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Blog | Creative Bizz

Blog | Creative Bizz

Short Description : Creative Bizz

Blog Creative Bizz Mise en avant

Do you want to discover a blog that covers the following topics: web design and digital marketing? Here is the one from Creative Bizz.

Long Description : Creative Bizz

Blog Creative Bizz Ressource 1

The Creative Bizz Blog is a dynamic and informative online portal that covers some key web-related topics. Including digital marketing, web design, creativity, entrepreneurship, etc. This portal is dedicated to entrepreneurs, creatives and business enthusiasts.

Description of the Creative Bizz Blog

Questions about web design or digital marketing, we often ask ourselves. The idea is to improve and become an expert in your sector of activity.

But where can you find reliable answers if the Internet, despite its vastness, is not always reliable? If you have questions about the web design and digital marketing sector, you will benefit from reading blogs that focus on addressing certain key aspects of these sectors.

One of them is the Creative Bizz blog. Precise and concise explanations, this is what awaits you if you explore this blog. But not only that. That’s why we prefer youlet discover the Creative Bizz blog.

Presentation of the Creative Bizz blog

The Creative Bizz blog is a source of information you can tap into if you’re looking to deepen your general knowledge on the following topics:

  • Web design et
  • Digital marketing.

Through this blog, the Creative Bizz agency seeks to help people and brands with healthy digital approaches so that they have interesting results.

On this path, the team provides advice, tips and guides visitors to its site through practical guides. Thus, the blog is not only aimed at brands, but also at all players in the digital environment.

But can we say that it is a blog that is well visited? To have a little more clarification on this question, we ask you to see its figures.

Key Creative Bizz Blog Metrics

The metrics you will see just below have been brought together with the SEOquake plugin. Specifically, these are:

    • Site Authority Score: 19
  • Monthly organic traffic:1,08 k
  • Duration of visit:26 seconds
  • Average Bounce Rate:60 %

Please know that this data was collected while we were creating the content you are currently reading. At any time, their value may vary. These data are therefore approximate.

In addition, the Creative Bizz blog prefers to name the categories of the blog by favorite subjects. Let’s take a closer look at these topics.

What are Creative Bizz’s favorite blog topics?

The essential topics of the Creative Bizz blog are quite numerous. But the main ones, not to say, those that combine several contents are the following.

web design

Building a website requires technique and some knowledge in the field of programming and digital marketing. Otherwise, the site designed runs the risk of being catastrophic, that is to say, will cause a bad user experience.

Thepresent topic is discussed frequently in informative articles published by the editorial team. Thus, if you wish to have advice related to this subject to deepen your knowledge, the contents of this blog will satisfy you.

Also, if you are a beginner or want to brush up on your web design knowledge, you must read the tips and guides that tackle it. This way, you will know the pitfalls to avoid and the best practices to use to become more productive.


Yes, say that “Course” is another important topic covered in the Creative Bizz blog remains very vague. We concede 😅. Here is the precision you want us to give you.

Indeed, this subject is marked as important on the blog since it redirects to lots of training obviously related to web 2.0. Trainings in:

  • Digital Marketing;
  • Data science;
  • Pythons ;
  • Social media ;
  • Etc. 

So the subject in question is none other than these training courses given by the Harve structure in Curitiba.

Marketing digital 

You would have been surprised if this blog did not address thissubject is not it ? We of even, you can be sure of it 🙂. Indeed, digital marketing is one of the fundamental pillars in the world of interactive web.

For this reason, healthy habits must be applied by the actors if they wish to have quality traffic if they do not sell their products or services professionally. This blog topic appears in almost every post the team publishes.

Apart from these articles, you can also find real tips and advice to improve your approach to digital marketing. Guides also address this subject.


Case studies form another essential topic of the blog. These are the projects made by the agency having the blog: CreativeBizz Agency. At the time of writing the description, we only see 2 of these case studies.

Certainly, they have done other projects, but already by exploring these two case studies, you can be sure that you will have other elements at your fingertips. Here is the link that gives you direct access to it:Archives des cas — CreativeBizz.


SEO is quite a competitive industry. Every day new ideas appear. New techniques are emerging. In this sphere, all that remains is to upgrade.

To do so, you can read the articles on this blog that addressthe subject. They are informative, instructive and provide valuable advice that will allow you to become better faster.

These are some of the favorite subjects that are covered in the Creative Bizz blog. You would like to know if this blog does guest blogging. If yes, you must read the contents of the following section.

The Creative Bizz blog: guest blogging or not?

Without fanfare, the answer is negative. This is a website whose blog does not allow guest posting. At least for now. This can nevertheless be understood by the fact that it is the blog of an agency.

But don’t worry, there are at least 1000 blogs that allow guest posting. If you are perhaps looking for an English or French blog for the publication of your guest articles, you will find them on ourplatform

In summary 

The Creative Bizz blog is a significant resource in terms of web design and digital marketing. These topics are covered almost in their entirety. In this way, even if you are a specialist in one of these two sectors, you can find the content published on the blog very useful.

Videos : Creative Bizz

Images​ : Creative Bizz

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Presentation : Creative Bizz

Blog Creative Bizz Logo

The online platform, Creative Bizz, is a blogattractive Andinformative which covers a variety of essential web-related topics, such as entrepreneurship, creativity, digital marketing, and web design.

Designed to meet the needs of business enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and creatives, the Creative Bizz blog offers a wealth of information for people looking to expand their general knowledge of web design and digital marketing topics.

The main goal of the blog is to help individuals and businesses achieve desired results through effective digital approaches, and the Creative Bizz team achieves this by providing actionable tips, tricks, and recommendations through of its practical guides.

The Creative Bizz blog isn’t just for businesses, it’s for anyone looking to improve their digital skills.

You can reach the agency by whatsapp at:+55(41)88180190

Above Creative Bizz

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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