Blog | Analytify

Blog | Analytify

Short Description : Analytify

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Do you want to have an idea of ​​the topics covered in the analytify plugin blog? Read this blog description to learn more.

Long Description : Analytify

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The Analytify blog is a website that addresses several topics through useful guides, the most apparent of which are the analytify add-on and WordPress. It also addresses interesting questions regarding e-commerce with WordPress.

Analytify Blog Description

WordPress is a well-known CMS that has at least55 000 add-on, the use of some of which make it complete and very efficient. One of the best in its repertoire of extensions isanalytify

This is an add-on that gives you the ability to track data Google Analytics of your website directly from the dashboard of your WordPress account. On his platform, he has a blog and the latter is what interests us in this article.

What are its main metrics and what are the topics covered in the content published in this blog? Discover all this by continuing to read.

Introducing the Analytify Blog

LIt is blog de analytify includes within it a large number of articles that address several issues relating to this add-on, but also to WordPress. You will also find tips and especially useful guides on the use of analytify in e-commerce under WordPress.

In addition, the analytify add-on is aimed at all owners of WordPress websites. Thus, the question to ask is whether they regularly visit the blog in search of useful advice. To answer this question, let’s take a close look at analytify’s blog metrics.

Top analytify blog metrics

Below, we have presented you with the main metrics of the analytify blog.

    • Authority Score: 33
  • Tmonthly organic traffic:13,5 k
  • Average length of visit:01 minutes 26 seconds
  • Average Bounce Rate:63,22 %

These measures that we have proposed are approximate figures. They were taken by the SEOquake plugin during the design of the article.

Now that you have read the metrics of this blog, we can share with you the topics and themes covered by the analytify blog.

What are the analytify blog posts about?

This blog covers several themes and topics. But among these, the most important are the analytify plugin, Google Analytics, the WordPress CMS and the WooCommerce extension. About each of these themes, what do you need to know?

Plugin analytify

This theme is, by far, the most content-rich in this blog.The most of the content that addresses this theme is complete and practical guides that guide the use of this plugin in WordPress. For example, here are some interesting articles that deal with this topic:

In addition to these guides, you can be sure to find news that mainly talks about the theme as in the case of the last point listed above. This way, if you are faced with problems on your site under WordPress that involves the analytify plugin, you will have the resource to get out of it quickly.

Google Analytics

Another theme which appears in the majority of content published by the analytify blog team is obviously Google Analytics. This statistical tool from Google that analyzes a large amount of data from your websites is normally easy to use.

However, there are options whose operation is not always obvious if we do not deepen them. This is what the editorial team of the analytify blog understood when they offered several practical and useful guides that only address Google Analytics use cases.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user of Google Analytics, you will discover interesting information by scrutinizing the content that deals with this theme.

CMS WordPress

In the CMS market, WordPress powers65,1 % of websites. Thus, to rank your website well, you must have a clear idea of ​​​​its use. This implies knowing how to analyze the traffic of your site under WP, regardless of your niche of activity.

By reading articles that involvethis theme from the analytify blog, you will have relevant information on how to get there. In addition, the guides that make use of this theme are so well detailed that you will know how to do it in the blink of an eye.


WooCommerce is known as one of the most used plugins that brings several e-commerce features to your WordPress site. So, if you want to start trading in WordPress, you absolutely must know how to exploit it.

In the analytify blog, you can find out through the guides and valuable information that address issues related to this theme. Check out for example:

Articles that address the WooCommerce theme will be very useful if you want to become an ace in WordPress e-commerce. It should also be known that70 millions of online shops on WordPress are powered by this extension.

Other themes

The other themes that are covered in the analytify blog are not as important as the previous ones. At least, they do not appear in enough content as in the case of the previous ones.

However, they make it possible to make the blog complete in terms of content. So you come across other themes like:

  • eCommerce ;
  • Organic traffic;
  • Client ID…

This is how we put an end to the question that the analytify blog posts deal with? Does the latter accept guest articles? Below is the answer to this question.

Does the analytify blog allow guest posts?

Guest posts are no doubt good publicity for your blog. In the case of this website, it is about a tool that has a blog on its platform allowing it to share information, news and guides related to the tool.

In this, it would not be obvious that the analytify blog accepts guest articles.

If you are urgently looking for other blogs that would accept guest posts, you can now go to ourplatform

The latter brings together a list of blogs that would allow guest articles in both English and French.

In summary

The analytify blog brings together several articles that deal with topics that are related to each other. But the main ones are:

  • L’add-on analytify ;
  • L’extension WooCommerce ;
  • WordPress;
  • Google Analytics…

This blog has no categories, but the content they share is detailed, credible, and easy to find. All of this content is of great use to the WordPress community.

Videos : Analytify

Images​ : Analytify

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Presentation : Analytify

Blog Analytify Logo

The Analytify blog was created in 2014 byMuhammad Adnan and his team. The latter is the CEO of the agency and an expert in software development, but was also formerly an alumnus of the Google Summer of Code class (GSA 2013).

Since 2001,Muhammad Adnan and his team undertook the creation of WordPress themes, plugins and web applications. In its aim to make people’s lives easier, they have implemented the analytify WordPress plugin.

This is an add-on that gives you the ability to track your website’s Google Analytics data directly from your WordPress account dashboard. On his platform, he has a blog to share valuable information.

The success around this WordPress plugin pushed the team to focus only on it, instead of creating another one, in order to increase its qualities and performance to satisfy users.

The Analytify blog is a website that addresses through its useful guides interesting questions mainly about the analytify add-on, Google Analytics, WordPress and the famous WooCommerce plugin.

The other themes that are covered in the analytify blog revolve around theeCommerce; organic traffic and customer acquisition. However, it is a question of a site centered on atool who indeed has a blog allowing him to share information, news and guides relating to the tool.

Muhammad Adnan is also the CEO ofWPBrigade and you can reach him on Twitter:

Above Analytify

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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