Crawler | SeoMator

Crawler | SeoMator

Short description : Crawler

Seomator is an SEO tool with a powerful website explorer that allows webmasters to review and optimize their website pages.

Long Description : Crawler

Description Seomator

In reality, SEO is not just a set of techniques, but also continuous testing. That’s why it’s important to regularly audit and analyze your website to understand which strategies work best for you. And for that, Seomator is an auditing solution that allows you to examine the performance of your website. Let’s find out in this description how this tool works.

What is Seomator ?

As a reminder, Seomator is a website crawling and auditing tool that allows SEO professionals to assess and track the performance of their websites over time. The tool not only identifies issues with your website, but also provides you with resources needed to improve the overall performance of your website. The formidable capabilities of its robot allow it to analyze very deeply the architectural details of your website to send a detailed evaluation report containing best SEO practices. First, its easy-to-understand dashboard allows you to access all your current projects very quickly and easily add new ones.  The current dashboard architecture allows you to manage your short-term goals and tasks effortlessly, for example, something you want to accomplish this week or month can be executed with just a few clicks.  The tool has a smartly placed bar at the top that lets you discover lots of great options like domain comparisons, tracking, and more. The overview page is actually the summary of all the data collected by Seomator from your website.  By analyzing this data, Seomator identifies the main strengths and weaknesses of your website and offers a score from 0 to 100.  Then the tool lists all the problems that need to be fixed to fix your website and keep it healthy. Here are the best features of Seomator :

-page SEO

The on-page SEO module contains several other features like:
  • HTML Tags

Good HTML tags form the basis of a solid SEO campaign. This is why Seomator reserves a specific section for this. To access this information, you must select a project or create a new one then click on ”HTML tags” in the options bar. So you can easily take a closer look at the headers, title tags, and meta description of your web pages.  Moreover, the feature also allows you to identify and fix URLs that contain errors.
  • Internal Linking

Link building plays a vital role in a website’s SEO, so it’s impossible to consider considerable SEO performance without looking at the health of the links that link the pages together on your site.  For this, this section of Seomator lists the number of incoming and outgoing links available on your website. The tool provides valuable link information for users to read well. This data allows you to assess the authority of your pages and of the domain in general.
  • Content Quality

Any website that plans to make progress in search engine rankings is supposed to focus on the quality of its content. This feature allows you to basically understand how the current content of your website is distributed among the different pages.  It breaks down pages by word count and content quality.  With this feature, you can easily spot duplicate content on your website in order to fix it.
  • Mobile friendliness

For years, popularity on the internet has nowadays been dominated by the use of mobile devices. To keep pace, Seomator is developing this feature to let website owners see how their pages look on mobile devices. The idea is to help SEOs provide a better user experience in order to attract more customers to their websites.
  • Structured Data

This feature simply helps you identify structured data on your website if there is any. In addition to spotting structured data, you may be able to tell what type of data it is.
  • Page speed

For its importance to the experience of its users, Google specifically develops an algorithm designed to reward websites with a simple and compelling design that can load very quickly when requested. For this, Seomator displays graphs here to understand the speed at which your website is loading.   The graphs plot valuable information about average response time and page size, the two main contributors to page speed.
  • Text statistics

Although SEO is largely based on keywords, they must be used in the right way for your goal to be achieved.  For this, you will have to find the right combination and the right number of keywords to succeed in your SEO strategy. For this purpose, this feature of the tool helps you identify the right balance of keywords on your website. The tool shows you the keywords that drive the most people to your website, which is an important resource for improving your keyword strategy.
  • Site Structure

The last feature to do on-page SEO is based on the website structure. This section analyzes each page of your website in depth and examines the overall structure of the site.  This is particularly useful for deciding when and how to change the volume of links on each page of your website.

Off-Page SEO

This section focuses specifically on off-page SEO for your website through the following features:
  • Social Media Social

media is an extremely important channel for content distribution these days. Social networks are the basis of content that goes viral, because it is excessive sharing that explains virality. So Seomator allows you to easily track how your content is shared and the channel on which it receives the most sharing.
  • Backlinks

For SEO, links that point to your website impact your domain authority, so you need to make sure they are of good quality. This section of the tool gives you a simple and accurate overview of all the links that direct people and search engines to you. This allows you to disavow or remove links that may be hindering your SEO efforts.
  • Organic Visibility

How it sounds, this feature focuses on your website’s organic presence to measure your abilities against those of your competitors. This section digs deeper and analyzes the keywords used by your competitors and your position in relation to them. 
  • report

The Crawler report looks at the technical side of your website to show which URLs can be easily crawled. You can also check canonicalization here, which helps you manage duplicate content on the website. Finally, you can export all of the information you viewed above into an easy-to-understand, downloadable PDF format.  This feature can be very useful for people who are looking for a presentation on the progress and position of their website.

Videos : Crawler

Images : Crawler

Company : Crawler

SeoMator is a general SEO audit platform. It was created in 2014 in the United States by a team of SEO professionals. SeoMator provides its users with in-depth technical SEO analysis.  It also provides them with powerful SEO test tools, for better optimization of their websites. Among these tools, the crawler tool which makes it possible to make a better analysis of the contents of the Web sites. Among other things, it detects:
  • broken internal links;
  • canonization errors;
  • redirects pointing to an external domain;
  • 404 URLs;
  • etc
SeoMator allows you to check the content of websites as well as their structures. It analyzes the structural data of each site in order to facilitate their optimization with search engines. The platform is suitable for consultants and SEO agencies. It is appreciated by many web specialists, especially SEO professionals and marketing companies.

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Others Tools : Crawler

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.