mapper;
  • MFI Checker;
  • SEO Sheet;
  • Chrome Extension;
  • SERP Preview;
  • SEO browser.
ZEO is also the creator of other tools like the Mobile First Index Checker. The latter allows webmasters to know if the site they manage is ready for mobile-first indexing.  To do this, it can help you observe the essential differences between the desktop and mobile version of your site.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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