Events | NDDCAMP

Events | NDDCAMP

Short Description : NDDCAMP


Discover NDDCAMP, the annual Paris event which offers a unique opportunity to anticipate the future of domain names

Long Description : NDDCAMP


NDDCAMP is an annual event held in Paris for domain name professionals and website publishers. It offers conferences, workshops and networking opportunities to meet potential customers and strengthen their presence in the market.

Description de NDDCAMP

The NDDCAMP, supported by references such as AFNIC and Sedo, is a key platform bringing together players in the domain name industry.

This annual event constitutes a major crossroads, bringing together technical expertise, marketing strategies and legal issues to anticipate the challenges of the sector. It provides a comprehensive perspective on the domain name ecosystem.

In this article, we will explore the NDDCAMP in detail and discover how this major event impacts the world of domain names.

NDDCAMP Overview

NDDCAMP is an annual event that brings together domain name professionals, website publishers and anyone else interested in domain names.

This initiative is led by four experts: Marc-Olivier Bernard, David Chelly, Philippe Franck and Benjamin Louis. The event is supported by AFNIC, Sedo and other important industry organizations.

The aim of the meeting is, on the one hand, to inform users about the opportunities and threats posed by domain names. Additionally, encourage the spread of best practices and discuss current industry topics.

NDDCAMP includes thematic conferences and expert panels, which are not the subject of any promotional or sponsored presentation.

It addresses distinct themes simultaneously, in two rooms, due to the diversity of its audience. It also gives participants the opportunity to visit exhibitor stands and catering areas, in a friendly and exchange atmosphere.

NDDCAMP speakers are experts from large companies and institutions, as well as independent consultants.

Among them, we can cite:

  • Nathalie Dreyfus, founder of Dreyfus & Associés;
  • Arnaud Franquinet, general manager of Gandi;
  • Sophie Pieck, head of France and other markets at Sedo;
  • And Patrick Hauss, head of partnerships at CSC.

The 8th edition of NDDCAMP takes place in partnership with the F2I Institute, with the participation of its marketing director, Yoram Berdaa.

NDDCAMP is also a great opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and services, meet potential customers and strengthen their presence in the market.

Aspects taken into account by NDDCAMP

NDDCAMP is an opportunity to network and share knowledge. It offers conferences and panels, led by experts, which address a range of varied themes.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

NDDCAMP focuses on search engine optimization (SEO), with in-depth discussions on the influence of domain names.


Participants benefit from advice on choosing a domain name wisely to improve rankings, increase traffic and boost online visibility.

NDDCAMP offers best practices, such as the relevance of the domain name to the content of the site, its ease of memorization and the use of strategic keywords.

Additionally, the event addresses the ever-evolving SEO, allowing attendees to stay informed on the latest trends.

Another facet explored is the connection between SEO and domaining, which shows how buying and selling domain names can be an effective strategy for SEO.

Domaining (Purchase and sale of domain names)

While involving the buying and selling of domain names, NDDCAMP explores domaining and provides advice on money-making strategies. Discussions include the careful selection of domain names, price negotiation and identification of potential buyers.

The event highlights the opportunities and threats related to domain names and addresses:

  • Market trends;
  • Legal risks;
  • And best practices to minimize them.

NDDCAMP promotes networking and knowledge exchange. It brings together independent professionals from large companies or various institutions such as:

  • Lawyers ;
  • Registrars;
  • SEOs;
  • Naming agencies;
  • And domain name brokers.

The speakers, recognized experts,


The NDDCAMP highlights the importance of marketing. It explores how a good domain name can significantly improve brand visibility and drive more traffic to a website.

The impact of domain names on marketing is highlighted and reveals how a wise choice can:

  • Strengthen the visibility of the brand;
  • Facilitate referencing in search engines;
  • And increase online traffic.

Practical tips on domain name marketing strategies are shared at NDDCAMP. These include recommendations on selecting domain names that are memorable, easy to spell, and incorporate strategic keywords.

The intersection between marketing and domaining is also explored to show participants how buying and selling domain names can be integrated as a marketing strategy.

Computer science

The technical aspects of domain names are a key topic during NDDCAMP. Here are some of the technical topics that are commonly covered:

Website hosting

Participants can learn how to choose a web host, how to transfer a website from one host to another, and how to troubleshoot common hosting problems.

Configuration DNS

Participants can learn how to configure DNS records, how to troubleshoot DNS issues, and how to use DNS to improve the performance and security of a website.


Domain name security is also discussed. This may include discussions about securing domain names against theft, managing SSL certificates, and protecting against DDoS attacks.

Domain name management

Participants can also learn how to effectively manage their domain names. It is in fact:

  • Discussions about tracking expiration dates;
  • Management of renewals;
  • And the use of tools and services to facilitate domain name management.

Other aspects of NDDCAMP

In addition to the main themes covered during the NDDCamp, the event also offers other aspects for participants.

Thematic conferences and expert panels

The event takes place around thematic conferences and expert panels, without any promotional or sponsored presentation.

These conferences and workshops cover the following main themes:

  • New extensions;
  • Juridic protection ;
  • SEO ;
  • Choice of domain names;
  • Development ;
  • Monetization, repurchase on the secondary market;
  • Etc.

Demonstrations and tool presentations

Attendees will experience demos, tool walkthroughs, beta testing, and more. These presentations allow participants to discover the latest innovations in the field of domain names and obtain practical advice on using these tools.

Exhibitor stands and catering areas

At the same time, all participants have the opportunity to visit the exhibitors’ stands and the catering areas, in a friendly and exchange atmosphere.

These stands offer participants the opportunity to discover the latest offers from companies in the sector, to ask questions directly to exhibitors, and to establish professional contacts.

In summary

NDDCAMP is an annual event that brings together domain name experts and website publishers. It is initiated by Marc-Olivier Bernard, David Chelly, Philippe Franck and Benjamin Louis, and supported by AFNIC, Sedo and other industry players.

The event focuses on informing participants about the opportunities and threats of domain names. It covers various topics such as:

  • The technique ;
  • Legal;
  • The marketing;
  • And domaining.

With conferences, panels, and expert talks, NDDCAMP offers a networking platform, tool demos, and the opportunity to visit exhibitor stands.

It is an essential meeting to stay informed, discuss, and discover the latest trends in the field of domain names.


Videos : NDDCAMP

Images​ : NDDCAMP


Presentation : NDDCAMP


NDDCamp is a flagship initiative in the world of domain names, founded by recognized experts in the sector. This event is the result of collaboration between four professionals, namely:

These co-founders have joined forces and expertise to create a platform for exchanging and sharing knowledge around current and future domain name issues.

Marc-Olivier Bernard, with his background in software development and as general manager of the Boischaut sales house, brings a technical and commercial perspective.

David Chelly, co-founder of Domstocks and administrator of SEO CAMP, is a specialist in domain name recovery and author of a book on the subject.

Philippe Franck, domain name broker and co-founder of Domainium, offers in-depth expertise in the domain name market.

Benjamin Louis, in charge of the development of the .ALSACE extension, contributes with his experience in regional marketing and domain management.

NDDCamp stands out for its non-commercial approach which favors quality content and the recognized expertise of its speakers, without promotional or sponsored presentations.


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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.