Short Description : Web Marketing School

Discover the various themes covered in the files of the Web Marketing School blog and be even more knowledgeable in web marketing and SEO.
Long Description : Web Marketing School

The Web Marketing School blog is a knowledge platform full of tips, how-to guides and SEO and marketing tips. If you want to increase your marketing and SEO productivity, you can use the resources of this school.
Description Blog Web Marketing School
In the world of web marketing and natural referencing, no knowledge is absolute. As such, to gain even more knowledge in your industry and differentiate yourself from the masses, you need to find a good channel.
This means knowing or looking for relevant resources on the Internet that will bring you added value. These resources are mostly found in blogs. This is the case, for example, of the Web Marketing School blog.
A particular blog with useful resources from the experience of contributors. If you did not know this blog yet rich in interesting content, you must think about browsing this “School of web marketing”.
Presentation of the Web Marketing School blog
The Web Marketing School blog was created in 2009 based on the content of the personal marketing blog of its creator Martin MacDonald. The literal French translation of the name of this blog reflects the idea behind its creation: a web marketing school.
It is more exactly a blog intended for all people who wish to train and learn more about web marketing and all the fundamental elements that revolve around it.
The vast majority of articles or content published on the blog are educational in nature. This facilitates a good understanding and a better perception of web marketing. But what is the mission that this blog has embarked on?
Objective of the Web Marketing School blog
Aimed primarily at online marketing professionals, the blogWeb Marketing School is intended to be a useful resource that they can use to learn, develop and discuss the latest trends in digital marketing. This is the mission of this blog.
The latter is a refined web marketing content publication platform. In other words, it has a simple interface that does not present spam or advertisements that can sometimes act during the reading of articles. It is devoid of any form of toxicity, but it remains a blog. And in this it has metrics that are important to list here.
Blog Web Marketing School: the main metrics with SEOquake
- Website Authority Score:21
- Average length of visit:01: 37 seconds
- Average Bounce Rate: 93,34 %
- Monthly Organic Traffic Volume:8,89K
Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.
Presentation of the different categories of the Web Marketing School blog
Web Marketing School is this blog that we can call atypical. Indeed, it is a different blog from the usual type in that it does not have a category window for the contents it offers.
Indeed, instead of classifying the articles by category, the authors prefer to leave them loose or if you want pell-mell. However, under each article offered on the platform, you will notice what we can call “article categories”. Otherwise, in fact, it is ratherCase.
The files of the Web Marketing School blog
After looking around this knowledge platform, we noticed that the blog publishes articles which they categorize into the following Main Files:
- Technical SEO
- Content
- Cases studies
- Tools
- Opinions
This list is definitely not complete since you may come across other folders, but for sure, the ones above are the main ones. Let’s take a quick look at what each of the articles in these different Dossiers is about.
Technical SEO
This blog file currently brings together 9 articles that deal exclusively with various topics concerning natural referencing techniques. You will find content in the form of a guide and which addresses the following themes: keyword research, site speed, direct traffic, scrapping, etc. By clicking on the following link:Technical SEO Archives — Web Marketing School, you will have access to all the articles.
The blog content folder is a collection of 8 articles all published during this year. It is more exactly about content that only deals with SEO. Some of these articles are a content marketer’s point of view. This linkContent Archives – Web Marketing School teaches you more about the articles.
Cases studies
The articles in this folder are practical cases, mostly led by the creator of the blog. There you will find 12 case studies so far that relate to the world of SEO, marketing and SEO tools and other important elements. The following link :Case Studies Archives – Web Marketing School gives you full access to all articles.
This file is a set of articles that discusses the best SEO tools. And how to use them to succeed in the implementation of your natural referencing approaches. For now, you can count 5 items available on the following link:Tools Archives — Web Marketing School.
This folder brings together a number of opinion contents on elements relating to SEO, online marketing and many other things. So if you’re looking for personal opinions on key aspects of SEO and web marketing, just click on the following link:Opinion Archives — Web Marketing School.
There is a small precision to be notified on the articles of this file. In fact, the number of articles published on the blog is 60 and this file covers half of these articles. In addition to this, the articles in the dossier are written by the founder himself. But does this blog have other resources? Here’s what you need to know about it.
The other resources of the Web Marketing School blog
As we already pointed out above, the Web Marketing School blog is quite original. This is all the more true because it is a blog that does not have a resource page on its platform. Or at least that page exists, but it doesn’t show up as resources.
In other words, the resource page is here replaced by a page named “Recommended List”. In fact, when you attach particular importance to the various elements that make up this page, you will realize that they are indeed resources.
But from resources outside the blog. Indeed, these resources are highly visited blogs that deal with digital marketing and SEO. Specifically, you will have backlinks directing you to 11 leading blogs in these two industries like:
- aHrefs blog ;
- Cognitive SEO blog;
- Moz blog or even;
- Yoast blog…
So these are truly more than useful resources. Since these blogs provide information, case studies and tools that can always serve you whether you are a beginner or an expert in the web marketing industry. This blog remains faithful to its mission. That said, does it accept guest articles?
Does the Web Marketing School blog accept guest articles?
This blog is for instructive purpose or if you want to trainer purpose. This makes it accept all contributions from outside. The good proof is of course the “Recommended List” page.
Thus, the Web Marketing School blog accepts guest articles. They are open to any content from digital marketers anytime it can help other industry professionals.
In summary
Throughout this article, we have described the English Web Marketing School blog. It is a free blog whose main objective is to support digital marketing professionals who wish to have an opinion and useful resources on certain aspects of web marketing and SEO.
It doesn’t really have categories, but has 5 Main Folders that contain really interesting articles. It is a blog that we recommend to you to gain even more knowledge in marketing and SEO, especially since it promotes other interesting blogs.
Videos : Web Marketing School
Images : Web Marketing School

Presentation : Web Marketing School

Web Marketing School (WMS) is a platform dedicated to learning, developing and practicing the latest digital marketing strategies.
The founder of this platform is none other than Martin MacDonald, the founder of, a private digital marketing consulting firm that helps businesses achieve their growth goals.
Martin MacDonald is an online marketing expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He has notably worked with leading brands around the world developing SEO and content marketing strategies for companies such as:
- Expedia ;
- Orbitz;
- Seatwave.
The goal of WMS is to provide a resource for digital marketing professionals in an environment free from spam, self-promotion, and any form of toxicity.
Services offered by WMS include a variety of digital marketing training, articles, case studies, and more. Note that Martin MacDonald is present on the professional social network LinkedIn: Martin MacDonald
Above Web Marketing School
Social Network : Web Marketing School
- Chaîne Youtube
Others Ressources : Web Marketing School
Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.