Short Description : Start Blogging Online

Discover tips and tricks on how to start and manage a blog thanks to the articles shared on the blog of Start Blogging Online.
Long Description : Start Blogging Online

The Start Blogging Online blog is a virtual space that brings together various content related to blogging. Through tips and tricks, but also hosting comparisons, find out how to manage your blog. Also find resources and guides to monetize your blog in WordPress.
Blog de Start Blogging Online
Among the digital professions that allow you to earn income while staying at home is blogging. But the latter goes beyond a simple way to earn money online.
It is indeed an art and to do it well, you need to focus and be on the lookout for new tips, tricks and techniques. However, this is not always easy, especially when you do not have the right sources of information.
And speaking of sources of information, if you want a reliable one that will allow you to better advance in this art, you can refer to the Start Blogging Online blog. This one brings together valuable information that covers all elements of blogging.
Introducing the Start Blogging Online Blog
Translated into French, Start Blogging Online means start blogging online. This seems to represent the very foundation of the creation of this blog.
More precisely, it is a blog that brings together a number of articles that focus on all the essential aspects related to the creation, management and monetization of a blog.
Learn from Start Blogging Online’s abbreviated SBO blog the tips and tricks you need to grow your online business through blogging. It is therefore a web-based knowledge platform aimed at:
- beginner bloggers;
- SEO professionals;
- e-commerce experts…
Apart from the tips and tricks offered in the SBO blog, you will also find on its platform practical guides, but also advice to reach a high level in blogging. This blog therefore has an objective that we will explain to you below.
Purpose of the Start Blogging Online Blog
The objective of the SBO blog is emancipatory. In fact, the blog has set itself the goal of teaching motivated people like you how to create a blog and monetize it effectively so as to supplement your current salary.
Better, to totally replace it to have the freedom to live on your own terms or desires instead of someone else’s. Really emancipating, isn’t it?
However, is this blog really known to Internet users? Here are some steps that will let you know.
Start Blogging Online Top Blog Metrics
It should be noted here that the metrics we want to provide you with come from the SEOQuake plugin. However, we do not claim that these metrics are the absolute ones to consider, but we believe that they are the most essential. Here they are.
- Website Authority Score:48
- Average length of visit:….
- Average Bounce Rate:99,53 %
- Monthly Organic Traffic Volume:3,87. k
Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.
So ! You get an idea of the metrics for this blog. Let’s progress with the categories available on the Start Blogging Online blog.
Presentation of the different categories of the blog
The SBO blog has various categories which are themselves subdivided into subcategories. But what mainly interests us here are the categories of which here are their short presentations.
Web Hosting
This category seems to be the richest in articles. Already because the latter is composed of several sub-categories which bring together several articles. The subcategories we were talking about are:
- Domain Hosting : discover tips, guides, comparisons and information about domain hosts;
- e-Commerce Hosts : find opinions, advice and comparisons on e-Commerce domain hosts;
- Email Hosting: comparisons on email hosting services, that’s what it’s all about in this sub-category of the Web Hosting category;
- Host Alternatives: articles on host alternatives;
- Website Hosting Comparisons: discover in this sub-category several comparisons on website domain hosts;
- Hosting Reviews: as the name suggests, these are reliable opinions on web hosting;
- Host Types and Differences: discover comparisons, but also valuable information on types of accommodation;
- Reseller Hosts Host Reseller Hosting Reviews and Plans form this subcategory.
In short, if you want to identify the web hosting that works best for your current particular situation, you must read the articles in this category.
This is a set of several comparisons, opinions, tips and guides that will allow you to make a good choice of hosts or accommodation for the creation of your blogs.
Blogging Tips and Tricks
In this category, you are entitled tovaluable information which will allow you to start well in the field of blogging. Learn tips and tricks for the art of blogging.
Also, you can find and read guides to understand the challenges of blogging and how to manage and monetize blogs.
This category has a sub-category that focuses on creating and managing content to publish on your blog. The following link :Content Creation & Management refers to all articles available in this sub-category.
WordPress Tips and Tricks
