Short Description : Twaino

Want to read audiovisual content that only deals with SEO? Check out Twaino’s YouTube channel playlist.
Long Description : Twaino

The Twaino YouTube channel is an essential video resource in SEO for professionals, but also for beginners and companies who want to have visibility. This SEO media library covers the most valuable aspects of SEO and website management in WordPress. Thus, by streaming this channel, you will discover audiovisual content that addresses SEO tools or SEO definitions.
Description of Twaino’s YouTube channel
A real treasure for SEO professionals, Twaino’s YouTube channel remains essential in this industry. If you like to read very explicit audiovisual content on SEO-related topics, you will greatly appreciate the channel.
Within it, I discuss the essential elements of SEO. You will also have an idea of the background of my agency. Good reading !
Introducing Twaino’s YouTube Channel
Active since April 3 of the year 2019,my YouTube channel Twaino | SEO Agency has 1.93k subscriber at time of writing. Through this channel that I frequently host, I help actors in the SEO environment to obtain quality traffic on their website thanks to natural referencing. Notably :
- SEO beginners;
- SEO specialists;
- Brands regardless of their level…
So far, the channel has 157,522 views with a diverse community as I listed earlier, yet rich in SEO professionals. Since its inception, we have only published 256 videos so far which will definitely increase over time. So rest assured.
If you are a new or regular visitor to our website, outside of ourblog and our400+ SEO tools, this playlist of the channel will interest you a lot. You will certainly find there new elements or new clues, who knows, for:
- Rework your SEO and online marketing strategies;
- Better understand and do better inbound marketing;
- Understand from A to Z how the WordPress CMS works or even
- Getting off to a good start in business creation…
Instead of making the suspense last longer and if I gave you small descriptions of the categories of the playlist of our channel.
Twaino YouTube Channel Playlists
At the time this content was produced, I only created 6 playlists, each addressing one of the most sine qua non aspects of natural referencing (SEO). It is this one:
SEO tools
This is aset of videos whose reading will make you understand the usefulness or importance of certain SEO tools for your strategy. In particular, tools like Semrush or Kil Duplicate. Ranging from 9 to 52 minutes, these videos concretely show the professional interest in using them.
SEO Results |Twaino
One of our qualities remains transparency. Within this playlist, the Twaino agency has compiled in video all the results it has obtained since its creation until the moment of the creation of this description.
Which means you have at your fingertips the strategies, techniques, resources, and methods we’ve adopted to reach 60k just with white hat. For full access, just click on this link:SEO Results | Twaino — YouTube. Note that the videos in the playlist have a duration that varies between 3 to 32 minutes.
SEO Definition
If you prefer detailed audio-visual explanations to reading written content, you will surely appreciatethis playlist which brings together more than 80 SEO definitions. Indeed, on ourblog we have detailed and very long written explanations of certain capital terms or expressions that are very useful if you are new to SEO.
These are the terms that I have taken the trouble to explain correctly through concrete illustrations. In this way, I make sure that if you are not really comfortable with our written definitions, my audiovisual explanations will be a good recourse. Otherwise, they will implicitly supplement what you have already read.
Finally, the description of the article relating to the SEO definition concerned is accompanied. The purpose of this approach is to guide you if by chance you are not aware of the definition in written text.
Thissection from our YouTube channel’s playlist currently includes 2 videos that address issues related to creating efficient websites. Find out how to create and manage one through our observation.
Les chiffres SEO | Twaino
Inthis playlist, discover a list of short animations that will remind you to consider certain SEO figures before embarking on any strategy.
Indeed, in the sphere of SEO, knowing certain numbers will allow you to determine the angle you should attack for your content marketing strategy. For example, do you know that 75% of Internet users never go beyond the first page of search engine SEPRP?
If you don’t know or if you know, you must understand that being on the first page remains essential if you want to have traffic. As such, you must refine your SEO approach to be successful.
Visual creation |Illustrator
How to create illustrations with Adobe Illustrator? If you are looking for a concrete and well-explained answer, you will have all the information in ourplaylist for Illustrator. It brings together a set of videos that show you the different steps to follow for the success of your illustration projects.
