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Blog | Shout Me Loud

Blog | Shout Me Loud

Short Description : Shout Me Loud

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Do you want to become a professional blogger or a digital marketing expert? Check out the Shout Me Loud blog, a learning site.

Long Description : Shout Me Loud

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Shout Me Loud is a platform dedicated to learning blogging and digital marketing. His blog includes content on tips and practical advice for getting started as a blogger. Likewise, users will find techniques on network marketing and WordPress. On the platform are available ebooks and guides on podcasting, marketing and WordPress.

Shout Me Loud Blog

Having a professional blog has become one of the best ways to increase the visibility of a business on the Internet. It is therefore a marketing tool that not only allows you to generate leads, but also to stay in touch with your customers.

Hosting this type of platform involves learning basic techniques and interacting with bloggers while learning from experiences.

TheShout Me Loud Blog offers for this purpose useful and quite edifying content on blogging and marketing as well as on other topics. Here is a description of its different components.

Introducing the Shout Me Loud Blog

Harsh Agrawal is the brain behind Shout Me Loud, the platform he created in December 2008. It is mainly dedicated to learning the basics to start blogging.

However, you will also find tips and advice on the blog to improve your marketing knowledge (Social Media Marketing, affiliate marketing). These resources are ideal for bloggers, businesses, and freelancers alike.

Also, on the blog are published guides on podcasting, SEO and WordPress (hosting, plugins and themes). Also, we discover tips and applications to improve tweets on the popular social network Twitter.

That’s not all, because the creator also publishes articles on content writing with AI, Google Adsense, web hosting, freelancing, monetization and managing a YouTube channel.

The SML site offers to download free and paid books on the themes of affiliate marketing, WordPress and on mastering Google Adsense.

You can also join Shout University which provides video courses on affiliate marketing and other topics.

Creator Harsh Agrawal is the one who regularly hosts his Shout Me Loud blog. We do not see under the articles any other mention of contributor.

What are Shout Me Loud’s blog metrics?

Like the sites, the Shout Me Loud blog is characterized by some pretty impressive metrics. Here is an overview.

Website Authority Score : –

Average length of visit : 08:54

Average bounce rate : 86,20%

Monthly organic traffic volume : 247 K

Note however that these data are those valid at the time of writing this description. They are not static and may change over time.

Presentation of the various categories of the Shout Me Loud blog

The articles present on the Shout Me Loud blog are subdivided into several categories.


This section gathers all articles related to tips and guides on using Google AdSense. This is a board that allows platforms to generate profit through their advertisements and announcements.

You will also find articles on the various alternative tools to Google’s AdSense.

Marketing d’affiliation

Affiliate marketing is an online marketing strategy that allows advertiser websites to promote services or products through an affiliate.

Here, users can therefore discover programs, tools and practical techniques for affiliation. Also present on the blog are guides for beginners in affiliate marketing.


Learning blogging is the main focus of this Shout Me Loud blog. So, this section brings together articles on the basics to start and animate your professional or personal blog.

You will also see tips and techniques for generating profits through blogging. Now you can capitalize on your passion for blogging.


Blogspot is a well-known platform for its free domain services for blogs hosted on Google. This section therefore includes tips and tricks for setting up a domain on Blogspot.

Company blogs

Business blogging is a very effective marketing strategy. Corporate blogs are platforms dedicated to the promotion and visibility of a company on the Web.

In this category, we find tips and tricks to improve traffic on a company’s website.

Digital Trends and Hacks

This section brings together all the digital trends and hacks on blogging.

Drive Traffic

Here you will find tactics, tips and advice that will help you generate traffic through your blog.


How to sell effectively online? You will find answers to this question thanks to the various contents offered in this category of the Shout Me Loud blog.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a very common type of advertising today. Nevertheless, for it to be effective, it is important to have some tools. This is what you will discover by reading the various articles in this section.


The contents of this section will allow you to understand the monetization of an online blog and how it works. So you will see guides on how to make money blogging.


The social media Facebook has billions of users worldwide. It then represents for many entrepreneurs a gold mine that allows them to promote their products and services.

After reading these articles, you will now be able to stream your pre-recorded videos, create a Facebook page for your business, and administer it.


Podcasts are easy-to-listen audio media. They are also very practical, which explains their popularity with Internet users. You can then get started and unearth strategies to become a podcasting pro.


This topic is basically created to help users improve their Pinterest account to get more out of it.

Copywriting and SEO

The Writing category includes articles on writing content with artificial intelligence as well as on the risks associated with the use of this computer program. They also explain what the Mountain View giant (Google) thinks of this practice.

In the SEO section, you’ll find tools to make keyword research easier and track your blog’s rankings.


This section brings together easy guides, tips, tactics, and methods for posting relevant and engaging tweets.


The sections on WordPress concern plugins, themes and hosting with the system.

Other categories

In addition to these categories, there are many other sections on the Shout Me Loud blog that include articles on various topics. These are creating YouTube channels, web hosting, freelancing, lifestyles, Instagram social media, etc.

What are the other resources on the Shout Me Loud platform?

The Shout Me Loud site has specific resources for users. These include strategies for monetizing a YouTube channel, guides to generating profits through blogging, and affiliate marketing tools.

Resources also include beginner’s guides to keyword research, backlink checker tools, and blogging or WordPress hosting books.

Does the Shout Me Loud site accept guest posts?

There are obviously no other authors or contributors on the Shout Me Loud blog. The creator therefore does not accept guest articles on his platform, however relevant they may be.

In summary

Shout Me Loud is a platform rich in varied and diversified content. Although mainly dedicated to learning blogging and digital marketing, these are not the only topics covered.

The various metrics show that the site is very visited. The available resources are as interesting and above all very edifying as each other, which explains the high number of visitors.

Videos : Shout Me Loud

Images​ : Shout Me Loud

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Presentation : Shout Me Loud

Blog Shout Me Loud Logo

Harsh Agrawal is an entrepreneur and digital marketing expert. He is passionate about everything related to web referencing, online press and corporate blogs.

In 2009, he launched his first professional blog namedShoutMeLoud whose goal is to help businesses and self-employed people become wealthy.

After graduating with an engineering degree in 2008, Harsh embarked on the online adventure. In 2009, he was recognized as one of India’s Young Turks.

It is thus the subject of articles in numerous newspapers and online magazines. He also received in 2013 the prize for the best Indian blog, awarded by IndiBlogger.

In September 2016, he launched CoinSutra to help people learn about blockchain technologies. An avid speaker, Harsh has spoken at various international conferences such as MB Summit, Inorbit, India Blockchain week, etc.

It should be noted that one of the most significant moments of Harsh’s career was the organization of aShoutMeet. This is a 7,000 km non-profit road trip across India.

This great event brought together bloggers from various backgrounds. The founder of Shout Me Loud is also the author of the best-selling The Handbook To Affiliate Marketing and The Ultimate WordPress Guide. Follow him on his social networks:

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.