Short Description : Blog Htitipi

Do you need practical and useful knowledge on SEO, website monetization, web marketing and netlinking? Discover Htitipi’s blog now.
Long Description : Blog Htitipi

The Htitipi Blog is a platform on which content (detailed blog articles and qualitative guides) relating to SEO natural referencing, web marketing, website monetization and Netlinking strategy are published.
With its quality content, practical cases and numerous resources available for free access, you will know what to do to properly reference the pages of your website and the process to follow to optimize its organic traffic.
Each content contains simplified definitions of important terms related to the subject matter, but also those of explanations that deserve to be explained to readers.
Htitipi’s Blog
It’s almost an open secret that SEO is one of the fundamental keys to success on the web. Nowadays, many savvy and savvy web-entrepreneurs attach great importance to SEO natural referencing.
This is also what justifies the enthusiasm of website owners for all those who offer practical knowledge in terms of web referencing, acquisition of qualified traffic, online sales and web marketing.
Htitipi’s blog is a platform that contains, “unlimited access”, quality articles and practical guides written by experts on SEO web referencing, Netlinking, Webmarketing, online sales, monetization and marketing. SEO audit.
As you can imagine, its contents will obviously help you to make yourself better known on the internet, to acquire qualitative traffic on your website, to monetize it and to transform your visitors into customers.
In this description, you will discover this blog in most of the details it contains. This description is split into three main parts as follows:
- a presentation of the blog;
- blog metrics obtained via the SEOquake SEO tool;
- other resources you can access.
Presentation of Htitipi’s blog
The Htitipi blog is a web platform powered by the very founder of the Htitipi agency. As a reminder: Htitipi is an online company specializing in SEO, in acquiring valuable traffic, but also in transforming website visitors into customers.
This blog is created with the aim of creating a virtual space where the “CEO Htitipi” can share his knowledge as an expert on SEO natural referencing as well as on everything that revolves around this theme.
Since its creation, the blog has recorded thousands of visitors every day who are all on the lookout for effective SEO tips and techniques to drive traffic to their sites.
By reading this blog, many Internet users have acquired practical knowledge that they have subsequently applied to their own websites. Today they achieve:
- Produce content of impeccable quality by themselves, satisfying the search intent of Internet users and better converting readers into subscribers;
- Benefit from a good ranking on search engines, on many keywords relating to their sectors of activity;
- Improve their popularity indices with search engines;
- Improve their brand awareness on the web.
In short, the Htitipi blog appears as an all-in-one interface of tips, best practices, resources and techniques whose implementation will lead to the development of your online business.
Htitipi’s blog metrics
The traffic on Htitipi’s blog is effective and proven by impressive metrics as indicated by the SEOquake tool, one of the leaders in SEO.
You can see this in the screenshot below:
Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.
Presentation of the different themes covered by the Htitipi blog
Although they are not necessarily classified into categories, the articles available on the Htitipi blog relate to: SEO, Netlinking, SEO monitoring and auditing tools.
The content published on this blog and which is related to SEO referencing is intended to popularize, but also to share knowledge in terms of natural referencing.
Some of this relevant content relates to the mechanism of search engines and the criteria that govern the ranking of web pages by keyword in search engines.
These immerse you in the heart of the strategies to be deployed to better rank your website in the SERPs and to attract not only quantitative, but also qualitative traffic to your website.
Others, on the other hand, will help you find a good SEO consultant or an ideal SEO provider for your project.
Netlinking-related blog articles will teach you how to develop and then execute good practices aimed at improving your SEO by inserting your site’s links on other well-known websites.
They explain the concept of Netlinking in the simplest way to allow even the most clueless to know what it is.
They also discuss the right tools that you can use to obtain satisfactory results after deploying your Netlinking strategy.
SEO tracking and auditing tools
With the contents of this blog, you will be able to audit your website in order to detect blockages that are likely to hinder your referencing in search engines.
By reading them, you will also be able to follow the SEO progress of your website through a set of SEO tools.
These will help you put in place the right measures at the right time and if necessary to correct your SEO scores in the search engines, which should allow you to maintain a good position in the SERPs.
The summary of this article!
By way of conclusion, it should be noted that the Htitipi platform is a blog that brings together a range of totally unique articles on quite interesting themes. For example, you will see articles on SEO, netlinking and on SEO monitoring or auditing tools.
The contents available on this blog are full of expert advice and will help you run your online business well.
Videos : Blog Htitipi
Images : Blog Htitipi

Presentation : Blog Htitipi

Aurélien Berrut founded the company Htitipi in 2011. This is a company that has its registered office in France, more precisely in Haute-Savoie, 518, Rue de Bissinges, 74 500 Publier.
In fact, Aurélien started working in the web since the era of start-ups. Currently, he focuses all his daily activity on traffic acquisition and natural referencing. He is known as an independent SEO consultant.
Indeed, before really exercising this profession, he was first trained as a photographer. But at the end of the 1990s, he decided to go online. This allowed him to become a graphic designer, front-end developer, and finally project manager.
Thirteen years later, between 2003 and 2005, he quickly realized that mastering SEO could be lucrative because of the rise of Google and affiliate programs.
Finally, at the very beginning of 2017 in January, he joined the Virtua agency based in Switzerland. It is these many experiences that allow him to share relevant information and resources on his blog Htitipi.
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Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.