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Keywords Long-Tail | Suggest Machine

Keywords Long-Tail | Suggest Machine

Short description : Keywords Long-Tail

Suggest Machine Outil SEO2
Generate long tail keyword ideas using the Suggest Machine SEO tool and easily respond to user intent.

Long Description : Keywords Long-Tail

Description Suggest Machine

Sometimes you write content only to find that it doesn’t rank at all on your chosen keywords.  This rather frustrating situation has its origin in a fact. In reality, it is very likely that the chosen keywords do not meet the search intent of users.  It is therefore necessary to try to choose a type of keywords that truly meets this intention. And more often than not, these are the long-tail keywords. But identifying this type of keywords is not always easy. This is why there are SEO tools that allow them to be generated and this for free, such as the case of Suggest Machine. I’ll give you more information about it.

Introducing Suggest Machine

Suggest Machine is a long-tail keyword idea generator. It is more exactly a free natural referencing tool that allows you to search for long-tail keywords. As a result, it can favorably influence the ranking of your web pages in the SERPs of search engines. You just need to have an idea of ​​a few keywords in your subject to see other keywords generated, but this time with a long tail. Indeed, it must be understood that to increase the chances of making your content more significant for robots, a good choice of keywords is essential. Not only will you be quickly indexed, visitors to your pages will be satisfied with the quality of your content. Because you were able to attract them through the information you presented in the written text. Information they are constantly looking for after a query on a search engine. It goes without saying that Suggest Machine is a tool that participates in your content marketing. In principle, for your content to be optimized for search engines, it is essential that we feel both the intention and the request of Internet users. And it is precisely these two factors that characterize this tool. In addition, Suggest Machine is aimed at web writing agencies, but also at marketing professionals. They can use it to rework their SEO strategies. Its fairly ergonomic interface favors its handling which is pleasant without a doubt. I want proof of its operation, which I best to show you right after.

How Suggest Machine works

By using Suggest Machine, you will find a variety of long-tail keywords to use in your editorial content so that they bring precision to visitors. This promote quality traffic to your website. Its operation is simple. Just enter a few words related to your subject and two to three clicks to see its effectiveness. To know how Suggest Machine works, you must access its page by clicking on this link: Free Long-Tail Keyword Research Tool ➽ Suggest Machine You will be systematically redirected to its interface as here  Then, in the area dedicated to the search for long-tail keywords, you only have to fill in up to 10 keywords at most relating to your subject. In my case, I chose to use a single keyword. It is the word: natural referencing. After entering your keywords, you must choose the language and the country in which you wish to have long-tail word suggestions. In my case, I chose the French language and the targeted country for my long tail word query is France.  To start the process of generating keyword ideas, all you have to do is click on the green “Get Long Tail” button. After a few seconds, the tool starts generating long-tail keywords for you. The suggestions that the tool offers are almost endless. Under these conditions, you must stop the suggestion yourself by clicking on the red “Stop” button.  In my case, as I didn’t click the stop button quickly, I went from 69 suggestions to 129 suggestions. As for the questions, I went from 13 to 20 questions and this in just a few seconds. Once you click on the “Stop” button, the tool gives you an option to search for clusters.  Now all you have to do is decide whether or not to search for the clusters in question. After deciding what you want to do, you only need to upload the list of suggestions and questions by clicking on the “Upload” button. This is how the Suggest Machine tool works. But what about its features? 

Features of Suggest Machine

Suggest Machine does not have several features like other tools. Its features mainly revolve around long-tail keyword research. Here they are:

Long-tail keyword search query

This feature appears to be one of the basic functions of the tool. Through the latter, you will be able to group keywords in order to generate long-tail search queries. In principle, long tail keywords are a type of keyword that is not frequently searched like regular keywords. In fact, long tail keywords are very specific and consist of at least three words. However, that does not mean that it is the length or the number of words that makes them specific. In reality, their specificity comes from the fact that they often represent the search intent of users.

Hidden Search Intent

Very often, Internet users strive to find some type of information or answer when they search in a search engine. We can say that the words they type into their search engine, which we call a query, hide an ambition, a need or a wish. More simply a main objective. And it is this goal that we call search intent. The latter sometimes underlying during a request can be very useful if you have an idea of ​​what it is.  In other words, if you know the main objectives of users in advance, you can use this anticipation to provide them with real answers in the creation of your content. And precisely through this second basic feature of the tool: Intention of hidden searches, you will have ideas on the different main objectives of users.

Filter Keywords 

This optional feature of Suggest Machine can be of great help when searching for long tail words.  With the feature in question, you can filter your long tail keyword ideas by specifying the words you want to include or exclude from the set of words offered by the tool. In fact, we have seen in the operation of the tool that the generation of this type of keywords continues unless you stop it.  As such, not all long tail words that the tool generates are specific. This is where the Filter Keywords feature comes in.

Find Clusters 

Searching for clusters can sometimes be beneficial for SEO professionals, as it provides insight into the latest trends. This gives material to better manage your internal linking.  Suggest Machine by this feature allows you to search for clusters. The search for clusters is an SEO strategy similar to the semantic cocoon which aims to bring together the different resources of a website by theme. In summary, Suggest Machine is a tool that helps you research long-tail keywords so that you give value to your content for search engines and users.  It also contributes to your ranking in the SERPs. By offering you clusters and filters for your long tail keywords, it appears to be a beneficial solution for reviewing the strategy adopted for your SEO content.

Videos : Keywords Long-Tail

Images : Keywords Long-Tail

Company : Keywords Long-Tail

Suggest Machine is a company founded in Italy by a team of SEO consultants from Florence. It was created with the aim of generating keywords based on Google Suggests.  This company provides its users with the Suggest Machine tool and thus enables them to obtain a list of relevant keywords related to a given theme. She is also involved in digital marketing and in the referencing of web pages.  Suggest Machine also allows its users and especially entrepreneurs:
  • To have information on what is being said about their business;
  • To maintain their reputation on the internet;
  • To know the keywords used by Internet users on their company;
  • Etc.
All these services offered by the company allow you to easily optimize your pages on the web and analyze the visibility of your competitors in the field of marketing.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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