Okay now that you have some idea of our playlist, I would like to draw your attention to our popular videos.
Popular videos from Twaino’s YouTube channel
Here, I’ve collected our top 7 popular videos that discuss SEO. These videos have accumulated at least 5.k views since their creation. A short description of each of them is therefore in order. It is :
1. How to secure your website? Switching from Http to Https
With at least 19k views at the time of writing, thisvideo shows you step by step how to secure your website. And so how to get the SSL certificate for your site. You will better understand the concepts of Http and Https.
2. How to set up a Slider Revolution for your website
From May 30, 2019 up to the time of writing this description, this second video on the list has amassed 14,449 views. Watching it, you will learn toeasily create a slider for your WordPress site. Sliders represent graphic elements that allow you to scroll through images or videos on a web page.
3. SASU, EURL or auto-entrepreneur? The big differences!
The play this video will help you understand the major differences between the following legal forms: Auto-entrepreneur, EURL and SASU. This is a 09 minute video posted on April 29, 2019 that has at least 11k views so far.
4. How to import a demo theme on WordPress?
If you are looking for the easiest and fastest way to import a demo theme to your WordPress site then thisvideoremains a useful resource. It has also accumulated 6206 views since its sharing on the channel until the creation of this content. By viewing it, you will know all the steps for importing a demo theme.
5. Ubersuggest : Le Guide complet
Ubersuggest represents a freemium SEO tool that no longer says its name. Belonging to SEO Guru Neil Patel, its use is very interesting and complete for SEO professionals. Discover, if you do not yet know how to use it, my complete guide, of course in video on the subject. Please note that this video was viewed by5,8 K users since I posted it 3 years ago from the channel description.
6. How to create a page with the Avada Fusion Builder?
Fusion Builder is an add-on for WordPress included with the Avada theme. It allows you to create custom pages for your website using a drag and drop interface. Find out in thisvideo having collected 5.2 k views at the dawn of this description the different steps to create a page with this plugin.
7. The 5 main steps to create a website
In this video which has accumulated5173 views from April 2019 until the creation of this content, discover the 5 main steps for the creation of a complete and optimized website.
Types of videos offered on the Twaino YouTube channel
On the YouTube channel which is dedicated to my agency and therefore the blog, I usually share vlogs and tutorials as well as tutorials. But most of our videos are still vlogs: contraction of the word video and the word blog.
Since, you will have noticed, in my videos, I often share experiences and activities related to the SEO agency Twaino. I also sometimes share videos that provide step-by-step recommendations and advice on certain SEO concepts, hence the tutorials and tutorials.
Finally, some of my videos are interviews with some SEO professionals. I invite them and I ask them questions relating to natural referencing as well as marketing that they take the trouble to answerFor bring value interms desire.
In summary
The channel’s playlist consists of:
- SEO tools;
- SEO results |Twaino ;
- SEO definition;
- Eco-conception;
- Les chiffres SEO | Twaino ;
- Visual creation |Illustrator.
The types of videos we offer are vlogs and tutorials as well as tutorials. And me: who am I? I am Alexandre MAROTEL, the creator or if you want, the CEO of the SEO agency Twaino, therefore the creator of the channel. My business philosophy is: “What is not given is lost”. This is one of the reasons why I frequently share videos.
Videos : Twaino
Images : Twaino

Presentation : Twaino

Agency FounderTwaino, Alexandre MAROTEL helps companies to improve their visibility and their traffic on the Internet thanks to natural referencing (SEO).
Alexandre MAROTEL graduated from a business school. He then acquired several experiences working for various international groups, including Danone, IBM, Alstom and General Electric.
As part of his missions, which took him to Canada, the United States and Brazil, he spent more than three years abroad.
Since his return to France, he embarked on entrepreneurship by setting up the SEO agencyTwaino in January 2019 in order to share his knowledge acquired through his experiences.
Always with the aim of sharing even more, he has also made available a hundred videos onYouTube to present SEO-related topics in an explicit and understandable way even if you are a beginner.
You can reach Alexandre MAROTEL on the differentIt iss following matches:
- LinkedIn : Alexandre MAROTEL
Email : Alexandre MAROTEL
Above Twaino
Social Network : Twaino
- Chaîne Youtube
Others Ressources : Twaino
Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.