Google SERP Features | MozCast

Google SERP Features | MozCast

Short description : Google SERP Features

Would you like to get an idea of ​​how the Google algorithm works? MozCast is probably the tool for you. 

Long Description : Google SERP Features

Description of the MozCast tool 

MozCast is a tool developed by the Moz company. As you know, Moz is a digital marketing agency created since 2004 by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig and which enjoys great notoriety in the world of SEO.  The main objective that this company pursues is to help websites find the best strategies to develop their online presence. It thus offers various SEO tools and products, including the MozCast tool.  Differentes outils et produits SEO Figure outil MozCast This tool, the creation of which was announced in July 2012, is in fact presented as Google’s SEO weather report. That is, a tool specially designed to track and report on the functioning of the Google search engine algorithm.  Bulletin meteo SEO de Google Indeed, thanks to its algorithms, the Google search engine retrieves and displays information relating to Internet users’ queries.  However, to offer them the results that best correspond to their search intention, it regularly updates them. This does not fail to affect search results and disrupt the positioning of websites in the SERPs.  To deal with this and help webmasters reduce the impact of algorithm changes on their SEO, various SEO tools are in place to track Google search engine activity.  Among these tools, there is the MozCast tool that I suggest you discover better in this post. 

Who is the MozCast tool intended for? 

As you can imagine, the MozCast tool is mainly intended for webmasters, website owners, but above all for all those who intervene in natural referencing and therefore have at heart the improvement of the ranking of their site in the SERPs. .  This is for the simple reason that it allows them like a weather forecaster to get an idea of ​​how the Google search algorithm works.  They could thus gather information on the possible directions of the algorithm in order to adapt their different strategies in time. 

Why should you use the MozCast tool? 

The MozCast tool presents itself as a weather report that can inform users about the functioning of the Google search algorithm. As you can see, the MozCast tool is useful in that it allows one and all to collect real-time data on how the search algorithm works.  This allows them to have an idea of ​​potential malfunctions in order to better protect themselves.  This tool also seems useful in that it allows webmasters to receive real-time alerts about a specific Google search engine issue.  This avoids countless hours of detecting the failure, its cause and the solutions to be applied.  But besides that, it is obvious that the MozCast tool also allows webmasters to analyze SEO trends over different time periods. This assumes that they will be able to tell if the SEO strategies put in place at a given period have worked or not.   

What are the features of this tool? 

Regarding the features of the MozCast tool, a visit to the site shows that they are diverse. Page d accueil de la plateforme du logiciel MozCast In reality, once on the home page of the MozCast software platform, you have: 
  • The temperature of the search engine algorithm of the day; 
  • A tab of 6 buttons each allowing you to display a graph presenting various measurements. These measures are spread over given periods; 
  • You then have a chart that shows you the top SERPs feature changes on different days. 
Graphique de principale modification des fonctionnalites SERPs sur differents jours
  • Finally, the platform also presents you to some extent with some information on the operation and use of the MozCast tool. 
In a more in-depth way, the MozCast SEO tool also presents you apart from the overall temperature of the search algorithm: 
  • Domain diversity: This feature measures the percentage of subdomains by URLs of the data set. of a website;
Pourcentage des sous domaines par URLs
  • The average number of results: This is a parameter that shows you the trend of shrinking results in organic first page listings; 
Nombre moyen de resultats fonctionnalites SERPs
  • The influence of CEM: It displays a measure of the top 10 results obtained by the exact match domains. 
Graphique Influence du CEM
  • PMD influence: This is a measure of the percentage of the top 10 results obtained by partial match domains excluding MECs;
Graphique Influence PMD
  • Big 10 Influence: This is a measure of the percentage of the top 10 subdomains on the first page. 
Graphique influence des 10 grands As you can see, most of these results are compiled on a daily basis with a history available over approximately three months. 

How does the MozCast tool work? 

As you will learn on the platform hosting the MozCast tool, every 24 hours, the software tracks a set of keywords taken at random from different categories. The results displayed on the first page of the SERPs for each of these keywords are analyzed and compared against the results from the same process the previous day.  Pourcentage de changement dans SERPs The results of this comparison make it possible to identify the percentage change in the SERPs. The higher this percentage, the more it means that significant changes have been made to the algorithm.  The opposite analysis is made when the percentage that emerges from the comparison is low. The same is done with the different features of search engine SERPs. 

How to use the MozCast tool? 

As technical as it sounds, using this tool is actually a very simple process.  Because it does not require any technical skills. The tool is actually based on an automated process which itself takes care of all the calculations and a more or less simple presentation of the results.  You won’t have to provide your own information either, as the keywords are chosen to prevent local intent and distributed evenly across query volumes ensuring consistent results.  Do not hesitate to use this tool more often to see whether or not you are in compliance with the requirements of the search engine. It will also allow you to protect yourself against the harmful effects that will occur if you do not react quickly to a significant change in the search engine’s algorithm. 

Videos : Google SERP Features

Images : Google SERP Features

Company : Google SERP Features

Moz is an American digital marketing agency created in 2004 by Rand Fishkin and Gillian Muessig. Even if its main objective is to allow companies to access the best SEO strategies, it is recognized for its tool. In the beginning, Moz was just a simple SEO blogging agency, and was called “SEO Moz”. Today, Moz is an agency more focused on digital strategies, especially SEO.  Indeed, the Moz agency offers its customers products such as Moz Pro and Moz Local, which help companies improve their SEO.  These products are highly appreciated by customers, as evidenced by the many favorable reviews for this purpose. It also offers many other services such as:
  • site audits;
  • ranking monitoring;
  • analysis of backlinks;
  • Keyword research.
Moz is a very versatile and dynamic agency, which covers many countries. It has its offices in two countries, namely in Seattle in the United States and in Vancouver in Canada. It has a community of around 500,000 digital marketers, as well as many partner companies, like Trivago, Zillow, Alaska, etc.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.