No one is unaware today that WordPress is the most exploited CMS in the world of blogging. If you are looking for relevant information on how to use it effectively to have a quality blog, you must read the articles grouped in this category.
These are tips and tricks, but also advice as well as guides forunderstand and master WordPress.
Within this category there are subcategories. More exactly two. The first brings together articles and guides that focus on the mainplugins de WordPress and the second subcategory to itsthemes.
You therefore have there, practically all the cards in hand to handle the WordPress CMS so that your blog is renowned and monetizes money quickly.
Website Tips and Tricks
Whether you are a beginner, an intermediate or a seasoned specialist in managing your website, thiscategory can benefit you. Indeed, it is a section of the SBO blog that brings together tips and tricks for the effective management of your website.
Learn about website programming, increasing traffic to your website and monetizing it, paying particular attention to articles in the three subcategories of this category. Notably :
Also discover comparisons and reviews of some famous web platforms such as Shopify, BigCommerce or Amazon.
Online, Remote, & Nomadic Work
Online, remote and nomadic work is what the articles grouped together in this category of the Start Blogging Online blog are all about. These are tips and tricks for being more productive in any of these working modes. The following link provides access to said articles:Online, Remote, & Nomadic Work.
In addition, it is important that you know that apart from these categories of the Start Blogging Online blog, the latter presents other resources which are listed below.
Other resources available on the Start Blogging Online blog
The other resources available on this blog are a set of guides and tools to get started in the art of blogging. So, if you are a beginner in this art, these articles will be more than beneficial to you.
That said, in these other resources, it’s not just about guides and tools, also check out other blogs that deal with blogging. Also learn other approaches as well as blog traffic and monetization strategies. By clicking this link:FREE Blogging Resources: Support and Help For New Bloggers, you will have full access to all of this.
In addition, we think it would be relevant for you who read this description to know if the Start Blogging Online blog practices guest blogging or not.
Is Start Blogging Online a blog that accepts guest posts?
The Start Blogging Online blog has several authors who are all experienced in their fields of expertise. Thus, the articles shared in this blog are qualitative and it is noticed that the articles are only written by the same people.
This means that we do not note any content from authors invited to the blog. So it looks like this blog would not be accepting guest posts. However, if you really want to get an idea of French and English blogs that publish guest posts, click on this link:+1156 Blogs to Publish your guest articles [FR/EN] (
In summary
In short, the Start Blogging Online blog is dedicated to all those who want to start or evolve in the world of blogging. The articles published on this blog are classified into 5 categories which are:
- Web Hosting;
- Blogging Tips and Tricks;
- WordPress Tips and Tricks;
- Website Tips and Tricks;
- Online, Remote, & Nomadic Work.
Each of these categories always brings you valuable insights related to running a blog effectively. The other resources that this blog offers are of paramount importance and in this, you must remember to put it in your favorites.
Videos : Start Blogging Online
Images : Start Blogging Online

Presentation : Start Blogging Online is a platform created to guide Internet users who want to set up a blog to earn money. Of course, the site is also intended for people who want to create a blog for personal or professional use. is owned by KingMakers, a company that helps entrepreneurs acquire, operate and grow profitable startups. Kingmakers caters to the needs of buyers and small business owners.
This company works with buyers or business owners to systematize their activities and deploy capital to achieve their goals. Kingmakers has three main subsidiaries which are Acquira, Snowball and Kingmakers Ops.
Acquira is an acceleration and training company. It helps small business owners systematize their own operations.
The subsidiary has an investment fund that deploys its capital to small businesses and experienced acquisition entrepreneurs.
Snowball, the second subsidiary, is a group of HVAC and plumbing companies. The company is looking to grow by buying companies with strong teams and doing quality work.
The group partners with these companies to maximize the impact they can have on their stakeholders as well as their employees and communities.
Kingmakers Ops is also a subsidiary of Kingmakers which owns and manages its own small business portfolio.
Above Start Blogging Online
Social Network : Start Blogging Online
Others Ressources : Start Blogging Online
Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.