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Youtube channels | Backlinko

Youtube channels | Backlinko

Short Description : Backlinko


DiscoverBacklinko, the YouTube channel that offers practical advice and innovative strategies in SEO and digital marketing.

Long Description : Backlinko


The YouTube channelBacklinko only concerns everyone who is interested in digital marketing and SEO. Run by Brian Dean, an SEO expert, the channel offers a wealth of educational videos covering various topics.

Description of the YouTube Backlinko channel

Online visibility is often the key word for professionals and entrepreneurs. However, with the increasing complexity of search algorithms and social platforms, standing out becomes a major challenge.

Faced with this challenge, the YouTube channelBacklinko addresses the issues of SEO, online marketing and marketing on YouTube in a detailed manner.

In this article, we’ll take a look at this resource and see how it can be crucial in propelling your online presence to new horizons.

Presentation of the Backlinko YouTube channel

Backlinko is a YouTube channel run by Brian Dean, a recognized expert in the field of SEO and online marketing. She is known for her practical advice and innovative strategies in SEO and digital marketing.

Brian regularly updates his channel with new content to help marketers and entrepreneurs improve their visibility online.

The Backlinko channel covers a variety of SEO and digital marketing related issues. She offers advice on:

  • How to increase traffic to your website;
  • How to optimize your YouTube channel;
  • How to create effective backlinks;
  • And much more.

Although the majority of videos are presented by Brian Dean himself, he occasionally invites experts in the field to share their knowledge and expertise.

Themes concerned by the Backlinko YouTube channel

The YouTube channelBacklinko covers a variety of topics, all centered around digital marketing and SEO.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Brian provides expert advice on search engine optimization (SEO). It focuses on:

  • The use of keywords;
  • Creating quality content
  • And structural optimization.

A significant portion of the content focuses on creating effective backlinks, with strategies for obtaining quality links.

Backlinko also addresses increasing website traffic. It gives advice on using social media to promote content and site optimization to improve user experience.

Marketing on YouTube

The YouTube channelBacklinko constitutes a valuable resource for optimizing your presence on the platform. Brian shares top tips for growing views and subscribers.

It puts the creation of quality videos at the heart of its methodology and covers choice of subject, script, direction and editing. Judicious use of keywords is also highlighted, with tips on research and optimal integration to improve rankings.

Backlinko shares strategies for encouraging engaging videos and uses techniques like calls to action and playlists to encourage viewers to explore further. The objective is then to increase viewing time.

Content strategy

Backlinko also highlights the importance of the need for content strategy. He also suggests creating a list of basic keywords to generate video ideas.

To meet the expectations of the target audience, Brian Dean gives advice on creating videos optimized for “watch time”. This approach allows viewers to stay attentive throughout the duration of the video. In addition, he provides a number of tips on making and editing high-quality videos.

When it comes to content promotion, Brian recommends using engaging thumbnails and creating optimized playlists to encourage continued viewing. He also advises actively promoting videos, for example by encouraging viewers to subscribe at the end of each video.

Marketing digital

ChainBacklinko also shares tips on using social media to promote your brand. It prioritizes creating engaging content and interacting with the audience.

While emphasizing the importance of measuring and analyzing results, it also offers strategies for developing an effective digital marketing strategy. This strategy covers:

  • The definition of clear objectives;
  • Understanding the target audience;
  • And the choice of suitable tactics.

Finally, Backlinko provides some advice on the use of certain digital marketing tools including Google Analytics, Google Ads and social media. It allows you to monitor results, optimize campaigns, and achieve set marketing objectives.

Backlinko therefore offers a complete approach to digital marketing, covering various facets of this constantly evolving discipline.

Other themes from the Backlinko YouTube channel

In addition to these topics that may be of interest to digital marketing professionals, the YouTube channelBacklinko offers insight into the most important steps for creating quality content.

Planning and structuring YouTube videos

Brian Dean highlights the importance of these steps and offers advice on how to choose a topic, how to write a script, and how to direct and edit a video. He also recommends planning your video so that it isn’t weighed down by unnecessary details or anecdotes.

Ideally, your video should move quickly from point to point to keep viewers engaged.

Optimizing YouTube videos

Here, Brian Dean gives tips on how to optimize your videos through tags, titles, descriptions, watch time, and more.

Additionally, to track your results, optimize your campaigns, and achieve your marketing goals, it also explains how to use different tools and platforms such as:

  • Google Analytics ;
  • Google Ads ;
  • And social media.

Creating YouTube Backlinks

Creating YouTube backlinks is an interesting strategy that allows better SEO for your website. Brian Dean explains how to create effective YouTube backlinks. He gives advice on how to create backlinks on:

  • User profiles;
  • Personalized links;
  • Video descriptions;
  • Comments ;
  • The cards ;
  • And the end screens.

These backlinks increase the visibility of your website on search engines and strengthen its positioning.

In summary

The YouTube channelBacklinko by Brian Dean is an essential resource for digital marketing professionals.

With a focus on SEO, online marketing and YouTube marketing, the channel offers practical advice and innovative strategies to improve online visibility.

Ranging from search engine optimization to creating effective backlinks, Backlinko covers a wide range of topics. This is why Backlinko is an authority in digital marketing.


Videos : Backlinko

Images​ : Backlinko


Presentation : Backlinko


Backlinko is the YouTube channel and personal brand of Brian Dean, a globally recognized SEO and digital marketing expert.

Brian Dean has established himself as an authority in the field of SEO through his innovative strategies and practical advice in SEO, content creation and online marketing.

His YouTube channel, Backlinko, is an invaluable resource for web professionals and entrepreneurs looking to improve their visibility on the internet.

With a direct and educational approach, Brian Dean shares proven SEO techniques, detailed case studies and digital marketing tips that have helped thousands of people reach the top pages of Google.

His videos are known for their clarity, precision, and ability to transform complex concepts into actionable strategies.

Backlinko stands out for its high-quality content that goes beyond basic SEO tips and offers advanced insights and little-known methods for boosting organic traffic.

Brian Dean, with his channel Backlinko, has become an inspiration and guide for anyone who aspires to master SEO and succeed in the competitive world of digital marketing.

Above Backlinko

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.