Short Description : My little big web

Visit the blog of the my little big web site to find articles about SEO advertising in order to be sufficiently informed.
Long Description : My little big web

As you will see, the blog ofmylittlebig web offers a set of articles related to SEO in general, but more specifically there is content related to paid advertising, web marketing and website design.
Presentation of the my littlebigweb blog
Created since 2013 by a group of experts specializing respectively in online advertising, SEO on Google, user experience and web design development, the sitemy littlebigweb offers its users a blog on which well-detailed, expertly written and quite informative articles are regularly published. These articles are related to the various services offered. It is therefore right that we can think that they are designed by truly seasoned specialists.
Who is the mylittlebig web blog intended for?
With the subjects that are developed there, there is no doubt that the articles found on the blog of the my little big web site are put online for professionals in natural referencing, advertising or design. web. But, it is important to say that the style of writing, the diversity of information found in the articles on the one hand and the design of the site, the ease of navigation make this blog accessible to professionals, laymen as well as to anyone who shows any interest in the topics covered.
The metrics you blog de mylittlebig web ?
We have already said it and it is important to remember it, the blog offered by the mylittlebig web site is designed according to a very simple and accessible design. It also offers a display of articles in a mosaic format. This makes it easier to navigate between the different articles .
It should also be noted that the analysis of the organic traffic of this blog as of December 14, 2022 highlights very interesting measures, namely:
- Monthly organic traffic: 23,300 per month;
- Bounce rate: 64.81%;
- Average visit time: 00 minutes 40 seconds;
- Authority score: 38.
Note: These are figures collected at the time this description is being written. They are first approximate and are likely to vary over time.
Apart from all this, let’s not forget the blog’s newsletter which offers everyone who visits the blog a way to be informed of each new article published.
What will you discover on the mylittlebig web blog?
Once on the m’y little Big web blog, you will discover articles divided into various categories, namely:
- THIS: Under this category, there are articles related to SEO and its different aspects;
- paid advertising : As you know, advertising occupies an important place in digital marketing. This is probably why the my little big web blog gives it a certain place from the various articles that are published and that relate to it. As you will see elsewhere, some preference is given to advertising on facebook and google. The articles offered are also like guides or tips allowing each reader to find information that will be useful to them and from which they can benefit;
- web analytics : As its name seems to indicate, the articles that are found in this part of the blog are interested in an analysis of the web. We therefore find articles specially designed to help the many readers of the blog to have more explanations and understanding of given aspects. It is precisely in such a perspective that we find articles such as: “know everything about dropshipping”, “understand a loss of traffic” or even “how to effectively analyze your web traffic with google analytics?”, etc;
- Website design : Website design consists of carrying out a set of sometimes complex technical operations to be carried out even sometimes for professionals. My little big web therefore offers articles written by its experts to enlighten everyone on the elements to be taken into account in carrying out a given task. There are also articles that explain such and such other concepts or that simply provide information on tips to facilitate the completion of a task or provide advice;
- Videos : As you will see, the articles offered here relate to how to create and optimize SEO in any SEO strategy.
Beyond the my little big web blog
Beyond the blog provided by the mylittlebig web platform, there are other resources.
For example, we find the full range of services offered by the platform and which are related to the following areas:
- Le marketing digital : With digital marketing, the team behind mylittlebig web offers services such as: natural referencing, internet advertising, social media management, web content writing;
- And web design : At this level, the services found here relate to the creation of an online store, the creation of tailor-made showcase sites, development on wordpress, the establishment of support and the maintenance of websites.
Apart from these different services that are offered, we also find on the mylittlebig web site the portfolio of the achievements made with regard to the creation of websites, but especially case studies. There is also a page that includes testimonials and feedback from the site.
With all this, there is no doubt that you have all the useful information about what you will discover on the mylittlebig web blog. Do not hesitate to go there to take advantage of these different articles.
Videos : My little big web
Images : My little big web

Presentation : My little big web

My Little BIG Web is a web agency based in Montreal. It was founded in 2013 byEugenie DelhayeAndMaxence Pezzetta. This agency brings together a team of specialists in:
- design of web programs;
- natural reference ;
- online advertising…
The idea behind the creation of My Little BIG Web is that each company, regardless of its level or size, should be able to benefit from personalized qualitative support.
Moreover, about the authors, you should know that Eugénie and Max are specialized in:
- web development / web design;
- user experience;
- SEO on Google….
Eugénie Delhaye is known as an Internet marketing and SEO specialist. She holds two master’s degrees. One in internet marketing and the other in e-commerce.
Before founding My Little BIG Web with Max, she developed web analytical knowledge upstream. For this, Eugénie manages web site analysis projects with high traffic in order to detect visitor behavior and adapt the web approach of its clients.
After that, she worked at Microsoft de Billes Gate. This work enabled him to participate in the launch of the search engine. In addition, she has obtained Google Adwords and Yahoo-Bing certification by managing at least 600 SEO and Internet marketing campaigns.
Truly at ease with web analytics tools and numbers, Eugénie has an easy time detecting factors that can hinder the referencing of a site. His motto: “Only the results count so let the numbers do the talking”. His Linkedin profile is as follows:Eugenie Delhaye My Little Big Web. His twitter is this:@EugenieDelhaye.
As for Maxence Pezzetta, he is also a graduate of two masters. The first in web marketing and the second in e-commerce. Max is a web marketing and customer acquisition specialist who has managed several web projects as a freelancer.
It was after this that Microsoft offered him the position of Internet Marketing Manager for its Microsoft Dynamics component, a component in charge of integrated management computer programs.
Like the co-founder of My Little BIG Web, Max also participated in the launch of the search engine. He is therefore perfectly capable of leading a debate related to SEO techniques. In addition, by managing over 700 online advertising campaigns, he obtained his Google Adwords certification.
But since then, he has focused on acquiring new customers through the web by training rigorously in the latest techniques for generating business opportunities. Here is his LinkedIn profile:Max Pezzetta 🏅 My Little Big Web. Twitter : @MaxPezzetta.
Above My little big web
Social Network : My little big web
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Others Ressources : My little big web
Alexandre MAROTEL
Founder of the SEO agency Twaino, Alexandre Marotel is passionate about SEO and generating traffic on the internet. He is the author of numerous publications, and has a Youtube channel which aims to help entrepreneurs create their websites and be better referenced in Google.