podcast | Bannouze

podcast | Bannouze

Short Description : Bannouze


Discover Bannouze, this podcast which addresses the workings of digital marketing through its current themes and its distinguished guests.

Long Description : Bannouze


Bannouze is a podcast that explores the world of digital marketing with an innovative perspective. Each episode offers enriching discussions on various topics, ranging from SEO, social media, e-commerce, AI and even inbound marketing. Led by proven experts, Bannouze offers practical advice and inspiring case studies, helping entrepreneurs and marketers to stay up to date in their field.


Podcast du Marketing Digital – BANNOUZE PODCAST

The omnipresence of digital in consumers’ daily lives makes digital marketing essential for any business that wants to obtain better results. To meet this need, the Bannouze podcast remains a very useful resource for practical advice, study analyzes and expert interviews.

What is Bannouze?

Bannouze is a podcast that deals generally withmarketing and digital communication. It is carried out by a team of enthusiasts, all motivated around the same objective, that of sharing sure values ​​between entrepreneurs.

In the world of podcasts, Bannouze stands out for its commitment and above all for its independence. The platform is very popular with listeners for its content which is broadcast without advertising or sponsorship. The goal of the show is to transmit truly useful information to strengthen knowledge and help better understand key concepts in digital marketing.

With Bannouze, the editorial choice is therefore entirely based on the interest that the team gives to the guests and the themes covered. This gives the podcast better credibility and a wide diversity of content available.

Who is the host of the podcast?

The founder and main facilitator of Bannouze is Laurent Perez. With more than ten years of experience in the digital field, his career has allowed him to work with several companies such as Directinet, PublicIdées, Tedemis, Criteo and LiveRamp.

Major brands with which the host had the opportunity to acquire a wealth of experience in several areas of digital marketing. We can cite, among others, emailing, affiliation, retargeting and onboarding.

In addition to Laurent Perez, the Bannouze team also includes other co-hosts to bring more values. For example, we find on certain episodes of the podcast, Matthieu Raiffé, an expert in generating traffic on the web.

What is the broadcast frequency?

The entire Bannouze team is working to offer listeners at least two new episodes each month, available in two formats.

A first format presented in the form of interviews where the host receives the guest of the day. An expert in digital marketing, experienced entrepreneur, researcher or other player in the field, Laurent Perez makes sure to choose his guests carefully in order to guarantee enriching discussions. Over approximately 30 minutes of discussion, the facilitator asks questions to discover the participant’s world and encourages them to share their experience and expertise, all this in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

It’s a format that you will undoubtedly appreciate, if you want to stay informed of the latest trends and practices in the world of digital entrepreneurship. Bannouze also features numbers in solo format. These are episodes (without guests) in which the host develops and shares his own expertise on certain themes.

What are the themes covered?

Bannouze addresses a wide range of themes including:

L’inbound marketing

It is an approach to digital marketing that aims to attract and engage customers by providing them with relevant and useful content throughout their purchasing journey. If it’s a theme that fascinates you, with Bannouze, you have interesting episodes to understand everything about it.inbound marketing.

Natural referencing (SEO)

This is one of the basic strategies for success in digital marketing. Bannouze Podcast receives guests every month who discuss theTHIS from various angles to help listeners improve their online presence and gain more visibility on search engines. There you can learn, among other things, the basics of SEO, how Google algorithms work and even keyword research.


For e-retailers, Bannouze Podcast also invites experts in the field who could help you make your business better known online. This is the case, for example, of Damien Landesmann who explained on one of the episodes of the show the importance of social media for an effective e-commerce strategy.

Bannouze Podcast also has many other themes to discover, including AI, analyzes and statistics, advertising campaigns on social networks, emailing and many others.

Recent podcasts on Bannouze

To get an idea of ​​the content broadcast, here is a list of the latest podcasts published by the Bannouze team:

« Digital marketing, a sector at the heart of the French economy »

This issue focuses on a study carried out by the firm EY which explains the place occupied by digital marketing in the French economy. This study makes it possible to realize the crucial contribution of digital technology in terms of jobs generated and skills developed. Statically, digital marketing would have enabled the creation of nearly 9,000 businesses with 36,000 hired employees. If you are interested in the topic, you can follow this podcast for a deeper understanding.

« How to negotiate well ? »

This episode addresses commercial negotiation, an important aspect for improving conversion rates. The guest, Éric Mabillon, shared during the show his knowledge and tips on implementing a good trading strategy, as well as the methods to use to succeed in this area.

Éric Mabillon dissects this phase of the business relationship that can impress many people, offering practical advice and strategies for carrying out effective negotiations. The episode lasts approximately 25 minutes.

« Discrimination in France: analysis of Internet user searches over the last 5 years »

In this episode, guest Nadim El Lallahom, president of the Diversyday association, discusses the association’s study on Internet users’ search trends in terms of discrimination in France over the last 5 years. Nadim El Lallahom is the founder of the association, which aims to promote diversity and inclusion in society. Through this episode, he shares his expertise and his commitment to this cause.

Where can you find and subscribe to the podcast?

The podcast is available on most popular streaming platforms (Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Twitch AndDeezer) with a subscription system so you don’t miss any of the latest publications. Bannouze content is also available on social networks, notablyFacebook, X, Instagram AndLinkedIn. A presence on a large number of channels which allows the podcaster to stay closer to his listeners. You can also find all the episodes published on thepodcast official website. A newsletter is also offered to periodically receive new content directly in your email.

In summary

The Digital Marketing Podcast – BANNOUZE PODCAST stands out for its authentic approach, its quality content and its renowned guests, recognized as experts in their field. With varied episodes, in-depth interviews and tangible advice, this podcast remains an invaluable resource for success in digital marketing.


Videos : Bannouze

Images​ : Bannouze


Presentation : Bannouze


Presentation of the facilitator

Laurent Perez is the founder and main host of the Bannouze podcast. Bannouze’s team also includes other co-hosts, such as Matthieu Raiffé, an expert in web traffic generation, who participate in certain shows of the podcast.

With more than ten years of experience, Laurent Perez is a well-known figure in the digital marketing environment in France. He has worked with several companies, such as Directinet, PublicIdées, Tedemis, Criteo and LiveRamp. This background has allowed him to acquire a wealth of experience in several areas of digital marketing, including emailing, affiliation, retargeting and onboarding.


Above Bannouze

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.