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TRAINING | Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

TRAINING | Advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Short Description : CCI Formation


Do you want to become an ace in SEO? Discover the “Advanced Natural SEO (SEO)” distance training from CCI Formation.

Long Description : CCI Formation


CCI Formation offers “Advanced Natural SEO (SEO)” training, an opportunity for web professionals to refine their SEO skills. This one-day course (7 hours) aims to improve SEO, understand the ins and outs of Google’s Mobile First Index and strengthen content marketing.

“Advanced Natural SEO (SEO)” training description

The biggest mistake when you have basic knowledge of natural referencing and you take charge of a website, you can screw up everything at any time without even realizing it.

In reality, SEO is a field that requires great expertise, especially since it has several aspects and some of them can only be handled by specialists.

This is the case for the technical aspects of your site, where a professional will be able to find a balance between loading speed and the quality of images or other elements on your site.

In other words, it is important to have advanced skills in this area to work with complete peace of mind. This is why CCI Training offers Advanced Natural SEO (SEO), training designed to help you reach a more advanced level.

Through this article, we will discover this training as well as its content.

Detailed description of the “Advanced Natural SEO (SEO)” training

This training offered by CCI Formation is a high-end remote session intended for web specialists who aspire to expand their knowledge in natural referencing. Lasting one day (7 hours), it is accessible at a cost of €510 excluding taxes.

The objectives of the training

The primary objective of this training is to help you optimize your natural referencing.

As the digital world continues to transform, it is important to master recent trends and good methods in terms ofTHIS in order to maintain competitiveness.

This training thus provides an invaluable opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge in this sector.

In addition to this aspect, the training deals with understanding and preparation for the consequences ofIndex Mobile First the Google.

Given the significant increase in the use of mobile devices to browse the Internet, Google has introduced indexing focused on mobile devices.

Understanding this transformation therefore represents an absolute necessity for any successful SEO tactic.

In addition, the training aims to support participants in developing their content marketing skills.

It is a commercial technique whose principle is to develop and disseminate appropriate and beneficial content in order to capture and mobilize a well-identified audience.

It is an essential skill to improve natural referencing and generate more visits to a site.

The target and the prerequisites

The training specifically targets project managers, web managers, system administrators, communications managers, community managers and web merchants.

However, it requires basic knowledge of SEO or participation in the “Essentials of Natural SEO” module.

The teaching method

Teaching follows a dynamic teaching method, which combines theoretical contributions and practical exercises.

Participants have the opportunity to exchange views, examine their respective experiences, take part in role plays and analyze concrete examples from various companies. Educational support will be distributed to participants.

The service is entrusted to a trainer experienced in his field, chosen according to a rigorous qualitative certification process.

The size of each training group varies between 3 and 12 participants to guarantee personalized support and promote maximum interaction between participants and trainer.

The assessment of acquired knowledge is carried out during and after the training, via tests, simulations, concrete applications and presentations.

These assessments are subject to correction and feedback from the trainer. A satisfaction questionnaire must be completed by participants at the end of the training.

The themes covered in the “Advanced Natural SEO (SEO)” training

The content of this training includes:

Understanding search engines

Advanced Natural SEO (SEO) begins with an exploration of the fundamentals of search engines and how they work.

Indeed, search engines operate according to a certain number of principles and it is these principles that you will discover in this training.

This concerns in particular the indexing of sites, their classification without forgetting the criteria which impact natural referencing.

In addition, the training will cover the functionalities of search engines, such asKnowledge Graph, theZero Position AndGoogle Business.

Technical SEO optimizations

Subsequently, the training will highlight the importance of increasing security, including the transition to the protocolHTTPS.

The program also includes the use of micro data to improve natural referencing. That said, you’ll master tags to convey additional information to search engines.

It will also be about the management of duplicate content and the optimization of the crawl budget. You will be able to identify and resolve duplicate content issues and improve the indexing of your site by search engines.

Analysis and audit tools

During our training, you will be presented with different SEO analysis and audit tools. You will learn how to use Google Search Console to monitor the performance of your site and locate SEO difficulties.

Mobile web trends

To conclude your educational journey, the trainer will discuss mobile web trends. You will learn about the challenges associated with Google’s Mobile First algorithm and be introduced to the latest AMP format (Accelerated Mobile Pages).

This will involve learning how to design efficient and attractive web pages for mobile devices.

Other training courses from CCI Formations

Write high-performance content taking into account user experience (UX)

It is a specialized training that focuses on writing effective web content while integrating the principles of user experience.

This training covers topics such as creating content tailored to user needs, SEO, and designing content that improves engagement and conversion.

SEO (SEO/SEA) and Analytics

The “Referencing (SEO/SEA) and Analytics” training offered by CCI Formation is designed for those who wish to master visibility techniques on the internet.

It covers SEO, SEA and the use of web analysis tools (Analytics). Participants will learn how to manage a visibility strategy by combining these different techniques to optimize the online presence of a company or brand.

The program may include topics such as:

  • The bases of SEO & SEA;
  • Search engines and social networks;
  • Technical SEO;
  • Netlinking and the creation of optimized editorial content.

In summary

To conclude, Advanced Natural SEO (SEO) is tailor-made training to perfect your SEO skills, integrate the changes occurring within search engines and learn techniques relating to SEO and content marketing.

Practical and engaging, this training constitutes a real springboard towards a successful career in the web marketing landscape.


Videos : CCI Formation

Images​ : CCI Formation


Presentation : CCI Formation


CCI Formation, the training organization of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, is recognized for its expertise in supporting professionals towards excellence.

With a range of training aimed both at young people in initial training and at employees seeking further development, CCI Formation has established itself as a key player in professional education in France.

The “Advanced level natural referencing (SEO)” training perfectly illustrates CCI Formation’s commitment to providing high-quality programs, adapted to the needs of the job market.

This advanced course is specially designed for professionals who already have a good understanding of SEO and want to deepen their skills.

It aims to teach more sophisticated SEO strategies needed to dominate the SERPs in a competitive digital environment.

CCI Formation, through this program, demonstrates its leading role in continuing education, by offering tools and knowledge that allow companies and individuals to stand out in the current digital landscape.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.