Blog | WPMU Dev

Blog | WPMU Dev

Short Description : Blog WPMU Dev

Blog Wpmudev Mise en avant

The WPMU Dev blog is an outstanding platform designed to help web developers and designers. Discover all its features here.

Long Description : Blog WPMU Dev

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Creating, managing, optimizing and updating multiple WordPress sites can sometimes be an obstacle course. It is often difficult to manage your platforms and your customers without stress. This is because many developers, both freelancers and owners, typically struggle with managing multiple sites and clients. It is precisely to avoid this situation that the WPMU Dev blog was born. The latter provides you with useful resources for the development of several sites.

Blog WPMU Dev

Managing a WordPress site is still not as easy as you think. Generally, you often have to put together various elements to get there. Whether it is plugins, hosting or management tools, several points must be taken into account.

Theblog WPMU Dev presents itself as the perfect and ultimate guide you need for the administration of the sites for which you are responsible. Here are in this description the different characteristics of this blog.

Introducing the WPMU Dev Blog

The WPMU Dev Blog was founded in 2006. Entirely devoted to the needs of WordPress, the platform offers several information and tools intended for this area. Since its creation, this is what the WPMU Dev team has been working on.

The blog is therefore especially useful for companies, developers and freelancers.

A dedicated WordPress blog

It includes news on plugins or hosting, support tools and management of WordPress sites.

The blog is also hosted by many experts who are really knowledgeable in this field. In this way, each published content is original and unique.

The platform also addresses all topics related to the management of WordPress sites. All this, with the aim of satisfying the developers and web designers visitors. It is generally informative and illustrative content.

This information on the blog makes it easier for visitors to understand the different contours when it comes to using WordPress sites.

Furthermore, it should be noted that this is a rather complicated job. This is even more real insofar as the blog tackles several elements at the same time.

The team behind the genius of the blog

James Farmer is the CEO of the company Incsub, founder of the blog. He is accompanied by many other experts in the management and proper functioning of the WPMU Dev blog.

Among these, we can notably cite Timothée Bowers, the Chief Operating Officer; Aaron Edwards, Bojan Radonic, Constantin Xenos and Savo Vujovic.

The blog is also animated by other specialists like Ricardo Freitas, Mohamed Sharab, Bowie, Mukul Chawla and Ani Tandilyan.

They keep the blog running smoothly. It should also be clarified that they are not the only ones, but only the main actors.

WPMU Dev Blog Metrics

Website Authority Score: 66

Average length of visit : 12:05

Average bounce rate : 60,99 %

Monthly organic traffic volume: 903K

Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.

Overview of the different categories of the WPMU Dev blog

The management and optimization of WordPress sites takes into account several elements, all different from each other.

WPMU Dev for its part particularly addresses various categories which are:

  • News-community,
  • Development,
  • Multisite,
  • Plugins,
  • Themes,
  • Tutorials,
  • Business Marketing,
  • Reviews Opinion,
  • WPMU Dev Tutorials,
  • WordPress Hosting.

The site relies on its experience in these areas and offers quality and instructive content.

News – Community

This category of the WPMU Dev blog allows you to be up to date with the various news regularly posted online. Indeed, you will find there, for example, useful information about the new enterprise-level hourly hosting backups.

If you don’t know how to add scrolling testimonials to your WordPress site, head over to this section of the blog.

Your WordPress site needs awesome shortcodes to work well. The platform highlights the most important ones for the proper functioning of your blog.


The WPMU Dev blog also covers all issues related to WordPress plugins. On the platform, there is also content on the best for appointments and WordPress booking.

This section of the site also informs Internet users on how to easily install plugins from They will find all the essential elements to do well with these tools.


In this “Development” category, there are simple tips for learning CSS for WordPress. If you don’t know how to create your own Etsy shop with WordPress, go to this topic.

Adding widgets and menus are primarily the first steps for beginners in WordPress development. Aware of its usefulness, the WPMU Dev blog offers solutions to help novice developers find their way quickly.


Here, the blog contents are specially focused on managing and using multiple WordPress sites. Tips, guides, advice, these are the elements you will find on the blog.


Do you need to get the best WordPress themes? You will then be delighted with this section whose published articles present themes or address tips for their specific use.


The tutorials are there to guide you step by step through the world of site domains. They discuss, for example, the pricing of hosting services, the creation of portals as well as that of a web development company.

Business and Marketing

This category brings together content that is primarily intended to help you improve your marketing strategies.

Reviews Opinion

The section on comments and expert opinions on WordPress plugins and website domains.

WPMU Dev Tutorials

Here, you will find tutorial content specific to WPMU Dev. After reading, you will probably know how to compress images or delete them using the Smush tool.

Also, you will be able to speed up hosting by using the cache of a so-called static server.

WordPress Hosting

The articles published here are all related to site hosting with the WordPress management system. If you have always wondered about this process, then consult this section to learn more.

Other WPMU Dev blog resources

The WPMU Dev Blog is not just about these categories. Indeed, it has several other resources that you can take advantage of.


The blog offers expert live WordPress support for all web developers and designers.

No matter the concern relating to WordPress, you will be welcomed by a team exceptionally available to help you. This is accessible 24 hours a day, every day.


WPMU Dev also has several support forums. It is possible to have access to these for help with sites, hosting, plugins and others.

Documentation WPMU Dev

The blog’s documentation section is for manuals, products, API glossaries, how-to guides, tutorials, and more.

There is also documentation on privacy policies and practices, to ensure the protection of data and information.


The WPMU Dev blog also offers a free newsletter to Internet users who wish to subscribe to it. With the help of the latter, registered visitors will receive all blog news related to WordPress.

Does it accept guest posts?

The blog accepts guest articles, but not in large quantities because of the quality of the content offered. Those accepted are both relevant and able to attract Internet users.

In summary

The WPMU Dev blog is an exceptional guide that needs to be followed to understand all WordPress related issues. The articles published are intended to help readers manage, monitor, secure, optimize and update their sites.

Also, the company offers several tools that aim to train and support those who wish to have a given level in WordPress. Thus, they will be able to manage and optimize their blogs without the help of anyone.

Videos : Blog WPMU Dev

Images​ : Blog WPMU Dev

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Presentation : Blog WPMU Dev

Blog Wpmudev Logo

The WPMU Dev blog was started in 2006 by James Farmer. It is a web-based knowledge platform that provides WP professionals with award-winning plugins, management tools for this CMS and very useful resources.

This platform is the brainchild of James Farmer. This is an entrepreneur who has set up large swaths of market research. During his career, he sold insurance, coordinated the “flexible learning” project, he also taught English.

He is a jack of all trades but also an educator who has done extensive research on online education. Additionally, he has blogged on

James Farmer not only founded IncSub or WPMU Dev, he is also the foundation of Edublogs and CampusPress. Besides, he is a WordPress professional as this blog shows who has built lots of WordPress sites.

Although he prefers to answer emails, he has a LinkedIn profile which is as follows:James Farmer. He is based in Australia in Melbourne.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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