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Blog | Axe-net

Blog | Axe-net

Short Description : Blog Axe-net

Blog Axe net Mise en avant

The Axenet blog is a platform specialized in website creation, SEO and web marketing. Here is what you need to know about him.

Long Description : Blog Axe-net

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SEO is a major challenge to generate more traffic. The Axe-Net agency, specialized in natural referencing and web marketing, offers useful topics for all beginners through its blog. Also, this includes people who want to promote their brand. The agency through its blog has already proven its skills more than once. You will then find all the current topics related to website design.

Axe-Net’s blog

Many people today are interested in creating a website and referencing it. It is a useful web marketing solution, both to increase the visibility of their businesses and to stay in communication with their customers.

The Axe-Net web agency, after a few years, has become a real reference in the world of SEO and the creation of websites. His blog has proven to be a real lever of success for all those who are interested in his services.

Through the description of this SEO blog, you will discover its presentation, metrics and resources.

Presentation of the Axe-net blog

The agency Ax Net,directed by Sylvain Richard, launched in 2004 itsblog, animated since then by professionals such as developers, ergonomists or graphic designers. This site now allows many users to learn SEO in all its forms.

In addition, they can find articles that address various topics relating to SEO, e-commerce and even web marketing.

Several specialists work there in order to respond adequately to the concerns of customers. All of these collaborators aim to help users rank well on search engines, in a transparent way.

In addition, the methods used for an optimized and strategic blog are multiple. Through quality articles, contributors offer advice to satisfy the curiosity of Internet users. They also respond to the various concerns of users.

However, referencing a website and developing a platform is a real job. This is why Sylvain Richard, the founder of the blog, asked several professionals to work with him.

Among them are project manager Jean-Marc and artistic director Nathalie. Also present are Florian, developer and expert in server management, and Brandon, also a developer.

In addition to these contributors, the operation of this blog is also provided by specialized freelancers, SEO writers and technicians.

Axenet blog metrics

Website authority score : 38

Average length of visit : –

Average bounce rate: –

Monthly organic traffic volume : 8,40 k

Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.

Presentation of the different categories of the Axenet Blog

Natural referencing or SEO is great in a set of everything. The Axe-Net Blog offers various categories to help users understand it better.

To enable customers to find what they are looking for, the platform relies above all on quality work, with experienced experts. Here are the different categories of resources found on this blog.


The Axenet blog has a section specifically dedicated to e-commerce. This is an area that requires some knowledge and strategies.

Precisely via this section of the blog, you will be able to identify the impacts of your various choices concerning the optimization of an e-commerce site. Also, the published articles present effective techniques to allow you to make more income.


Being specialized in natural referencing, Axe-Net has astrong experience in the field. Thus, the blog offers you content relating to strategies that will allow you to position your site well on one of the reputable engines: Google.

humor and moods

One of the particular points of the Axenet blog concerns humor and moods. This is why the agency’s experts provide fun tips on their field of activity.

Web marketing

Web marketing is so popular today that it needs no introduction. However, the blog offers in this section quite useful content on this theme and on all the news that concerns it.


On the internet, you can sometimes face regulatory obligations. This will mean that it is not a place where you have absolute freedom. Indeed, laws apply here too.

It is therefore important to update yourself at all times regarding laws and regulations for the web. This is also why the Axenet blog has decided to set up this purely legal section.

For this reason, the team discusses the different legal concepts to help you better understand them.

The other resources of the Axenet Blog

The Axenet site offers several other categories of content.


Do you have a website? Well, know that you don’t always have to approach a developer for practical tasks like clearing the cache, changing passwords or choosing certificates. All you need is some simple tips.

This is what the Axe-Net team offers you in its technical section. Ingenious, isn’t it? With this, you will now be able to understand more about these aspects of web technology.

frequently asked Questions

Like all topics, natural referencing can raise many questions. What better than an FAQ section to summarize all these various concerns? Of course, users will be able to acquire more knowledge.

SEO videos

Wednesdays are special days at Axe-Net. She publishes on her blog sequences ofSEO video.In these, specialists respond to the various concerns of Internet users about SEO.

All they have to do is ask their questions via the agency’s contact form, which is also on the site.

Tests SEO

Google’s algorithm is not definitive, as it changes it periodically. In order not to miss or be behind on these developments, it is essential to carry out SEO tests. This is where our content in the SEO testing section comes in.

Users will find results tests on some natural referencing practices or applications on this engine.


The Axe-Net agency also offers content relating to the ergonomics and graphic aspect of an internal site. These are crucial elements, particularly in terms of conversion and transformation.


The Axe-Net blog offers a spam-free article subscription. All you have to do is provide your email address to be notified of all these publications.

Does it accept guest articles?

The Axe-Net Blog accepts very few guest posts. All this due to Google restrictions. Likewise, it shows that the creator is not a die-hard fan of this practice.

However, a few guest posts are posted on the blog. These are absolutely interesting contents!

In summary

The Axe-Net Blog is a solution that will allow you to ensure your presence on Google. Several services are offered to meet all concerns.

Also, the experts of the team publish frequently published to help all those who wish to improve their level in SEO. Thanks to the advice posted online, you can carry out your own SEO audit in order to optimize your site. It should also be mentioned that guest blogging is possible with the Axe-Net agency.

Videos : Blog Axe-net

Images​ : Blog Axe-net

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Presentation : Blog Axe-net

Blog Axe net Logo

AxeNet before being a web and SEO agency founded by Sylvain Richard was in its beginnings in 2001 a group of freelancers.

It was not until 2004, after the success of this grouping, that it officially took on its agency status, which has its head office in Cergy, Val-d’Oise.

About the author, you should know that Sylvain Richard has real business skills since he also came from a business school.

But currently, he is an SEO consultant. Passionate about the various communication opportunities that the Internet can offer already in 1998, he set up his first personal sites very early on.

Very quickly, Richard takes an interest in the referencing of these on search engines. Thus, through experience, he has gained a considerable level of skill in ranking sites on Yahoo, Altavista, Northern Light and the giant Google. His first article for the AxeNet blog was written in June 2008.

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Alexandre MAROTEL

Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.

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