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Events | WordPres France

Events | WordPres France

Short Description : WordPres France


Discover WordPress Francophone, the French WordPress community which offers a multitude of resources to WordPress users.

Long Description : WordPres France


WordPress Francophone (WPFR) is the official website of the French-language WordPress community. It offers a wealth of resources for WordPress users, from installation and usage guides to a technical support forum. WPFR also hosts local and national events to bring members together.

Description de WordPress Francophone

Managing a website, whether personal or professional, can often be a daunting challenge.

For French-speaking users of WordPress, the world’s most widely used CMS, navigating through installation, customization, technical troubleshooting, security and coding can be a daunting task.

WordPress Francophone (WPFR) presents itself as a valuable resource that offers a dynamic community and varied resources to optimize the security and development of sites. In this article, we’ll dig into WPFR in detail and explore its features, initiatives, and how it serves as an essential pillar for the French-speaking WordPress community.

Presentation of French-speaking WordPress

WordPress Francophone (WPFR) is a community for French-speaking WordPress users. It offers a resource-rich official platform for beginners and experts.

As a host association, WPFR is involved in various projects aimed at supporting the WordPress community on all scales, from local to international. The site comprehensively covers many topics related to WordPress such as:

  • Installation and use of the system;
  • Solving technical problems;
  • And security and coding.

How-to tutorials that cover aspects such as installing WordPress, choosing suitable themes, and developing plugins are also available.

WPFR reaches a broad audience that includes both beginners looking to learn WordPress and more experienced users looking for technical help or advice on improving their sites.

WPFR regularly hosts local and national events, including meetups and WordCamps to energize its community. These meetings encourage interactions between members and consolidate unity within the French-speaking WordPress community.

Themes concerned by French-speaking WordPress

WordPress Francophone (WPFR) covers a wide variety of WordPress-related topics.

Installing and using WordPress

WPFR simplifies the user journey by providing step-by-step guides, from the basic WordPress installation process to advanced site customization with themes and plugins.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn how to use WordPress, or an advanced user needing help troubleshooting technical issues or improving your site, you’ll find helpful resources on WPFR.

Technical problem solving

The WPFR forum presents itself as a dedicated space where users can seek help to resolve a multitude of technical problems. It is indeed ideal for understanding everyone’s problems, for giving advice and for sharing experiences.

Whether it’s a problem related to a theme, an extension or a bug on your site, the WPFR community is mobilizing to provide you with its expertise.

It’s great for exchanging tips, sharing experiences, and connecting with other members of the WordPress community.

Over the last ten years, more than 50,000 users have already used this resource, which shows its central role in supporting and resolving the challenges encountered by the French-speaking WordPress community.


Security is an essential aspect of running a website and WPFR is committed to providing dedicated resources to help users strengthen the security of their WordPress site.

The information available covers crucial topics like protecting against brute force attacks, securing connections, and setting up regular backups.

With these resources, WPFR provides users with the tools to take proactive steps and ensure robust security on their WordPress sites.


WPFR also caters to the needs of advanced users and offers resources dedicated to coding with WordPress. If you are considering creating your own theme, plugin, or customizing your site with custom code, WPFR offers resources to support you in this process.

These in-depth guides cover a variety of topics, including theme development, creating plugins, and using the WordPress REST API.

Community and Events

WPFR is more than just an online resource, it is also an active community that regularly hosts local and national events.

These events are a great chance for community members to come together, share ideas, and stay up to date with the latest WordPress news.

WordCamps, organized once a year in Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, attract between 200 and 500 participants. Those organized several times a year welcome between 20 and 70 people in the following cities: Paris, Lyon, Nantes, Grenoble, Valence, Nice, Lille, Toulouse, Biarritz, Marseille, Rennes, as well as in regions such as Normandy (Saint- Lô, Caen, Rouen, Le Havre, Alençon),

These local meetings promote a more intimate atmosphere and more direct exchanges between members of the community.

Other French-speaking WordPress categories

WordPress Francophone (WPFR) also offers a variety of other resource categories.


WPFR offers a news section allowing you to follow the latest news from the WordPress Francophone association and the WordPress community in general.

In addition, it offers a variety of resources ranging from tutorials to technical guides, in order to best support users in their development and customization projects.

This section brings together the association’s official blog as well as Planet WordPress, compiling news from various blogs in the French-speaking community.

It is an essential resource for staying informed about all things WordPress. These can be either official announcements or various articles.


WPFR’s forum is a major resource that has helped over 50,000 users over the past 10 years. It offers support on a variety of WordPress-related topics such as:

  • L’installation ;
  • Use ;
  • Security ;
  • Coding;
  • Etc.

The forum is organized into specific sections and covers different aspects of WordPress, making it easier for users to get targeted help.


WPFR also offers WordPress training. For example, they offer advanced WordPress SEO training. The objective of these training sessions is to support users in deepening their understanding of WordPress and developing their skills.

In summary

WordPress Francophone (WPFR) is an active and comprehensive community dedicated to French-speaking WordPress users.

As a committed association, it offers a resource-rich platform that covers everything from installation to security and coding.

With regularly organized events, a technical support forum, news and training, WPFR becomes an essential ally for all WordPress users, whether beginners or experienced.

Videos : WordPres France

Images​ : WordPres France


Presentation : WordPres France


WordPress France, officially known as WordPress Francophone (WPFR), is the representative association of the WordPress community in the French-speaking space since 2008.

This association plays a crucial role in promoting, supporting and organizing around WordPress, the world’s most widely used open source content management system (CMS).

The WPFR association is committed to democratizing online publishing by offering four fundamental freedoms thanks to the GPLv2 license:

  • The freedom to use the program for any purpose;
  • The freedom to study how it works;
  • The freedom to redistribute it;
  • And the freedom to distribute modified versions.

These principles support WordPress’ mission to provide a tool that is accessible and editable by everyone, from novice users to experienced developers.

WPFR facilitates access to WordPress in French, ensures the translation of the CMS and its extensions, and manages a community platform rich in resources.

It also organizes local and national events, such as meetups and WordCamps, which allow community members to meet, exchange knowledge and collaborate.

In addition to promoting WordPress to individuals and businesses, WPFR plays a support role and provides a forum where users can get help and share experiences.

This association is a pillar for the French-speaking WordPress community, contributing to its expansion and success in the French-speaking digital space.


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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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